Multicultural EDucation Lesson unit 7

Multicultural EDucation Lesson unit 7

Consider the following:

The nature of the learner. What do you know about the students’ entry level knowledge and skills; attitudes, values, and beliefs; learning styles; need for structure; family/peer support groups; sense of ethnic identity, motivation, self-image, second-language learner and so on.

The teacher’s scholarly knowledge. What are the key concepts, skills, and understandings to be taught? (page 273) What are the key questions and issues?I hope this format will help you more in doing your lesson plan.

By Wednesday have the learning objectives aligned to your instructional strategies.

By Sunday, April 2 upload the revised lesson plan that should include also:

a) One accommodation specific for the ESL students from the list provided (Designing Lessons for Diverse Learners article).

b) Are your materials/resources for the lesson plan free of bias? If Yes specify why in your lesson plan.

Next, and the last part of your lesson plan will be to add assessments that are aligned to the learning objectives and multiculturally responsive (Chapter 10). Also specify why your materials and resources are bias free (Chapter 7)What fact and generalizations are most important? What are the important connections between the subject matter and goals of global and multicultural education? What primary and secondary source materials are most valuable?

Lesson opener. How will you capture the student’s attention? How will you make connections with your student’s past learnings (e.g., concept maps, brainstorming, predictive activities, etc.)?

Attach all the handouts you are going to use in your lesson plan.

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Placing Culture and Cultural Space

Placing Culture and Cultural Space

Chapter 4


Chapter Objectives

Describe the relationships among culture, place, cultural space, and identity in the context of globalization.

Explain how people use communicative practices to construct, maintain, negotiate, and hybridize cultural spaces.

Explain how cultures are simultaneously placed and displaced in the global context leading to segregated, contested and hybrid cultural spaces.

Describe the practice of bifocal vision to highlight the linkages between “here” and “there” as well as the connections between present and past.



Explore the cultural and intercultural communication dimensions of place, space and location. We will examine:

The dynamic process of placing and displacing cultural space in the context of globalization.

How people use communicative practices to construct, maintain, negotiate, and hybridize cultural spaces

How segregated, contested, and hybrid cultural spaces are both shaped by the legacy of colonialism and the context of globalization.

How Hip hop culture illustrates the cultural and intercultural dimensions of place, space, and location in the context of globalization


Placing Culture and Cultural Space

Culture, by definition, is rooted in place with a reciprocal relationship between people and place


“Place tilled” in Middle English

Colere : “to inhabit, care for, till, worship” in Latin

In the context of globalization, what is the relationship between culture and place?

Culture is both placed and displaced


Cultural Space

The communicative practices that construct meanings in, through and about particular places

Cultural space shapes verbal and nonverbal communicative practices

i.e. Classrooms, dance club, library.

Cultural spaces are constructed through the communicative practices developed and lived by people in particular places

Communicative practices include:

The languages, accents, slang, dress, artifacts, architectural design, the behaviors and patterns of interaction, the stories, the discourses and histories

How is the cultural space of your home, neighborhood, city, and state constructed through communicative practices?


Place, Cultural Space and Identity

Place, Culture, Identity and Difference

What’s the relationship between place and identity?

Avowed identity:

The way we see, label and make meaning about ourselves and

Ascribed identity:

The way others view, name and describe us and our group

Examples of how avowed and ascribed identities may conflict?

How is place related to standpoint and power?

Locations of enunciation:

Sites or positions from which to speak.

A platform from which to voice a perspective and be heard and/or silenced.


Displacing Culture and Cultural Space

(Dis) placed culture and cultural space:

A notion that captures the complex, contradictory and contested nature of cultural space and the relationship between culture and place that has emerged in the context of globalization.

Time-space Compression:

A characteristic of globalization that brings seemingly disparate cultures into closer proximity, intersection and juxtaposition with each other.


Displacing Culture and Cultural Space

“In-hereness AND out-thereness”:

A characteristic of globalization in which a particular “here” is linked to “there,” and how this linkage of places reveals colonial histories and postcolonial realities.

The particular “here” is linked to “there” and this linkage of places reveals colonial histories and postcolonial realities.


The dual and simultaneous forces of globalization and localization.

First introduced in 19802 to describe Japanese business practices

The concept allows us to think about how globalizing forces always operate in relationship to localizing forces.


Case Study: Hip Hop Culture

Back in the Day: South Bronx

Black and Puerto Rican youth created forms of cultural expression to reclaim their belonging to place, such as the streets, neighborhoods, and cities

Introduction to hip hop culture

Going Commercial:

Attracted a wide range of audience, including the White youth.

Commercialization and commodification

Gained both criticism and praise for its controversial lyrics and messages.

Going Global:

Hip Hop Community Center in India

Appropriation: “Borrowing,” “mishandling,” and/or “stealing” across the world


Case Study: Paradoxes of Hip Hop Culture

It enables economic mobility and provides a platform for speaking.

It also promotes stereotypes about communities of color and valorizes danger, violence, misogyny and homophobia.

It provides communication vehicles for the marginalized.

It also promotes commodification of culture and benefits those who control the music industries, primarily White Americans.


Cultural Space, Power and Communication

Throughout history and today, space has been used to establish, exert and maintain power and control

Power is signified, constructed and regulated through size, shape, access, containment and segregation of space


The use of space communicates



Segregated Cultural Space

Cultural spaces that are segregated based on socio-economic, racial, ethnic, sexual, political and/or religious differences

Voluntary or involuntary/imposed


The word “ghetto” originally referred to an area in Venice, Italy where Jews were segregated and required to live in the 1500s.

The reservation system imposed on Native Americans.

The Jim Crow laws (1865-1960s) that segregated Blacks.

The isolation of Japanese Americans during WWII.

Sundown towns or “whites only” towns.

Schools today are re-segregated to the same level as in 1970s

In Hurricane Katrina, low-income, working class neighborhoods were hit the hardest

Gated communities


Contested Cultural Space

Cultural space where people with unequal control and access to resources engage in oppositional and confrontational strategies of resistance and/or contestation


Chinese immigrants who came to the U.S. to work from the 1850s onward were forced to live in isolated ethnic enclaves known as Chinatowns in large cities such as San Francisco and New York

In the early 2000s, in Hudson, New York, a small town of 7,000 just 100 miles north of New York City, residents joined together to protest the building of a massive, coal-fired cement factory

Occupy Wall Street; Occupy Oakland; Occupy Boston, etc.


Hybrid Cultural Space

The intersection of intercultural communication practices that construct meanings in, through and about particular places within a context of relations of power.


McDonald’s in Russia

Wal-Mart, Starbucks and other American companies are mixed into local cultural spaces around the world

Hybrid culture spaces are not simply the blending of cultures and cultural practices

Rather, hybrid culture spaces involve a negotiation of power


Hybrid cultural space as site of intercultural negotiation

Hybrid cultural spaces as innovative and creative spaces where people constantly adapt to, negotiate with and improvise between multiple cultural frameworks.


Cultural space of “home” experienced by Asian Indian immigrants in the U.S.

Immigrants create hybrid cultural space to creatively maintain their relationship to their culture and tradition.


Hybrid cultural space as site of resistance

Hybrid cultural spaces where people challenge stable, territorial, and static definitions of culture, cultural spaces and cultural identities.


Asian Indian immigrants create hybrid cultural space as a form of resistance to the dominant American culture.

Hybrid cultural space allows them to avoid total assimilation and a loss of their own culture.


Hybrid cultural spaces as sites of transformation

Hegemonic structures are negotiated and reconfigured through hybridization of culture, cultural space, and identity.


Chicana feminist Gloria Anzaldua uses the notion of “borderlands” to transform the experience of cultural marginalization into a space of oppositional and liberatory identity.



Placing Culture and Cultural Space

Place, Cultural Space, and Identity

Displacing Culture and Cultural Space

Case Study: Hip Hop culture

Segregated, Contested, and Hybrid cultural space


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Critical Reading Analysis

Critical Reading Analysis


A Critical Reading Analysis (CRA) aims at scaffolding for an author’s main concepts, and de-constructing some of his/her ideas or arguments. While this intellectual task is critical for a clear understanding of the concepts advanced by an author, it will serve as a springboard into more in-depth discussions of the chapter’s content and method(s). Appended, you will find the template for completing this assignment. Also, please browse through the student sample(s) of similar work, which I have uploaded to INST 110W COURSE GUIDELINES in Bb Learn. The following are the specifics for a successful completion of the assignment:


a. Make sure you will have read Kathryn Sorrells’ chapter 4: (Dis) Placing Culture and Cultural Spaces: Locations of Nonverbal and Verbal Communication (Textbook, pp. 76-99), before you start to work on your CRA-1;

b. Address the questions that I have highlighted on the CRA by providing the specific page(s) number(s), paragraph(s), where the reader can locate the information on chapter four;

c. You will not earn points for this activity IF you do not provide the page(s) number(s) where the information is drawn from;

d. I strongly recommend that you read the CRA STUDENT SAMPLES, which I have provided to you (i.e., pay particular attention to how the students backed up Sorrells’ main points, arguments);

I uploaded a file to write the assignment on it, Also, I uploaded the lectures if you need it

And here is the books :’%20chapter%204%3A%20(Displacing%20Culture%20and%20Cultural%20Spaces%3A%20Locations%20of%20Nonverbal%20and%20Verbal%20Communication&f=false

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Fix the script

Fix the script

Anshul walks into the room his family is already in the room.

Anshul: What is there for dinner tonight?

Mom: Your father did not get his wages for the day, so we were not able to pay for dinner.

In most families this would be something extraordinary but for Anshul and his family this is a normal occurrence.

Anshul leaves the room without saying anything and walks into his room

He takes his books out of his bag and begins to start studying. Anshul has dreams of becoming an engineer so he can pay for his families expenses so that they never have to go to bed without having a proper meal again.

His mother walks into the room.

Mom: I know this is not ideal situation that our family leads, but use this as motivation to become better for yourself and the sake of our family. Do not throw your life away like the rest of the kids from our area who just drink and do drugs all day.

Anshul: Mom you know that is not the life that I want to lead. I want to better for our family so that we never have to see such days again.

Mom: I know, and I want you to know how proud I am of you for the man you are turning into. Now concentrate and study I know you have a lot of work for school.

His mom leaves the room and he begins to study.

The next day

Anshul wakes up. Anshul has to be up every morning at 6 so he can pay for college through his job. He works as a waiter in restaurant close to his house. Anshul gets ready and leaves for work.

He walks into the restaurant.

Owner: Again you have come to work late. This cannot keep happening otherwise I will have no option but to let you go.

Anshul: Sorry sir you know I do not do it on purpose but you know the situation at home, again we had to go to sleep without eating dinner.

Owner: You know I sympathize with your situation Anshul that is why I gave you the job in the first place but I am trying to run a business here and will have to take a decision on what is best for my restaurant.

Anshul: I know sir, I very sorry and will make sure this does not happen again.

Owner: Now go and quickly eat before your shift starts.

Anshul leaves the room.

The owner has been a guiding light in Anshuls, life he wants him to lead a better life which is why he provided him with this job and looks out for him when most people do not.

After a tiring day of work and college Anshul returns home. As he enters his mom runs up to him and gives him a hug. She has the biggest smile on her face.

Anshul: What happened?

Mom: I just got off the phone with your uncle. He wanted to let me know that he will be coming home this week to speak to you about working in his company as an engineer.

Anshul is overcome with happiness.

Anshul: I cannot believe this. I worked so hard for this moment. I promise I will not let you down.

Mom: I know you won’t son, I know how hard you have worked to put yourself through college. You deserve this opportunity only better things will come your way now in life, this is the turning point of your life.

Anshul leaves the room to begin preparing for this interview. Anshul spent all night preparing for this interview and he knew deep down that he would kill it. Most people who were in his position would think that because of his circumstances he would be in a weaker position compared to other candidates but not Anshul, he believed his circumstances only made him stronger as it provided him with the drive that most other individuals will not have. Just as Anshul was preparing for bed a thought crossed his mind that what if the other kids in his area were jealous that he wanted to be better in life and would try to sabotage his interview. Anshul quickly erased the thought and went to.

Anshul wakes up with a smile on his face he knows this is the day he has been preparing his whole life for. He goes to his moms room.

Anshul: Mom, what time is uncle coming.

Mom: He should be here sometime close to lunch time. You go and prepare for the interview I will come and get you when he is about to reach.

Anshul: Okay

Mom: I put your good clothes out, wear those today.

Anshul leaves the room and begins to prepare for the interview. He is unable to focus and starts getting anxious. Anshul is extremely nervous for the interview as he knows this is a life defining one.

The door bell rings.

Mom: Anshul come down quickly your uncle is here.

Anshul runs down, while his uncle enters.

Mom: Hey, hope you are doing well. I wanted to thank you for the opportunity. Just the fact that you are interviewing Anshul means so much to our family I will never be able to repay this debt.

Uncle: Please you are embarrassing me. I only do this cause I care deeply for you and your family.

Anshul walks into the room.

Anshul: Hey uncle, hope you are doing well.

Uncle: Hey Anshul, I am doing well shall we begin the interview.

Anshul: Yes.

The two sit down.

Uncle: Before I start this interview I just want you to know that, you will get no special treatment from me. I want you to know I will be treating you like any random candidate interviewing for this position.

Anshul: Yes uncle I know, I would not expect anything else from you.

Uncle: So Anshul, the first question I wanted to ask you was, given your circumstances do you think you are at a disadvantage when compared to other candidates that apply for this job?

Anshul: I do not believe this, I believe my circumstances have actually made me a stronger individual compared to other candidates. Most people would see my situation as a disadvantage but I see it as an advantage. My circumstances have made me more hard working compared to others as I have had to work extra hard for anything that I wanted to achieve in life.

Uncle: Okay, I see that you have been a good student through college but what else can you offer this company.

Anshul: As you know my family is not very well to do, they were not able to afford my education because of which I had to do a job on the side. In this job I learnt how to work well in a team and become extremely hard working as I had to balance the two things out. I promise you, if I get this job I will you be your most hard working employee who puts work before everything else in life.

As the interview nears a conclusions his uncle is blown away by his answers.

Uncle: Anshul I must say I am extremely proud of the individual you have become. Most people given these circumstances would have thrown their life away but not you. You have worked so hard to become the person you are today and I could be prouder of you.

Anshul: Thank you uncle, all I want now is to get this job and to be able to provide for my family.

Uncle: I will call you with an answer by tomorrow.

His uncle leaves the house. Anshuls mom hears the door shut and rushes out to find out how the interview went.

Mom: How did it go?

Anshul: It went very well he will let me know by tomorrow if I have got the job or not.

While his uncle is walking to his car he is ambushed by kids that belong to the same area.

Kid number 1: Hello sir, you are Anshuls uncle right?

Uncle: Yes I am, how do I know you?

Kid number 1: You do not we have just heard a lot about you from Anshul.

Kid number 2: Yes he speaks about you all the time, were you there to interview him?

Uncle: Yes I was and I must say the interview went extremely well. I am so proud of the person he has become.

Kid number 3: I think you are mistaken sir, you do not know Anshul the way we know him.

Uncle: What do you mean?

Kid number 3: He was putting on a show in front of you, to hide the individual he has become. He did all of this to fool you. You do not the person he has become. All he does is drink and do drugs the entire day.

Uncle: I cannot believe this, I have known his family my entire life, he would never do such a thing I am sure of it.

Kid number 2: Sir trust me, no one knows him like we do. We see him every day around this area, why would we lie to you?

Kid number 1: We just wanted to show you who Anshul actually is before you make a decision on whether you want him to work for your company or not.

His uncle is shocked and leaves without saying anything.

The kids begin to laugh.

Kid number 1: This will teach an Anshul a lesson, he always thought he was better than we were and refused to hang out with us now let’s see what he does.

Kid number 1: Yeah man, his uncle has no idea that whatever we just said to him was a lie. There is no way he will offer Anshul the job now.

Kid number 3: No way he is going to get the job now, but I feel bad for him. He spent his entire life working towards this and we just ruined it for him because we are jealous of his progress.

Kid number 1: Shut up! This is what he deserved after treating us the way he did. He always thought we were beneath him because he had ambitions in life and wanted to achieve something, now let’s see what he does.

The next day Anshul gets a phone call from his uncle.

Uncle: Anshul I am sorry to inform you that we will not be offering you a job in our company we have decided to offer this position to someone else.

Before Anshul could ask why his uncle abruptly cuts the phone.

Mom: What happened? What did your uncle say?

Anshul is stunned and does not respond.

Mom: ( in a louder tone) What did he say?!

Anshul: He said that I did not get the job

Mom: Did he tell you why?

Anshul: No he just cut the phone Anshul leaves the room in tears.

For the next few days Anshul is inconsolable, he had not been eating or talking, he just kept to himself. His family did everything they could but nothing they did made him feel better.

The next day Anshul leaves the house to go for work and he is confronted by those same kids.

Kid number 1: How did your interview go?

Anshul: I thought it went very well but for some reason I did not get the job.

The kids start laughing

Anshul: What happened?

Kid number 2: We know why you did not get the job.

Anshul: ( in an angry tone) Why?

Kid number 2: We are the reason you did not get the job.

Anshul: What do you mean?

Kid number 3: We told your uncle that you were acting in front of him to hide who you really are

Kid number 2: We told him you sit around and do nothing but drink and do drugs.

Anshul is absolutely shocked he cannot believe what he has just heard.

Anshul: Why would you do such a thing? What have I ever done to you?

Kid number 1: You always thought you were better than us and refused to hang out with us. You always thought we were beneath you so we decided to take revenge on how you treated us.

Anshul: I cannot believe you ruined my life for the way you thought I treated you. You have ruined my life for absolutely no reason I will never forgive you for this.

Kid number 1: It is a good thing then that we do not care about your forgiveness.

Anshul was shocked and did not know what to do. He Decided to run straight to his uncles office and try to explain to him what happened.

Upon reaching his office he was confronted by the guard

Guard: who are you here to meet?

Anshul: I am here to meet my uncle he is the CEO of reliance.

Guard: Wait over here while I call upstairs to let him know you are coming up.

Anshul: Okay

Guard: Sorry to disturb you sir but I have Anshul here to see you.

Uncle: Do not let him up. Make sure no one lets him up whoever will do so will be fired on the spot. Make sure you escort him outside of the building.

Guard: Okay sir

Guard: Sorry you are not allowed upstairs. You are not allowed to stay in this building so I will have to ask you to leave.

Anshul cannot believe his Uncle has refused to see him.

Anshul leaves the building slowly while deciding what to do. He decides to wait for his uncle outside the building near his car.

After waiting for 6 hours his uncle finally comes down to see Anshul waiting near his car.

Uncle: I have nothing to say to you your friends have told me all I need to know about you.

Anshul: Do you really believe them? Is this how little you think of me? After everything I have been through, everything I have seen in life do you really think I would throw my life away like this.

Uncle: It was hard for me to believe but I have always feared that you have been sucked into this life which is why I believed it.

Anshul: You have to believe me this is not the life I want to lead, I want to make something out of my life, I want to be better for myself and for my family. Those kids just lied to you because they were jealous I wanted to do something in life and refused to become like them. They did it out of jealously. You have to believe me.

Uncle: I do not know what to do.

Anshul: Please uncle, if you give me this job I promise I will be your most hard working employee. I am begging you please just give me one chance I promise I will not let you down.

Uncle: Okay, I will give you one last chance but if you mess this up you are out of here and you will never hear from me again.

Anshul: Thank you so much uncle, I promise you will not regret this.

Anshul runs home to celebrate with his family. Anshul was exuberant and could not contain his happiness. The dream he saw as a child and worked so hard to achieve was finally coming true. He ran home to tell him mother that he had finally achieved what he had set out to do.

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Case Study – Regression Model

Case Study – Regression Model

Please follow all instructions. I have attached a PFD just in case you need to know how to create a process map. When creating the map, make sure you use the correct symbols











Dr. Gerald Conners manages the daily Emergency Room Operations, including

Personnel, Pharmaceuticals, Equipment (and all other) necessary Products, for 10 State-

Run hospitals in the state of Arkansas, USA.

In order to maintain proper Inventory Levels, so as to not have shortages of the

Flu Serum Afluria at any of the hospitals, Dr. Conners has hired you to develop a

Regression Model using any data necessary from all hospitals (or any other available data

you can find) that will help you to develop a forecast for necessary Flu Serum levels.

The Operational Environment

Upon arrival to the ER, a patient must provide initial information to an attending

Administrative Assistant. Included are the patient’s insurance information, recent

illnesses and any recent travel outside of the United States.

The patient is then taken to Triage where their vital signs are taken and have their

condition assessed by a Triage Nurse. Temperature, Pulse, Respiratory Rate are taken,

and usually an Electrocardiogram is administered. The results are taken and digitally


Next, the patient is taken to an Examination Room or, in many cases, a Trauma

Room where an Emergency Room Technical Assistant attaches the patient to a monitor

to keep a constant review of all vital signs. An ER Attending Physician then performs an

initial diagnosis and begins diagnostic tests and recommends proper treatments and

possibly a transfer to specialized areas of the hospital for further tests and analysis.

Again, all results and treatments are digitally stored.

Case by case charts are created by all Doctors and Nurses involved with the

patient, from Check-In, to Triage, to Trauma, to Release or Transfer.

As materials are used up and a certain re-order point is reached, an order is placed

to the Materials Handling Department to deliver products to the ER and update all

inventory levels.

The Materials Handling Department then checks its new inventory level to

determine if it needs to notify the Purchasing Department to set the Supply Chain in

motion to have more products delivered to the hospital.

When new products arrive at the Loading Dock, they are delivered to the

Inventory Area or directly to a specific area of the hospital. In emergency cases, products

are delivered directly to a patient’s room.


You have been tasked by Dr. Conners to develop a REGRESSION MODEL for him

that will forecast the Quantity of a certain Pharmaceutical (Afluria) to order.


This an exercise in INDEPENDENT THOUGHT.

I know you are not a Doctor or Nurse, but just THINK about the Operational

Environment of an Emergency Room.

Deliverable #1

Using WORD, Create a Process Map of the current Emergency Room Operations.

This help you to see flow of data throughout the daily operations of an ER.

Deliverable #2

Using EXCEL, develop a Multiple Linear Regression Model to estimate Flu Serum

Levels Necessary for an impending pandemic.

Your Dependent Variable (Y) will be the NUMBER OF VIALS OF FLU SERUM


The total number of INDEPENDENT VARIABLES (X) is up to you to decide,

but you must use at least 5.

You have access to all Doctors and Nurses Charts, Materials Handling Data,

Purchasing Data as well as Patient Data. You may request any additional hospital

data that you wish.

In addition, you can go “outside the box” and use any data in the outside world!

You have the freedom to “make up” data for your X Variables if you can’t find any!

When this is done, it is many times referred to as “Synthetic Data”. It is not actual

Real-World Data, but rather it is hypothesized and estimated.


I have no problem with the accuracy or inaccuracy of this test data, as I know

you’re in school and don’t need to spend an inordinate amount of time chasing

down data. It’s how you REPORT the results that’s important. Even if your

Regression turns out to poor, that’s OK. Simply analyze the EXCEL-generated

Output and report the findings of your Regression Model.

Think Independently! Think of viable factors that may help forecast the Y Variable,

both from the hospitals AND ‘outside the box”.

For example, one researcher looked at the number of “Romantic Movies” released

during the flu season and the number of tickets sold to these movies as Independent

Variables. The reasoning behind this was that kissing by attendees was thought to

increase by viewing this type of move genre, and thus a factor in the spread of flu


Here is the data for your Dependent (Y) Variable:

HOSPITAL Y-Values (from Last Year)

Little Rock 5000

Searcy 1000

Russellville 3000

Conway 4000

Hot Springs 2000

Baptist 6000

St. Vincent 7000

Bryant 9000

Benton 8000

Mena 1000


E-MAIL your Process Map and EXCEL Regression Model to me TOGETHER, not


PROCESS MAP: E-MAIL a WORD document with a file name of

YOURNAME-PMAP to me. For example, mine would be ClarkKent-PMAP.

REGRESSION MODEL: You will E-Mail an EXCEL Spreadsheet with your data

in a Worksheet called MYDATA, and another Worksheet named

MYREGRESSION. Instead of MY, use PhillyGirl. For example, mine would be

ClarkKentData and ClarkKentRegression

Name the EXCEL file: YOUR NAME—REGRESSION. Mine would be ClarkKent-


Now, in the Regression Output, do as I did in the Regression Examples I gave you.

Use the YELLOW HIGHLIGHTING TOOL to highlight the proper Regression

Statistics (for example, Adjusted R Square, etc).

Then, like I did in the model tutorial, insert a Text Box and, IN PLAIN and CLEAR

ENGLISH, explain the results of your model and what the EXCEL generated

Regression Output represents.

And don’t forget your REGRESSION EQUATION! This is important. This is your


Just follow the models that I gave you as a guide.

Remember, I hope you have a good model, but even a bad model, if reported well,

can answer a lot of questions. You would then know which factors are NOT good

predictors for your model.

Points will be deducted for not following the Formatting and Naming Conventions

listed above. Let’s face it, crunching through all these numbers and fishing around

for your files and names could make me miss more than the NCAA Basketball


Please remember the aforementioned naming conventions for your Process Map,

Worksheet Names and the EXCEL File Name, as well as the use of the Yellow

Highlighting Tool and Text Boxes.

Have Fun and Be Creative!

Best of Luck!

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Write A Research Paper In Which You Argue For Either Tort Laws Or Criminal Laws As The More Effective Deterrent Of Bad Online Behavior.

Paper Requirements:

APA format (proper grammar)

300 words minimum

4 citations.

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Discuss some of the issues underlying the free speech vs. censorship debate in cyberspace

Discuss some of the issues underlying the free speech vs. censorship debate in cyberspace

Be sure to address all parts of the topic question as most have multiple parts. A verifiable current event (less than 4 years old) relevant to at least one of the topics you respond to is a fundamental component of your essay as well. You cannot use information from the text book or any book/article by the author of the text book as a current event. Make sure that your reference has a date of publication. For the essay you are required to find and include at least one reference and reference citation to a current event less than 4 years old (a reference with no date (n.d.) is not acceptable) in answer to at least one question. This requires a reference citation in the text of your answer and a reference at the end of the question to which the reference applies. You must include some information obtained from the reference in your answer. The references must be found on the internet and you must include a URL in your reference so that the reference can be verified. The citation should be in APA format. It should be 3 to 4 pages.

  1. (a) Describe some concerns involving pornography in cyberspace. (b) Why was the Communications Decency Act (CDA), sections which were designed to protect children from concerns about pornography on the Internet, so controversial? (c) Why was it eventually struck down? (d) Why were both COPA and (portions of) CPPA struck down as being unconstitutional? (e) Should they have been declared unconstitutional? Defend your answer.Please elaborate (beyond a yes or no answer) and provide your “theoretical” rationale in support of your responses. (comprehension)

3 (a) What is sexting, and what challenges does it pose for prosecuting current child pornography laws? Recall the examination of the sexting incident at Greensburg Salem High School, PA (in Scenario 9-3). (b) Should the teens involved in that case have been subject to felony charges under existing child pornography laws? Explain. Please elaborate (beyond a yes or no answer) and provide your “theoretical” rationale in support of your responses. (knowledge)

4 (a) Describe some of the issues underlying the free speech vs. censorship debate in cyberspace. (b) What is meant by “free speech”? (c) Describe the differences between what Catudal calls “censorship by suppression” and what he calls “censorship by deterrence”? (d) Is this distinction useful for understanding some of the complex issues surrounding censorship? Defend your answer and please elaborate (beyond a yes or no answer) and provide your “theoretical” rationale in support of your responses. (comprehension) LO 9

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What is sexting, and what challenges does it pose for prosecuting current child pornography laws?

What is sexting, and what challenges does it pose for prosecuting current child pornography laws?

Be sure to address all parts of the topic question as most have multiple parts. A verifiable current event (less than 4 years old) relevant to at least one of the topics you respond to is a fundamental component of your essay as well. You cannot use information from the text book or any book/article by the author of the text book as a current event. Make sure that your reference has a date of publication. For the essay you are required to find and include at least one reference and reference citation to a current event less than 4 years old (a reference with no date (n.d.) is not acceptable) in answer to at least one question. This requires a reference citation in the text of your answer and a reference at the end of the question to which the reference applies. You must include some information obtained from the reference in your answer. The references must be found on the internet and you must include a URL in your reference so that the reference can be verified. The citation should be in APA format. It should be 3 to 4 pages.

  1. (a) Describe some concerns involving pornography in cyberspace. (b) Why was the Communications Decency Act (CDA), sections which were designed to protect children from concerns about pornography on the Internet, so controversial? (c) Why was it eventually struck down? (d) Why were both COPA and (portions of) CPPA struck down as being unconstitutional? (e) Should they have been declared unconstitutional? Defend your answer.Please elaborate (beyond a yes or no answer) and provide your “theoretical” rationale in support of your responses. (comprehension)

3 (a) What is sexting, and what challenges does it pose for prosecuting current child pornography laws? Recall the examination of the sexting incident at Greensburg Salem High School, PA (in Scenario 9-3). (b) Should the teens involved in that case have been subject to felony charges under existing child pornography laws? Explain. Please elaborate (beyond a yes or no answer) and provide your “theoretical” rationale in support of your responses. (knowledge)

4 (a) Describe some of the issues underlying the free speech vs. censorship debate in cyberspace. (b) What is meant by “free speech”? (c) Describe the differences between what Catudal calls “censorship by suppression” and what he calls “censorship by deterrence”? (d) Is this distinction useful for understanding some of the complex issues surrounding censorship? Defend your answer and please elaborate (beyond a yes or no answer) and provide your “theoretical” rationale in support of your responses. (comprehension) LO 9

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Health Promotion and Community Resource Teaching Project

Health Promotion and Community Resource Teaching Project

Save Link Assignment CLC – Health Promotion and Community Resource Teaching Project

View RubricDue Date: Mar 31, 2019 23:59:59 Max Points: 160


This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

An important role of nursing is to provide health promotion and disease prevention. Review the 2020 Topics and Objectives on the Healthy People website. Choose a topic of interest that you would like to address, in conjunction with a population at-risk for the associated topic. Submit the topic and associated group to your instructor for approval.

Create a 15-20-slide PowerPoint presentation for your topic and focus group. Include speaker notes and citations for each slide, and create a slide at the end for References.

Address the following:

Describe the approved topic and associated population your group has selected. Discuss how this topic adversely affects the population. How does health disparity affect this population?

Explain evidence-based approaches that can optimize health for this population. How do these approaches minimize health disparity among affected populations?

Outline a proposal for health education that can be used in a family-centered health promotion to address the issue for the target population. Ensure your proposal is based on evidence-based practice.

Present a general profile of at least one health-related organization for the selected focus topic. Present two resources, national or local, for the proposed education plan that can be utilized by the provider or the patient.

Identify interdisciplinary health professionals important to include in the health promotion. What is their role? Why is their involvement significant?

Cite at least three peer-reviewed or scholarly sources to complete this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and public health content.

Refer to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Please Note: Assignment will not be submitted to the faculty member until the “Submit” button under “Final Submission” is clicked.

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