Ground Water Contamination And Water Pollution

Using the Environmental Health Risk Assessment framework presented in the second half of this course and an environmental health issue of your choice, provide:

(i) A brief description of environmental health issue (up to 600 words).

(ii) An overview of the nature of the hazard and the potential human health effects which may arise from exposure, as described in the scientific literature (up to 600 words)..

You should outline the strategy you adopted in searching the literature (up to 200 words)

(iii) How the risk is assessed. (up to 500 words).

(iv) The practicalities of controlling the risk and managing the hazard. Are there gaps in knowledge? What are the risk communication challenges? (up to 600 words).

(v) References. Presented in standard format. e.g. Author, Date.

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Explain how that challenge could be overcome through a specific, concrete plausible strategy

Maintain an academic tone, using appropriate course vocabulary, proper punctuation and grammar

☐ Edit your entry carefully so there are (few to) no typos, misspellings, or grammatical errors

☐ Respond to all parts of the prompt

☐ Engage the sociological imagination drawing connections between the unit readings, discussions, and themes and your social location and experiences

☐ Move beyond the most obvious writing points, building off but not simply repeating what we have discussed in lecture and section. In other words, be creative.

To answer this prompt: ☐ To begin your essay, write a paragraph summarizing color-blind racism and explain how it may create a challenge for students learning about race and racism. In your discussion, cite Bonilla-Silva, paraphrase in your own words and if you use quotes, use only very, very short quotes (include page numbers).

☐ Next, write a paragraph summarizing white fragility and explain how it may create a challenge for some white students learning about race and racism. In your discussion, cite DiAngelo, paraphrase in your own words and if you use quotes, use only very, very short quotes (include page numbers).

☐ Next, write a paragraph summarizing racial battle fatigue and microagressions and explain how it may create a challenge for some students of color in a classroom discussing race and racism. In your discussion, cite Embrick et al., paraphrase in your own words and if you use quotes, use only very, very short quotes (include page numbers). 
Note: The three paragraphs above should extend in length to 1.5 to 2 pages.

Then, write a paragraph discussing and identifying one strategy a student should employ when learning about race and racism that addresses a concrete and specific challenge related to color-blind racism. Explain how that challenge could be overcome through a specific, concrete plausible strategy. Be creative and detailed.

☐ Next, write a paragraph discussing and identifying one strategy a student should employ when learning about race and racism that addresses a concrete and specific challenge related to white fragility. Explain how that challenge could be overcome through a specific, concrete plausible strategy. Be creative and detailed.

☐ Next, write a paragraph discussing and identifying one strategy a student should employ when learning about race and racism that addresses a concrete and specific challenge related to racial battle fatigue and microaggressions. Explain how that challenge could be overcome through a specific, concrete plausible strategy. Be creative and detailed.


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Research Paper On Application Security

The research topic paper should present a general research topic about Application Security, narrow the topic down to a specific topics (subtopics) and then frame/explore an issue related to the specific topic. You should present and develop an argument concerning the issue.

Submit a 800 (minimum) word paper (about 3 pages) in which you provide a discussion on a Application Security topic of your choice.

Assignment Requirements:

Submitted work is to be proofread carefully and should not exhibit mechanical errors, such as spelling mistakes. Grammar should be checked for accuracy prior to submission. Students should select a writing style that is appropriate for the genre: for academic genres, an appropriate scholarly style is required. Proper citations, professional vocabulary in the field of study, and application of the concepts presented in the course texts are expected in each assignment.

All assignments must be original work. Plagiarism or verbatim copying of sources without proper attribution (so-called “cut and paste”) will result in failing the assignment and potentially failing the course; it can also lead to disciplinary sanctions from the college.

All assignments are due per the schedule.

Papers are to be written in Word, LibreOffice or Apple Pages using Times New Roman 12 pt. font with standard margins, double-spaced. Citations and the Reference List do not count in the page or word limit as indicated for each assignment.

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Write a 500 word narration essay on one of the topics from the list provided below

Write a 500 word narration essay on one of the topics from the list provided below . Althoug narratives serve a variety of purposes, the most succesful ones usually share three basic characteristics: they are clearly organized in time, make a central point, and contain specific details relevant to that point.

Narration is one of the most common types of professional writing, and it seeks to answer the basic question “What happened?”

The main goal of narration is to tell a story.

Select one of the following topics to produce your Final Narration Essay Exam :

1 – A first date.

2 – An incident that revealed the true character of someone you knew.

3 – An experience that caused you to learn something about yourself.

4 – An event that placed you in danger.

5- A typical day at school or your job.

Choose your essay structure carefully. Avoid including details that do not serve to advance or complete your narration. I expect your essay to contain a strong introduction that includes your essay’s thesis, a coherent and focused body that effectively transitions from paragraph to paragraph, and a rich conclusion that provides closure for your narration.

Use all the resources you have available to complete this exam. Refer to your textbook for strategies and tips on student writing. I strongly recommend that you read chapter 9 to refresh your knowledge of the narration mode.

You will be able to submit your essay several times; only the last entry will be kept and graded. I do not accept late or email submissions. I only allow up to 30% of similarities. Remember you have to use MLA format when writing your essay (Please refer to Lectures, week 8). This assignment will give you 5% of your final grade in this class.If you plagiarize your essay, you will get an F in the assignment, and your final grade in the class will be highly affected by your unacceptable behavior.


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Do you think students who are emotionally intelligent are more likely to succeed in college than students who have higher IQ?

Topice: Do you think students who are emotionally intelligent are more likely to succeed in college than students who have higher IQ?

Sources article use to support :“Non-cognitive Predictors of Student Success in College” will be provide below.

1200 words.

As you incorporate the source materials into your supporting paragraphs, be sure to summarize and/or paraphrase the original text in your own words to avoid unintentional plagiarism.


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Innovation Report

The Innovation Report builds on identifying a solution for the challenge or problem you identified on and how the focal organization will be able to deliver its revised value proposition. Make sure you include a discussion on this problem/organizational challenge and value proposition in your introduction to the report.

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How are the roles of men and women portrayed in any of the works we’ve read?

Major Essays: The majority of your grade in this course comes from a sequence of papers based on the assigned literature. This assignment should use at least 7 sources. Six sources (SECONDARY) should be scholarly books or articles published within the last ten years. One source (PRIMARY) will be your textbook (or it can be from another book, but a primary source is the original text, play, poem, book, etc being analyzed). Use quotes from the sources to support your thesis. This means your Works Cited page should have at least 7 sources altogether. Note: you may not use online sources such as Wikipedia, Gradesaver, Shmoop, eNotes, 123helpme, and etc.


Below is a list of possible topics for you to choose from. Choose ONE topic. Alternatively, you may come up with your own topic, but you must obtain my approval no later than Week 6 of the term. If you do this, I highly recommend you complete all Week 7 assignments as I will let you know if your thesis is strong (or flawed) and your topic sufficiently narrowed before you’ve gone too far. NOTE: If you choose your own topic, it must be related to literature- either something we’ve discussed this term or some other literature (play, poem, short story, novel, etc.) that has caught your interest.

  • In Week 4’s lecture notes, I talk briefly about Plato’s view of poetry and poets. Essentially, Plato says that poetry is a lie and poets are liars, therefore, neither belong in society. Make an argument that either supports or refutes Plato’s criticism regarding poetry.
  • How are the roles of men and women portrayed in any of the works we’ve read? What gender expectations do they follow or fight against?
  • How does an author use elements such as light and dark (or other symbols/images) to foreshadow or advance a plot?
  • What insights into human nature do we get from the stories/plays/poems we’ve read over the course of the term?
  • Choose a character from the stories we’ve read and do a detailed analysis of that character by which you argue what you think is the character’s biggest flaw or biggest strength. You may write about more than one character and compare/contrast them.
  • Review five or six poems by a single author. Start with a poet featured in your textbook, and then find additional poems at the library or on the internet. Write an analysis of a single element of that poet’s work− for example, theme, imagery, diction, or form.
  • Write an analysis of a certain theme (or other element) that you find in the work of two or more poets.
  • Write an analysis in which you single out an element of a play for examination− character, plot, setting, theme, dramatic irony, tone language, symbolism, conventions, or any other element. Relate this element to the play as a whole.

Regardless of which topic you choose, make sure that you analyze the piece of literature in detail as you make your argument. You may discuss more than one piece of literature and/or combine the topics.

The research essay should be at least 1,500 wordsThe essay should use at least 6 secondary sources, none of which may come from the Internet unless it is a journal article from Troy University’s online databases or other scholarly source. Then you will need to use your primary source for a total of 7 sources.


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Essentials of Sociology: A Down-To-Earth Approach

Essentials of Sociology: A Down-To-Earth Approach

  • Chapter 14: Population and Urbanization
  • Chapter 15: Social Change and the Environment

Essay Questions – Reminders

  • You are ALWAYS encouraged to “expand” your answers beyond just what you have read in the textbook, just make sure and cite any sources (using the APA style) you use OTHER than the textbook. NO need to cite the textbook in your answer. DON’T be to “short” with your answers. Your answers must reflect your understanding of the concept(s), and that really can’t be done in one or two sentences! These are essay questions, NOT short answer questions, so a minimum of two (2), well written paragraphs is expected for each answer. And remember, if there is more than one “part” to an answer, EACH part must be answered as a separate, quality paragraph.

Chapter 14: Discussion Topic – Urban Problems

Discuss the effects of suburbanization, disinvestment and deindustrialization.

Answer the following questions in your own words. Explain your choices and your reasons. Provide examples where possible. Be sure to number your answers and present them in order:

  1. Chapter 14: Explain why the Least Industrialized Nations have so many children and explain the consequences of rapid population growth.
  2. Chapter 14: Explain the process of urbanization, U.S. urban patterns, and rural rebound.
  3. Chapter 15: Identify and explain the four (4) ways that technology changes social life.
  4. Chapter 15: Explain how industrialization is related to environmental problems.

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The great depression

You will select and research a social justice issue relevant to the chronology/themes of the course and then explore the cultural, political, religious, economic and material values that normalized power and privilege in a particular time/place. My History class is about American history between in 20th century. Main events are “progressive era”, “imperialistic expansion”, “The great depression”, “World war I”, “World war II” “New era in 1920 s “. Basically, you need to select a social justice issue and do research on it, then write an analytical research paper use the information from your research and the material from those events. You don’t need to worry about the ” Research Proposal” and “Annotated Bibliography”, just write the paper and the citation.


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