Nutrition Paper

Explain why the topic you selected is a problem and how it relates to public health. Discussion: Outline a short review of literature and current understanding of the topic. Application: Suggest at least two options for action, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each option. Conclusion: Present your conclusions and recommendations. References: Students must follow the format (the AMA style) used in peer reviewed health journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, or the Journal of the American Dietetic Association. Suggested Topics for Paper Students may choose from the following topics or select any topic which has nutrition and public health implications. Nutritional supplements: Vitamin/mineral supplementation; antioxidants; herbals; nutritional quackery, etc. Fat in diet: Monounsaturated; trans-fatty acids; omega-3 fatty acids; very low fat diets Diet and behavior: Sugar; additives; iron; lead; malnutrition, amino acids Food safety issues: Pesticides, additives, genetic engineering, hormones, food irradiation, microwave ovens, acrylamide, methyl mercury in fish, etc. Weight control/obesity: Fad diets; dietary calcium in weight control, high protein diets, children and weight; etc. International issues: Starvation; malnutrition; vitamin supplementation Miscellaneous: Nutritional health of minorities; homocysteine and heart disease, folic acid, food fortification, dietary supplement regulation, etc.
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