Prompt and Invention Ideas for the Definition Mixed Modes Essay

Prompt and Invention Ideas for the Definition Mixed Modes Essay

We have practiced five essay modes: narrative, descriptive, illustration, compare/contrast, and cause/effect. The mixed modes essay defines a topic by writing each body paragraph in a different mode

Prompt: Choose ONE of the following topics and write a 5-paragraph essay defining the topic:


1. chivalry

2. love

3. happiness

4. sport

5. fun

6. diversity

Alternate prompt: choose your own topic but check with me

Your purpose may either inform (show your understanding) or persuade (motivate others to accept a point of view). The introduction should contain a one-sentence, three part formal definition of your term; this will be your thesis. You could further develop your introduction by expressing an attitude toward the term or by setting it in a broader context. The body should consist of three different types of 8 sentence body paragraph. The best conclusion will not only restate the thesis, but also add a new idea. Use your annotated readings as models of what to do (and not to do).

Below are some ideas for invention and the types of paragraphs they would fit into.

Descriptive Paragraph: Using strongverbs & adjectives, as well as the 5 senses, create a clear mental picture of the topic.Cause/Effect paragraphDiscuss what causes the topic to happen.Discuss what effects the topic has upon people, the world, etc.
Narrative paragraph: Using strongverbs & adjectives, as well as the 5 senses, tell a story that conveys the essenceof your topic.
Comparison/Contrast paragraph:Compare your topic to a synonym or similar topic that is close but not the same. This often produces a precise definition.Contrast your topic to something that it is not, also known as negation. May produce a general or precise definition.
Illustration paragraph:Give examples of the history or development of the topic.Give examples of the topic in action.
Process paragraph: Explain in steps from step 1 to the final step how the topic works, happens, or is produced.
Argument paragraph:Give two reasons pro or con and defend them.
Definition GO
A menorah/kinara/maypole/straw man/Christmas tree isa holiday decorationthat symbolizes and enacts the values of celebrators.
Etymology/Origin/History Paragraph
Negation Paragraph (what the topic is NOT)
Description Paragraph (describe the topic to create a clear mental picture, if applicable)
Process Paragraph (tell the steps in the process or explain how it works, if applicable)
Cause/Effect Paragraph (give the causes and/or effects of the topic, if applicable)
Narrative Paragraph (tell a story that reveals the essence of the topic, if applicable)
Example Paragraph (give 2 examples of the topic and explain why they are important)
Compare/Contrast Paragraph
Point of ComparisonTopic being definedSimilar or Contrasting Topic
Idea 1
Idea 2

For a 5 paragraph mixed modes definition essay, you will choose any three paragraph modes in order to create your own, personal, definition of your topic.. Obviously this GO is not big enough to write a whole paragraph in the blanks, just key words.


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What is the overall storyline and setting of the television program/movie?

The purpose of this assignment is to examine stereotypes on television to see if it promotes prejudice and discrimination. Pick a television program (you can also use a movie if you want) of your choice; it should be something fairly current and can be a drama or a situation comedy. Using what you have learned from your readings, analyze the program and answer the following questions in your essay:

What is the overall storyline and setting of the television program/movie? Who are the main characters? (Remember you will need to provide a proper citation for the program/movie.)

Does the program portray the main or supporting characters in a stereotypical manner in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, age, etc? If yes, describe the stereotypes and explain how the stereotypes might promote prejudice and discrimination. If the program does not seem to promote stereotypes, explain how it was able to avoid doing so.

Discuss the impact of stereotypes depicted in the media on individuals and society, using at least two contemporary examples. (These are not what you have talked about in regards to the tv program/movie but two additional examples from the media- for example: the news, in magazine ads, commercials, etc.)

Don’t forget to cite your sources- i.e. the show/movie you discuss should be cited both in the text and in the reference list! (Use the Purdue OWL website to find the way to cite a movie/television show).

Your paper should be 3-5 pages (three to five pages excluding the title page and reference page). Utilize APA format. You do not need an abstract. Your paper will be double spaced, and 12 point Times New Roman Font.


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What a Big Data could mean for a company or project?

Write 7 pages apa style and include 3-5 slides ppt as summary of paper.

What a Big Data could mean for a company or project? Study how others have applied the idea. Here are some real-world examples of Big Data in action:

• Consumer product companies and retail organizations are monitoring social media like Facebook and Twitter to get an unprecedented view into customer behavior, preferences, and product perception. • Manufacturers are monitoring minute vibration data from their equipment, which changes slightly as it wears down, to predict the optimal time to replace or maintain. Replacing it too soon wastes money; replacing it too late triggers an expensive work stoppage • Manufacturers are also monitoring social networks, but with a different goal than marketers: They are using it to detect aftermarket support issues before a warranty failure becomes publicly detrimental. • The government is making data public at both the national, state, and city level for users to develop new applications that can generate public good. • Financial Services organizations are using data mined from customer interactions to slice and dice their users into finely tuned segments. This enables these financial institutions to create increasingly relevant and sophisticated offers. • Advertising and marketing agencies are tracking social media to understand responsiveness to campaigns, promotions, and other advertising mediums. • Insurance companies are using Big Data analysis to see which home insurance applications can be immediately processed, and which ones need a validating inperson visit from an agent. • By embracing social media, retail organizations are engaging brand advocates, changing the perception of brand antagonists, and even enabling enthusiastic customers to sell their products.

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How has ideas about gender and sexuality impacted racial formation in the United States?

This essay will be a test of student’s ability to either craft an original essay on a topic concerning race and racism in the United States or to respond to a deep-dive question concerning race and ethnic relations in the United States using material covered thus far in class. Students are expected to properly cite all sources using ASA format. Your essay should include a thesis, evidence from the test supporting your thesis, and a summary of your argument. Please be aware, this assignment is not a test of how well students craft essays that they may believe align with positions held by the instructor. This essay should be based on what you think and the evidence that has led you to hold such positions. You will be graded on the substance of your argument, your use of material to support your argument, writing style and clarity, and how convincingly you argue your position. A separate grading rubric will be provided as a guideline for the essay. Below are two prompts from which you must choose one question to craft your essay in response to if you choose not to craft an essay based on your own topic.

Essay Prompts:

  • How has ideas about gender and sexuality impacted racial formation in the United States? What were (and are) the implications of such social constructions? And finally, what role have women, both white and Black, played in the race relations?

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The Incompatibility of the American Dream and (Takaki’s) Grand Narrative

DThe exam consists of a series of short and longer essays.

4 short answers (about 1-2 paragraphs)

  • you have a choice of five
  • The short essays are directly taken from the red terms at the beginning of each lecture powerpoint.
  • They are like identifications but in addition to telling me what the term means you should write a paragraph explaining why it’s important and connect it to its historical context. For example if I ask you about Lyndon Johnson I’m not looking for his biography paraphrased from wikipedia (adamantly NO). Rather, connect him to some of the terms and themes of this course such as the Civil Rights Movement and faith in government to solve social problems, affirmative action, the Vietnam War, the transformation of the Democratic Party etc. You don’t have to cover everything of course, but again, I’m not looking for facts about LBJ’s life you read on the internet but rather his importance as a figure as we’ve discussed it in this course (in lectures, forums, documents, and the textbook).
  • Each short essay is worth 25 points.

2 long essays (4-6 paragraphs)

  • You have a choice of 3 and need to write 2.
  • A good essay will include references to documents we’ve read though you are NOT expected to quote them directly like in a formal paper. So for example, if you are talking about the the backlash of the 1920s refer to Hiram Evans as well as the congressional debate over the immigration laws we covered that week.
  • Each long essay is worth 50 points.

DO NOT USE OUTSIDE SOURCES. It’s a plagiarism trap. Just use your documents, powerpoints, and textbook to answer the questions. This is an EXAM not a formal paper. You are not expected to do outside research. Just answer the questions as if you were in class taking a 3 hour final exam. I know this will probably take you longer than 3 hours since you are able to use your materials but it really shouldn’t take you more than 5 or 6 at the very most or you’re doing more than you should and getting too caught up in details. This is NOT a paper but should be treated like an in-class bluebook exam–the difference is you have access to the book, documents, and your notes. There is no time limit–the exam is not timed. But you do have to put aside the time to complete the exam between Monday morning and Thursday night. You will upload your final exam to Canvas as a SINGLE file (pdf or word) in the same way you uploaded your papers. Late exams will have a stiff paper penalty and you only have 24 hours of the semester after the due date to turn it in anyway so get it in by Thursday at 11:59 pm.


Short Answers: Answer FOUR of the following questions in about a robust paragraph. (25 points each)

  1. The Wedge: How is the “divide and conquer” strategy practiced by the owners of the Hawaiian sugar plantations part of the Takaki’s larger “wedge argument,” originally presented when he discussed Bacon’s Rebellion? Why (or how) was it successful? Please be specific.
  1. Becoming American: According to Takaki, Eastern European Jews went through a process of “purification” and to become American meant to acquire “civility.” What is civility in this context and how is this similar to the experience of other immigrant groups such as the Irish?
  1. The Incompatibility of the American Dream and (Takaki’s) Grand Narrative: Segregated schools were not only instruments of an ideological vision, as in the Jim Crow South, but served to train “obedient laborers” in the South, West, and Southwest of the country. “You people are here to dig ditches.” How does the first-generation demand for education, so inherent to the American Dream, challenge (or threaten) the Grand Narrative?
  1. Backlash I: The second KKK (ca. 1915-1944) presented itself as the protector of “Americanism” and was a mainstream organization that controlled municipal governments from Terra Haute, Indiana to Anaheim, California. How did it define “American” and what were some of the components of this organization BEYOND the obvious connection to white supremacy and the first KKK? What long-standing American movements or traditions were championed by the second KKK? (Hint: in my lecture I argued that there were 6 distinct movements or groups in American history that were blended together in the second KKK—you do NOT have to discuss all of them but at least two beyond white supremacy should be a minimum).
  1. World War II: Almost every chapter in Takaki’s “From a Different Mirror” tells the story of a different ethnic group during different historical periods. However, World War I gets its own chapter and he covers multiple ethnic groups in that chapter. Why do you think he chose to do that and what does it tell you about his larger argument about the role of World War II in American history told from a different mirror?

Long Essay: Choose TWO of the following essays. 3-5 paragraphs. 50 points each.

  1. Immigration in the Twentieth Century

Immigration was not a major prerogative of the federal government until the 1880s when New York state appealed on the grounds that it could no longer handle the numbers of immigrants arriving at its shores. Before 1882, there were no significant legal restrictions on becoming a naturalized American and hundreds and thousands of immigrants arrived between 1889 (when Ellis Island opened) and 1921. The open-door policy changed, however, in the wake of the First World War with the Immigration Restriction Act of 1921 and the Emergency Quota Act of 1924. Though there were various reforms in the 1940s and 1950s, the 1920s status quo on immigration was not significantly transformed until the Hart-Cellar Act of 1965. Write an essay in which you discuss the ramifications of these TWO 20th century transformations in immigration policy (that is 1921-24 on the on hand and 1965 on the other hand). How did they affect arriving immigrants as well as non-immigrant Americans? Note, you MUST address both the 1920s and 1960s changes in legal immigration.

  1. The Fourteenth Amendment, American Citizenship, and Due Process

The Fourteenth Amendment and its demand for due process and equal protection to all American citizens emerged out of Reconstruction and the need to protect freedmen and integrate them in to the legal framework of the country. However, it would have far-reaching ramifications well beyond Reconstruction and continues to be central to the culture wars of today. (For example, is a Christian baker violating the Equal Protection Clause when he refuses to bake a wedding cake for a gay wedding). Write an essay in which you discuss how the Fourteenth Amendment was utilized and interpreted to expand the rights of some or all Americans in all three of the following areas:

  • Immigration and Naturalization (Asian-Americans, Native-Americans)
  • The Civil Rights Movement (African-Americans, Latinos)
  • Social legislation (hint: right to privacy)

3. Economics and Race Intersectionality

How does the issue of race intersect with to the two major economic transformations of the 20th century in the United States of America? Write an essay in which you address the issue of race in

a. The New Deal and the shift to Keynesian (New Deal) economics that characterizes the period from about 1933 to the late 1960s/early 1970s.

b. The Conservative (or Reagan) Revolution from the mid-1970s to the present which returned to a less interventionist government in the economy. .

white america 1950s.jpg

Here are some issues you may wish to address in your answer. You do not HAVE to address any or all of these but you do need to be specific and address BOTH eras as elucidated above:

  • “White” affirmative action (during the New Deal and 1950s)
  • De-industrialization and Suburbanizations
  • Race Riots and Urban Decline
  • Dixiecrats (1948-1968)
  • Affirmative Action (esp. LBJ 1965 speech to Howard University)
  • The Southern Strategy and Dog Whistle Politics
  • Mass Incarceration and the Drug War

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Demonstrate that you have read and understood assigned portions of the texts & articles.

The portfolio essays are somewhat different from traditional thesis-style papers or research papers, so please read the following instructions carefully. The first portfolio essay is due mid-way through the course and it constitutes a summary and analysis of the material covered during the first half of the course. Your final portfolio essay is due at the end of the course and it constitutes a summary and analysis of the material covered during the second half of the course.

Your essays cannot be simply a repeat of your discussion board posts strung together with a few connective sentences, and with a few words tweaked. You cannot receive grade points twice for the same one content. Your essays must contain new original substantive material. This will require you to make some new comments and to introduce a summary and analysis of some additional aspects of the course material beyond what you have covered in your discussion board response posts. 

One very effective approach is to write your essay as if you were writing a letter to a friend. In your “letter” tell your friend what has been covered in the course thus far. Include whatever you think would be important for your friend to know. Obviously, you can’t cover every little detail/issue discussed in the broadcasts/lectures, textbook and discussion board, so you need to give your friend an overview of key points and, along the way, perhaps some more focused discussion of some things you found particularly interesting or controversial. Again, a very good way to do this is to go through the course content, module by module, discussing the most important aspects of what has been studies in each module.

Don’t concentrate on just one aspect of the course such as the textbook—be sure you draw upon the material covered in the broadcasts/lectures and discussion responses in addition to the readings. The main thing is to do a good job of “teaching your friend” about the topics we’ve covered thus far, and demonstrate to your instructor your knowledge of this material. You are not required to use the “letter to a friend” approach—it is merely a suggestion. Whether or not you use the “letter to a friend” format, your essay should summarize and reflect upon the major topics discussed in the course.

When writing your essay be sure to keep in mind the following grading rubric. Your portfolio essay will be evaluated on how well you:

1) Demonstrate that you have read and understood assigned portions of the texts & articles.

2) Demonstrate that you have viewed/listened to and understood the lectures and/or broadcasts.

3) Include your own commentary on, reaction to, reflection upon, or analysis of, aspects of this material.

4) Articulate the above in clear, grammatically correct prose.

You are encouraged to work on your portfolio essays throughout the course. I need to assess your knowledge of the topics and issues covered during the course, and the better the job you do of demonstrating your knowledge, understanding, and skills at analysis, the better the grade I can assign for your work in the course. 

Each portfolio essay must be a minimum of 3,000 words of solid original writing. Any title pages and/or bibliography entries are not included in the word-count. You are always welcome to submit essays longer than the required minimum! Each essay must be double-spaced, 12 pt., Times New Roman, and must be submitted on our course site using the “Portfolio Essay” links provided in the modules. Please make sure that your essay text is readable in the assignment submission space provided on our course-site. If you submit a link to a document file without the text of our essay appearing in the space provided, I probably won’t be able to open the doc file. If I can’t read your submission text, I won’t be able to assign you a grade for that assignment.


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What possible positions/arguments are there?

  • In the personal essay, you learned how to write with a strong personal voice.
  • In the informative essay, you learned how to write objectively and support your points with credible sources to inform the audience.

Now in your final assignment, you will combine these writing techniques to write a stance essay. A stance essay takes a position on a topic and argues and supports that position with evidence. Consider your topic:

  • What possible positions/arguments are there?
  • What position resonates with you? (Which position do you believe is correct?)
  • What are your main points?
  • What are the counterpoints? Are you ready to dispute them?
  • Do you have enough evidence to effectively support your argument?

For the stance essay, your personal voice (your perspective) should come through. This is just like assignment 1, except you should maintain a formal tone. And just like assignment 2, you will need to support your points with credible sources. You’re ready to take a position on the topic you have been writing about and to be persuasive!


Compose a three-four (3-4) page paper in which you do the following:

  1. Use third person point of view (POV) and the appropriate voice and tone throughout your paper.
    1. Did you use third person pronouns? (he, she, they, their)
    2. Does your personality carry over in your writing? Are your word choices personal and consistent? Is the tone formal?
    3. Does it express your attitude about the topic?
  2. Write an introduction paragraph, which includes your thesis statement. It is suggested that this paragraph contain 5-7 sentences.
    1. Does your introduction include solutions or approaches on the topic?
    2. Does your thesis statement include three supporting reasons that clearly express your stance on the topic?
    3. Is your thesis statement clear and concise?
    4. Does your introduction provide a preview of the rest of your essay?
  3. Write a supporting/body paragraph for each of the three (3) points/reasons from your thesis statement. It is suggest- ed that each paragraph contain at least 5-7 sentences.
    1. Do your body paragraphs support each point of your thesis with relevant examples or statistics?
    2. Do you address the opinions or concerns that your audience might have?
    3. Did you paraphrase, quote, or summarize properly to avoid plagiarism? Did you comment on each quotation?
  4. Write with logic and with transitions throughout your paper.
    1. Are your ideas consistent and well-organized, i.e., chronological order or order of importance?
    2. Do your ideas flow from one sentence to the next and one paragraph to the next, in the order presented in your thesis statement?
  5. Write a conclusion paragraph. It is suggested that this paragraph contain 5-7 sentences.
    1. Did you paraphrase or restate the thesis in a new way?
    2. Did you leave a lasting impression, so that your readers continue thinking about your topic after they have finished reading?
  6. Apply proper grammar, mechanics, punctuation and APA formatting throughout your paper.
    1. Did you check your grammar?
      1. The way words are put together to make units of meaning: Sentence structure, pronoun-agreement, etc.
    2. Did you check your essay for mechanics?
      1. All the “technical” stuff in writing: Spelling, capitalization, use of numbers and other symbols, etc.
    3. Did you check the punctuation?
      1. The “symbols” used to help people read/process sentences the way you want them to be heard and understood: Periods, question marks, commas, colons, etc.
    4. Did you format according to APA style? (See requirements below.)


Your assignment must follow these general APA formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides. It should also have a running header, short title headers, numbered pages, indented paragraphs, and a References List with hanging indent(s).
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. Note: The cover page is not included in the required assignment page length of three-four (3-4) pages.
  • In-text citations follow APA style, using attributive tags and signal verbs.
  • Did you cite at least four (4) sources (no more than two (2) of the provided sources in the webtext)? Are your sources credible?
  • Refer to the Soomo webtext or check with your professor for any additional instructions.

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Evaluation Essay

Evaluation Essay Assignment

Write a thesis-driven essay that evaluates a single work, using specific reasoning/evidence derived from criteria to support your stance.


This assignment should follow MLA formatting guidelines.

Key Terms

  • Evaluation: a claim that something is good or bad, right or wrong, useful or not
  • Criteria: things that matter in deciding whether your subject succeeds or doesn’t succeed, is strong or weak, or good in some respects and poor in others
  • Balance and fair assessment: allows for shades-of-gray argument strategies. Rarely is anything all good or all bad, so you need to acknowledge any weaknesses in things you praise and any positives in things you criticize. For example, a movie may have spectacular visuals but a tired and clichéd plot.
  • Purpose: To practice and develop the ability to construct, define, and support evaluative criteria; to generate a thesis based on evaluative criteria, revise the thesis in order to increase its effectiveness, and arrange, draft, and write a persuasive essay.

Assignment Summary

For this assignment, you will write an evaluation about some type of media product (a book, movie, album, video game, etc). You will develop a set of criteria on which you will base your judgment, and using those criteria, will explain your judgment to your audience.

Assignment in Detail

Your evaluation will be similar to the book or movie reviews you might read online, but you will need to tailor it for an academic audience. You will provide a balanced assessment, so you will need to discuss both the positive and negative aspects (strengths and weaknesses) of your text. That being said, your evaluation will probably be stronger if you do not write about something you love; you may not see the flaws. First, you will decide on a text. Then, you will create a list of criteria that you may consider using to evaluate the text. While making this list, you should consider the text’s rhetorical situation, such as its genre, audience, purpose, and stance. With the rhetorical situation in mind, ask yourself what factors would make this book, movie, etc. successful. Then return to your subject and see which of these criteria it meets, and which it does not, and find examples of ways it does or does not meet your criteria. Your essay should be guided by a thesis statement that states your overall evaluation or judgment of the text. Since no text is perfect and none are completely without merit, your thesis should balance the pros and cons; it should offer a judgment of the text but qualify it according to your criteria. The criteria you choose should be clearly defined at the beginning of your essay. You should also include a concise description of the text you evaluate toward the beginning of your essay, since your audience may not be familiar with your subject.

Note that summarizing the text should be a small portion of the final essay.

The bulk of your essay should attempt to persuade your reader to accept your judgment of the text. Thus, you will need to incorporate the most convincing and important reasons why your judgment is correct. You will also need to consider how to best factually support your reasons. Do not use any outside sources beyond your chosen text.

Some thoughts about this assignment

  • Choose a subject that you are familiar with. For example, if you choose a book, choose one that you have read before, and then reread it. The more familiar you are with the subject, the better your essay will be.
  • Think carefully about purpose and stance. Do you want to encourage or discourage others from reading, watching, etc. the work you evaluate?
  • Your evaluative criteria are extremely important for this essay. Establish the criteria early on in the writing process. Your judgment of the work depends on these criteria. That means that if your 

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Discuss the cultural implications of the studies and how the information from the CDC and population studies impacts current thought.

This is an essay exam that asks you to explore the various methods and problems associated with pseudoscience and improperly checked scientific studies.

In recent years, studies have debunked a 1998 study by Andrew Wakefield that suggested vaccines cause autism. You are asked to read up on the original author of the fraudulent article and to read and discuss articles that reevaluate the initial causation between vaccines and autism.

The following are a list of information and articles to help you.

Vaccines and Autism: A Tale of Shifting Hypothesis Link (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Information from the CDC Link (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

A Population Study from the New Journal of Medicine Link (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Your goal is to explore what went wrong. Use evidence from your readings to discuss problems in methodology and experimental design. Discuss the cultural implications of the studies and how the information from the CDC and population studies impacts current thought. Your essay should include quotes from all articles read during this unit as well as references to the articles given here. Your essay should have a standard thesis format in which a strong writing style will clearly indicate your point of view. Grammar and spelling does count. Approximately 8 -10 paragraphs (1500 words). You will submit a pdf document. It will be checked for plagiarism. Please cite your sources uses MLA format.


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