Apoptosis, Crossover, and Tumor-suppressor genes

Apoptosis, Crossover, and Tumor-suppressor genes”

For your primary post, please respond to one of the following three topics with a post of at least 125 words that addresses each point given in the instructions. Also, please reply to at least one fellow student on any topic.

Topic 1 : Apoptosis. Watch the Khan Academy video about apoptosis (1)*, then address the following issues in your own words:

  • (a) What is the difference between apoptosis and necrosis? 
  • (b) What is the role of apoptosis in the normal, healthy development of animals? 
  • Reminder: you don’t need to cite the Khan Academy video for this topic, but if you use any other sources, you must cite them.

Topic 2 [article]: Crossover. Read the article from the University of Rochester on a gene that influences crossover rates in fruit flies. Then address the following: 

  • (a)  Explain the relationship between crossover, genetic diversity, and natural selection.
  • (b)  Summarize the findings regarding a gene that influences crossover.
  • Reminder: you don’t need to cite the University of Rochester article for this topic, but if you use any other sources, you must cite them.

Topic 3 [research]: Tumor-suppressor genes versus Proto-oncogenes. This is a library-research topic in which you are required to provide your sources. Mutations in tumor suppressor genes can contribute to or cause cancer, just as mutations in proto-oncogenes can also contribute to or cause cancer. However, tumor suppressor genes are very different from proto-oncogenes.

  • (a) Explain why a gain-of-function mutation to a proto-oncogene (or its promoter) may be associated with increased risk of cancer.
  • (b) Explain why a loss-of-function mutation to a tumor suppressor gene may be associated with increased risk of cancer. 

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For readability, please be sure to double-space your assignments. Use this provided upload documentto submit your response to the following discussion:

“Form follows function”: A common biological axiom is that structure and function are closely related. From amongst the following components of functional systems covered thus far, choose four of the following and describe the structure of that component and explain how the structure contributes to the function of a) the component itself and b) the organ system to which it belongs.


Red blood cell



Small intestine

Digestive enzyme



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examine cellular interactions to recognize contributive factors to mental and physical being;

Question 1

Personal habits and individual choices can impact a person’s risk of developing cancer. What are some lifestyle changes that could be made to decrease a person’s risk of developing cancer.

Question 2

examine cellular interactions to recognize contributive factors to mental and physical being;

Question 3

In many areas where WHO works, there are many illnesses caused by different types of microorganisms.  Understanding the field of microbiology will help you to sort out the harmful and beneficial effects of microorganisms.  Think about what you already know about microbes.  Are they all bad? See if you can think of beneficial and harmful microorganisms.  What tools would you need to identify microorganisms that cause disease?

Question 4

Trace the history of microbiology, choose one scientist, what did this scientist discover, and how did it impact the human life? 

Question 5

Please watch the following short video regarding the chain of infection. 

After watching the video, briefly discuss the chain of infection for the following examples, indicating the following; what type of pathogen is this, what disease does it cause, mode of transmission of this pathogen, and does it need a vector for transmission? 

1. E. coli

2. Toxoplasma gondii 

3. Plasmodium falciparum 

4. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

5. Influenza virus  

6. Histoplasma capsulatum 


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Synthetic chromosomes, Transcriptomes, and Patents on BRCA genes

Synthetic chromosomes, Transcriptomes, and Patents on BRCA genes”

For your primary post, please respond to one of the following three topics with a post of at least 125 words that addresses each point given in the instructions. Also, please reply to at least one fellow student on any topic.

Topic 1 [videos]:  It’s parent was a computer file. Watch the short video about organism with the synthetic chromosome that was created at the Craig Venter Institute (1)* and the video about the “streamlined” version that organism(2)*.   Subsequently, answer the following:

  • (a) How does the DNA in the synthetic organisms differ from DNA in naturally-occurring microorganisms?
  • (b) What do you think we’ve learned from these experiments?
  • (c) In your opinion, what are the inherent risks of this research to human health or to the environment, if any?

Topic 2 [article]: Transcriptomes. The complete set of all DNA in a cell is called the genome. The complete set of all the mRNA in a cell is called the transcriptome. Read the following article about the transcriptome (1)*, then address the following:

  • (a)  What does the transcriptome tell us that we can’t get from the genome? 
  • (b)  If we compare the transcriptome between cells that have completely different functions in the body, how do you think they would compare?
  • (c) Explain how this concept relates to our lesson on gene expression from Chapter 7.

Topic 3 [research]: Patent protection for BRCA genes. On the Internet, read one or more articles about how the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) ruled in the caseof Association for Molecular Pathology versus Myriad Genetics. In your answer, you must give credit to your source(s). Your answer must address the following:

  • (a) Describe some of the major reasons why the plaintiffs objected to Myriad’s patent on the breast cancer-related genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2.
  • (b) Describe the SCOTUS ruling regarding naturally-occuring DNA sequences, as well as their ruling regarding DNA sequences that do not exist in Nature.

Note: the rulings of lower courts are NOTof interest for our purposes. Please concentrate only on SCOTUS’s ruling. The objective here is to emphasize the precedent-setting ruling of the highest court (SCOTUS), rather than to recount the litigation history. 

  • (c) What is your view on the issue of whether we should allow human genes to be patented?
  • Be absolutely sure that you cite your sources, and list your references. 

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Reflecting on what we’ve learned: if you now had to choose a career (or hobby!) in Biology, which would you choose?

Reflecting on what we’ve learned: if you now had to choose a career (or hobby!) in Biology, which would you choose? Which topics did you enjoy the most: biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, evolutionary biology, plant biology, functional systems? Was there anything you were most interested or surprised about learning? What are some core concepts you think you may be able to carry with you and apply in your life going forward? Which part of the course did you find most challenging?


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The Bone Woman

Here are the instructions for the genocide paper topic proposal discussed in class today. It must contain the topic you plan on covering and your planned thesis. It needs to be two paragraphs in length and include a bibliography of seven academic sources (books or peer reviewed journal articles) you plan on using for the paper not including TheBone Woman. Citation style is up to you as long as it is a recognized style and you are consistent. The first page of the articles or a synopsis of the book is also required so we can ensure they are appropriate sources.paragraph 1 :Topic Information ,Choose one genocide from the book and pick smaller topic(children, effects after genocide or women).Paragraph 2:Introduce thesis .


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The Major Components of Life

The Major Components of Life

no word count 

Prokaryotic and eukaryotic are the two major categories of cells making up life on earth. Both these types require water and carbon.

Describe the characteristics of water and carbon that makes them important to living things in general, and to specific forms of life including plants, animals, and prokaryotes. Why is NASA looking for water on Mars?

Describe the differences in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. How have the characteristics of each kind of cell put limitations and provided opportunities for the survival and divergence of modern living things? Why might both cell types be considered equally successful? Make sure to consider both Domains of Prokaryotes.


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Eukaryotic cells are more structurally advanced than prokaryotic cells.

1200 words

Eukaryotic cells are more structurally advanced than prokaryotic cells.

Describe the structure and function of each of the eukaryotic organelles.

Distinguish between those that are and are not membranous.

Explain the importance of membrane structure and function in the organization of living processes within cells.


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The Importance of ATP and Enzymes

The Importance of ATP and Enzymes

ATP (adenosine triphosphate) has been called the energy currency of the cell. Briefly outline the cycle by which energy is stored in and released from ATP. Discuss how ATP is critically important to cellular chemical processes. 

Enzymes are protein materials that control chemical processes. 

Describe the specific mechanisms of enzyme function. 

Pick a specific enzyme and describe its function and the importance of that function to life. 

Discuss how the loss of that enzyme would disrupt living processes. 


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