Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

Cellular respiration and photosynthesis form a critical cycle of energy and matter that supports the continued existence of life on earth. 

Describe the stages of cellular respiration and photosynthesis and their interaction and interdependence including raw materials, products, and amount of ATP or glucose produced during each phase. How is each linked to specific organelles within the eukaryotic cell. What has been the importance and significance of these processes and their cyclic interaction to the evolution and diversity of life?


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Apoptosis, Crossover, and Tumor-suppressor genes

Apoptosis, Crossover, and Tumor-suppressor genes”

For your primary post, please respond to one of the following three topics with a post of at least 125 words that addresses each point given in the instructions. Also, please reply to at least one fellow student on any topic.

Topic 1 : Apoptosis. Watch the Khan Academy video about apoptosis (1)*, then address the following issues in your own words:

  • (a) What is the difference between apoptosis and necrosis? 
  • (b) What is the role of apoptosis in the normal, healthy development of animals? 
  • Reminder: you don’t need to cite the Khan Academy video for this topic, but if you use any other sources, you must cite them. 

Topic 2 [article]: Crossover. Read the article from the University of Rochester on a gene that influences crossover rates in fruit flies. Then address the following: 

  • (a)  Explain the relationship between crossover, genetic diversity, and natural selection.
  • (b)  Summarize the findings regarding a gene that influences crossover.
  • Reminder: you don’t need to cite the University of Rochester article for this topic, but if you use any other sources, you must cite them. 

Topic 3 [research]: Tumor-suppressor genes versus Proto-oncogenes. This is a library-research topic in which you are required to provide your sources. Mutations in tumor suppressor genes can contribute to or cause cancer, just as mutations in proto-oncogenes can also contribute to or cause cancer. However, tumor suppressor genes are very different from proto-oncogenes.

  • (a) Explain why a gain-of-function mutation to a proto-oncogene (or its promoter) may be associated with increased risk of cancer.
  • (b) Explain why a loss-of-function mutation to a tumor suppressor gene may be associated with increased risk of cancer. 

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the difference between ELISA and microfluidic diagnostic test

The first project was about the effects of hot peppers ( see attachment I added all the information)

The second project

the difference between ELISA and microfluidic diagnostic test

why is Microfluidic better and cheap and available for everyone

whst are the disadvantages of ELISA( expensive and takes long time)

the problem with Microfluidic is it cannot detect the specific amount of samples

The third Project about papers Oxidation

they tested papers form 1500 year

they added Calcium and Mg to papper because it limits the oxidation


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Cancer Warrior

Watch the short (11 minute) interview video clip with Judah Folkman (note the date of the interview), and read “Cancer Warrior” interview text available at

If science is based on observation, why did researchers still criticize Dr. Folkman’s hypothesis of angiogenesis after the rabbit eye experiments? Do you think that researchers today would have had the same reaction/criticism?  Why or why not?


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Describe in details the difference in composition and in structure between gram positive and gram negative bacteria?

  • Discussion Topic       
  •  1. Describe in details the difference in composition and in structure between gram positive and gram negative bacteria?
    2. Do you think the gram staining method can be used to differentiate between ALL types of bacteria?
    3. What is Giemsa stain and Acid-fast stain? what each method is used for?      
  •  Week 2 Discussion Topic 2  
  • Discussion Topic    
  •  I’m Done   What are the differences and similarities between Prokaryotic and  Eukaryotic cells?      
  • Week 2 Discussion Topic 3 
  •  Discussion Topic 
  •     I’m Done   Provide an example of each of the following indicating; the name of the microbe, the mode of transmission, and the disease it causes.
    1. A gram negative bacteria
    2. A gram positive bacteria
    3. An intracellular bacteria
    4. A fungi
    5. A unicellular parasite
    6. A multicellular parasite 

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What part of immunity or our immune system might probiotics exert an effect, if any?

Please answer original forum with a minimum of 300 words 

Respond to both students on separate pages with a minimum of 100 wlords each

please Follow directioma or I will dispute 

page1- Original Forum with References 

page2- Jennifer Response 

page3- Cristina Response 

Original Forum

We have all heard about the variety of foods that claim to improve our health in some way or another. Of keen interest is to improve our immune system by consuming certain foods. A key term that has come into use is Probiotics. Yogurt, especially those that state, active live cultures, claim to boost our immune system but are these claims true? Are the advertising and marketing of these products true to their claims?

Immunity is not a single or simple process but a complex and ever changing system. In order to better understand what or if super foods exist that could potentially improve immunity, it is necessary to address what part of the immune system these foods might exert any effect. Is it possible to eat a food or foods that enhance our immunity? Are there any scholarly studies to support such claims? 

Review Chapters 17 and 18 of your textbook for a review of Innate and Adaptive Host Defenses. 

For this forum, choose ONE of the following products. Each of them claim they are probiotic. Do some research on it to determine if it has any scientific validity or if the probiotic key word is a marketing strategy used to get attention and boost sales.

Choose only ONe

Compose prose to address the following questions;

-What part of immunity or our immune system might probiotics exert an effect, if any?

-Explain the proposed mechanism(s) of how probiotics work?

-Does one have to buy a special brand of the products for it to work?

-You only chose one of the topics, but what is the common denominator from all of them (it’s a microbe)?

Student Responses


Hello everyone,

Growing up my dad would always take a probiotic pill saying it promotes good health. I went to a nutrition store in town called 5Star nutrition and they gave me the whole probiotics are good for you and I bought a package of the pill form. All I can say is it helped me used the bathroom better. 

Probiotics are said to contain a live microbial feed that balances the microbial bacteria in the intestines. 

I find it wild that up to 500 million species of bacteria may be in the large intestine at any point in time. With that being said, probiotics enhance host defense mechanisms. This means that stabilizing microflora, a bacteria that develops after birth will allow the immune system to have a better chance at fighting off harmful pathogens.

You can buy probiotics in “pearl” pill form or in the form of food. I have heard that yogurt cleanses the body and is a good probiotic, but after reading about Activia’s lack of proof showing that their yogurt is a probiotic, I wonder what other companies lie about food and the benefits for you. 

Before this forum I had not heard of the health benefits of Kimchi or Kefir and what they use to convey their health benefits. No matter if it is Activia, Kimchi, or Kefir studies show that the corresponding microbe enhances health benefits for the digestive system. I chose to read more in-depth about Activia and the misinformation they advertised to the public. They advertised what the public wanted to hear; that there is this delicious product that improves your health, so buy it by the cases. This proved to be very false as told by the Federal Trade Commission. 

Works Cited

E., Y., P., H., S., & S. (2001, February 01). Probiotics: Effects on immunity. Retrieved October 29, 2018, from

Dannon Agrees to Drop Exaggerated Health Claims for Activia Yogurt and DanActive Dairy Drink. (2013, September 30). Retrieved October 29, 2018, from


Some bacteria are able to survive the acidic environment in our stomachs with a protective shield around them, foods like Activia claim to contain this bacterium.  When digested, the majority of probiotics result in in the colon.  Inside of the colon is microbiome, colonies of bacteria, fungi viruses, and archaea which inhibit the environment; this collection of bacteria is essential in order to extract nutrients from foods.  “Bifidobacterium spp. constitute a substantial part of the human gut microbiota and are frequently used as probiotics and in yogurt production” (Foster, Lister, Parker, Schneegurt, Thi Tu, 2016.).  These strains are considered good bacteria and continue to survive through the digestive system, clearing out bad bacteria that may pose a risk to our bodies. 

            However, your environment is constantly changing, probiotics are being consumed and may little effects on the individual.  False accusations of products that contain probiotics have agreed to no longer support their claims; “the FTC charged that Dannon’s ads were deceptive because it did not have substantiation for its claims” (Dannon Agrees to Drop Exaggerated Health Claims, 2010).  Recent research still does not provide accurate information for companies to make claims of the proven facts on how probiotics help an individual. 

            In general, intestinal inflammation is a result of an imbalance of intestinal microflora, creating irregularity; microflora contributes to processing food antigens in the gut, an imbalance causes digestive issues for individuals.  Probiotics can positively affect immune regulation specifically by controlling of the balance of proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines, this can be affective by regulating what is consumed.  Focusing on fiber rich foods, or prebiotics are what is essential for probiotics to be effective. 


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State of the science

Bio 101 Research Paper Directions

The topic of the paper should cover some aspect of the broad field of Biology (

It must be at least 1000 words in length (NOT including references). For a chance of maximum credit, closely follow the instructions, as described.

Each section of the paper should have a title, similar to below:

Summary (approximately 100 words)

Even though the summary is positioned at the beginning of the paper, it should be the last part of the paper you complete! All components of the paper (NOT including references) should be evident within these 100 words.

Introduction/background (approximately 300 words)

This part of the paper should contain a short history of the topic you have chosen. This may include the origins of the name, early observations of the phenomenon, and/or important people who contributed most significantly to what is known. You could also briefly discuss what interested you about your chosen topic.

State of the science (approximately 300 words)

In this section I expect a description of the important biological aspects of the topic. “How does it work?” Describe the mechanism of the disease and/or the key aspects of the biology/physiology/ecology being discussed.

Future directions (approximately 300 words)

Finally, discuss the limitations of what is known about the topic and/or what scientists are trying to find out or develop. Examples would include aspects of biology or physiology that are not understood and things being done to deal with a problem/disease.

Referencing (not part of the 1000 words!)

Your paper must have references! Citations in the body of the paper should adequately represent statements made in the paper (NO LESS THAN 6 REFERENCES. USE THE STYLE DESCRIBED BELOW).

They should be numbered and shown in the Reference Section at the end of the paper in the order that it appeared

(this is Vancouver system: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Grading breakdown

Parameter                                         Meaning                                                         Value (%)

Timeliness            Emailed word file before start of class on required date     5 (10%)

Stlye/format          Following the guidance outlined in the directions                10 (20%)

Content                 Quality of writing/storytelling (is it interesting to the grader?)  15 (30%)

Grammar/spelling No spelling mistakes! Proper sentence structure!                 10 (20%)

Referencing         Following the guidance outlined in the directions                 10 (20%)



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Virus structure

Design and submit a concept map on what you have learned.  It should include concepts and connections between concepts including:

  1. Virus structure
  2. Virus functions
  3. Transmission and Replication
  4. Types

Can be hand written, thats how i’ve been submitting them lately. Please include some sort of reference at the bottom. 


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In the past 25 years, we have learned a lot about DNA, and are now able to manipulate genes. Plants are genetically modified to possess desirable traits such as resistance to disease and to grow with less water and fertilizer. There are even certain Idaho potatoes that all grow to the same size, so McDonald’s french fries are the same length! Human genes are inserted into bacteria to inexpensively produce drugs that treat diseases. Soon, non-life threatening cosmetic changes will be available for those who can afford them.

Conduct an internet search to find an interesting example of genetic engineering. Then, summarize what you discovered in about 200 words. Do not copy and paste or plagiarize in any way. Post your initial comment at least 24 hours prior to the assignment due date. Next, return to the discussion and read the posts of your other classmates. Respond to at least one other student’s findings with about 50 words. Make sure to address them by their first name and then sign your response with your own first name. Check the course schedule for the assignment due date. This discussion board is worth five points.


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