Illegal drugs in communities

Illegal drugs in communities
Paper , Order, or Assignment Requirements

The focus of the capstone project is to solve a contemporary social and criminal justice issue through the application of information from a variety of related fields, which may include sociology, law, psychology, and ethics. In developing a proposed solution to a modern social and criminal justice issue, you are encouraged to use scholarly and primary sources, multimedia, and interviews with professionals in the field (if possible) to identify and devise a workable plan.

Within the Final Capstone Project, complete the following:
•Identify a clear thesis statement to address your chosen criminal and social justice issue.
•Summarize your chosen social and criminal justice issue.
•Propose the resolution to the social and criminal justice issue.
•Examine the operations of the criminal justice system as it relates to your chosen issue and resolution. This may include operations related to crime scene investigation techniques and security; the collection, preservation and presentation of evidence; and processes related to correctional institutions, incarceration, and release.
•Analyze how the criminal and social justice theories (in relation to the United States Constitution) and landmark U.S. Supreme Court decisions impact your chosen issue and support your resolution.
•Explain how social and criminal justice systems promote social equality and fairness for all and how this impacts your issue and resolution. Consider how poverty, racism, and religion apply to contemporary social and criminal justice.
•Assess how the centralization of criminal justice agencies in the United States, The Patriot Act, the U.S. Homeland Security Act, and international aspects of social and criminal justice impact your issue and resolution.
•Identify and describe at least two careers in criminal justice (existing or to-be-created) for agencies that may be involved in addressing the issue and resolution you have chosen.


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identifying areas of personal strength and building positive self-perception.

Utilise qualitative feedback provided by others who know you well about you at a time when you have been at your best (your “best self”)
Paper , Order, or Assignment Requirements

Important Points –
• Use only UTS Harvard Style Referencing
• Literature needs to be from the 4 articles mentioned and +3 to 4 of our own articles.
• Appendix is necessary
• I have attached the 4 articles and E mails from friends in a single PDF to get my strengths.
• Summary table needs to be included.
• Point 5 in Analyse section, needs to have a table with 3 columns.

Aim: The aim of this assignment is to promote self-reflection and mindfulness by identifying areas of personal strength and building positive self-perception. While it concentrates on ‘best-self’, it should be recognised that ‘less ideal or not so positive’ moments are integral to developing a picture of one’s self and in building resilience. Hence, this assignment should not be viewed as the entire self-portrait, even though it is a critical component of self-esteem.

Details: Some of the world’s leading positive psychologist and organisational development experts developed the Reflected Best Self (RBS) exercise, making it a powerful, well-designed tool for learning. RBS is one of the most powerful exercises for developing a deeper level understanding of one’s own strengths and virtues required for developing ‘leadership capabilities’. The exercise is both challenging and insightful and its completion requires a series of steps.

Notes: The exercise will require you to receive feedback from people who know you well. You should be aware that these people will be sharing a story about you. These stories will serve as the backbone of your paper. At first, you may feel awkward or uncomfortable doing this, but you will find people are usually willing to share their ideas about you.


A. Identify at the very least 10 people who know you well (work colleagues – current and/or former; family, friends, and peers). Aim for people who will provide the most honest answer, and who know you in different contexts to give a broad range of perceptions and experiences. You must have at least 10 people respond to ensure this exercise is of greatest value.

B. Compose and send an email request inviting these individuals to contribute THREE stories that describe how YOU add value and make important contributions. An example of this email is provided at the conclusion of this assignment brief.

C. Analyse:

1. Print out and read all of the 30+ stories received via email from your colleagues. As you read the responses, highlight key words and phrases that represent your strengths. Then, start developing some notes of common themes emerging across all responses (these themes represent your STRENGTHS)

2. You should also make notes on those things that surprised you about how people see you, and those things that did not surprise you as much. This information will be useful later when you write your reflection.

3. As you do your analyses, develop a table (this will be your FULL RESULTS TABLE) of all the themes/strengths that emerge from your data. Use a tally count system to count up the number of occurrences for each theme in your data, and record this on your table.

4. Once this is finished, you should decide HOW MANY STRENGTHS/THEMES you think are important enough to include in your SUMMARY TABLE in your report. If you only have a few counts on your tally, you might want to consider if this is really a STRENGTH or not.

5. Record your KEY STRENGTHS in your final report in the Findings section via your SUMMARY RESULTS TABLE. This table is included in your word count and will have three columns: –

• “Emergent themes” – the KEY themes (strengths) that emerged from your data analysis;
• “Specific statements” – Examples/quotes from your respondents that represent each theme
(you should aim for 3-4 quotes at least)
• “My interpretation”- You should include here your interpretation of each of your themes (so, one interpretation entry per theme, not one interpretation entry per example/quote!)

Now, write up your assignment (word counts below are a rough guide only):

Introduction (approx 300 words): Provide an introduction where you offer an overview of the structure of your report including your literature review, method, findings, reflection and conclusion.

Critical literature review (approx 1500 words): Write a critical review of the literature on Positive Psychology and strengths and the RBS exercise. Your review must critique the articles provided as well as covering the literature on STRENGTHS and the RBS.

To reduce the occurrences of plagiarism and duplicate reviews from current and past students, each student will be provided with a list of journal articles for their review. You may then add up to 4-5 additional articles from your own research. With the exception of the literature relating to the RBS exercise, you should NOT USE THE ARTICLES PROVIDED IN THE SUBJECT OUTLINE/UTS ONLINE for your critical review.

Method (approx 300 words): Your method section should describe your process of sending emails, number of emails sent, responses received, a description of who your respondents are, how you decided theme names, how you decided which themes were “KEY THEMES” and how the responses were analysed.

Findings (approx 700 words): Your findings section should provide an overview of the key themes revealed along with examples. This section should include your SUMMARY RESULTS TABLE, summarising your key themes according to the three columns outlined in (5) above.

Reflection (approx 500 words): In your reflection section, you should evaluate your findings (do not reflect on your findings in the “Findings” section!) Discuss your internal reaction to the process, including how this process might have changed you, along with ideas about how you might further develop or leverage the strengths have been revealed through the process. As you complete this part, it is good to reflect on the following in your answer (These questions were developed by Laura Morgan-Roberts and her colleagues at Michigan University’s Centre for Positive Organizational Scholarship), you do not need to answer all these questions, but give them some thought:

• Who am I at my best?
• How do I define best, and how do others define best? How do I reconcile any inconsistencies between how I define best, and others define it?
• What are the commonalities and inconsistencies across the different stories?
• Whose feedback matters most, and why?
• Are there any new insights gained from the RBS exercise? (i.e. I did not think about this)
• What has been reinforced about me because of the RBS? (i.e. I thought this about myself, but it’s good to know its validated by others)
• What are the enablers and barriers to being my best self both personal (such as behaviours, beliefs, thoughts, and cognitions), and situational (such as organisational systems, practices, routines) etc.
Finish your reflection section with a “Best Self Vision Statement”. This statement takes into account your RBS analysis. As you write, think about the following questions:

• Given my RBS analysis, what strengths and capabilities can help me tap my potential?
• What makes me unique and what do I want my contribution to be?
• What standards will I use to define success in my professional life?
• How will I need to organise my life to live up to these standards? What are the trade-offs?

Conclusion (approx 200 words): Your paper should conclude with a brief review of the structure of the report, method, findings and reflections.


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Director′s Personal Statement

Director′s Personal Statement
Paper , Order, or Assignment Requirements

write about communication systems you have in place, how you share information with others, work in Person Centred way to ensure individuals needs are met, implement Heath and safety at work, Safeguard Vulnerable adults and Children from danger, harm and abuse, How you ensure quality is maintained in service provision and how you support others within their day to day working role. Explain what your specific role is and how you work with others to ensure outcomes and standards are being adhered to by everyone involved. This is a holistic plan and should enable us to reference over several units. The more information you provide the more it will cover.


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Identify the requirements to carry out a health and safety inspection

Safety management
Paper , Order, or Assignment Requirements

Learning Outcome 1 – Conduct inspections of the workplace.
Requirements could include HSG65 guidance. Access to previous inspection records, specialist assistance (chemist, vet), specialist equipment (dust, noise etc) individual health and safety records, maintenance records etc. Ways to identify health and safety hazards may include, observation, walkabout, formal and informal inspection, and interview, questioning, consultation etc. New machinery, hand tools, automated systems, new people, manual handling, display screens.

Records could include, risk assessments, inspection records, minutes, data sheets, interview notes, photographs, etc.

(1.1) Identify the requirements to carry out a health and safety inspection
Explain the different situations when workplace inspections are carried out. Also explain the frequency and if different departments have different requirements.

(1.2) inspect the workplace to identify and evaluate hazards
Explain how you carry out workplace inspections. Describe the process and the documentation used when identifying and evaluating the hazards involved.
(1.3) Evaluate hazards through observation of work activities
Explain how you use observations of the workforce carrying out tasks, when evaluating the hazards. Describe the communications involved in this process.
(1.4) Examine proposed activities to identify and evaluate hazards including:
• new workplaces
• new equipment
• new processes
• new activities
Describe the situations when you have evaluated the hazards of a new workplace, when new equipment has been used and when new processes and new tasks have been implemented.
(1.5) Select and use appropriate measuring equipment
Describe what types of instruments and other equipment are used when inspecting a workplace and assessing levels of exposure.

1.6 Maintain records of the hazards identified in sufficient detail to meet: (Cross ref to 2.6 & 3.9)
• statutory requirements
• organisational requirements
• industry best practice
Describe the hazard identification records which are used within your organization. Explain which documents are used for legal reasons, which are best practice and which are organizational.
Learning Outcome 2 – Assess risks to health and safety.
Methods could include observation, consultation, use of monitoring equipment.
Hazards could relate to machinery, fumes and vapours, noise, traffic movement, others could be nearby residents, visitors contactors, trespassers. Risks may be serious or imminent, minor, long term, environmental. Prioritising may be by ABC123, 1-5 x1-5, own organisations methods.

Records could include risk assessments, hazard and risks, who may be affected, to what extent, control measures, review dates etc.
(2.1) Select appropriate risk assessment methods
Explain which risk assessment methods you use within your organization. Does your organization have a specific risk assessment policy in its policy arrangements section.
(2.2) Conduct a risk assessment of the hazards identified
How do you go about completing a risk assessment? Explain the process, methods and sources of information you use etc. Methods may include discussions with competent persons and activity observations. Provide an example as evidence.
(2.3) Select and use instruments or methods to determine the level of exposure affecting:
• employees
• others who may be affected
What analysis techniques can be suitable for determining risks and how do you identify what types of instruments and survey techniques to use when completing a risk assessment?
(2.4 & 2.5) Determine and prioritise risks to health and safety of:
• employees
• others who may be affected
Explain how you conclude what risks affect employees and how you prioritise the risks. Consider how contractors, visitors and the general public may be at risk.
Learning Outcome 3 – Implement risk control measures and safe systems of work in the organization.
Evaluation could include analysis of data and records, accident/incident records, interviews and consultation, results on inspections statutory requirements, industry best practice, own organisations standards, policies and procedures.

Control measures could relate to people, process, plant, environment.

Resources could include time, manpower, access to specialist people and equipment. Effectiveness could relate to cost versus benefit. Consultations could be face to face electronic, formal and/or unscheduled. Plans may have timescales and use of planning tools (e.g. gannt charts) roles and responsibilities and include training (on or off the job)
Records could include risk assessments, hazard and risks, who may be affected, to what extent, control measures, review dates training records, etc.
(3.1) Evaluate the existing risk control measures and current systems of work in the organization
Explain how you review the current risk assessments to determine the sufficiency of the control measures.
(3.2) Identify for consideration the risk control measures required by:
• statutory requirements
• organisational requirements
• industry best practice
What factors do you have to consider when deciding on risk control measures?
Identify any pieces of legislation that affect your organisation, which call for a specific risk assessment to be carried out? i.e. Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992
(3.3) Identify any additional or improved risk control measures that may be needed
Explain when you have identified additional risk control measures and the documentation used. When general risk assessments are used describe the process when specific tasks create new risks?

(3.4 & 3.5) Identify the resources required and calculate the cost effectiveness of them when implementing the risk control measures needed
Explain how you identify the resources when implementing risk control measures. Explain the process of consultation, when new control measures are needed and how you evaluate the cost effectiveness of them.
(3.6) Consult with managers, employee representatives and employees about risk controls needed.
Explain the process of consultation when new control measures are needed and who is involved in this decision making.
(3.7) Plan the implementation of risk control measures in order of priority
Describe the steps you take when planning to implement risk control measures. Explain how your prioritise the controls before implementation.
(3.8) Ensure the provision of training for those who need required competences to implement risk control measures
When implementing new control measures explain how you ensure all persons involved in the process are fully trained and competent.
Learning Outcome 4 – Identify, assess and control health and safety risks
Methods could include observation, analysis of data, accident/incident records, use of monitoring equipment, analysis may include severity of risk, likelihood, number of people affected, industry Comparisons.
External factors could include UK and EU legislation, requirements/expectations of professional bodies, customers and others who may be affected, materials used in production process, location, access to emergency services.

Control measures and justifications could relate to regulatory requirements, hierarchy of control measures, own organisations priorities and health and safety culture, accident and incident statistics, short and long term benefits.

External factors could include UK and EU legislation, requirements/expectations of professional bodies, customers and others who may be affected, materials used in production process, location, access to emergency services.
(4.1) Explain the methods of identification of health and safety hazards within the organisation, including:
• risk assessment methods
• physical resources
• instruments and survey methods which may be used to determine the level of exposure to people who may be affected
Explain the various methods you use to identify risks, including observations, data sources etc. Explain how you identifying physical resources and what instruments and survey methods are used.
(4.2) Explain the principles of the analysis methods for determining risks
Describe what information you collate and how it’s presented when with consulting with others.

(4.3 & 4.6) Describe external factors influencing the identification of health and safety hazards and safety risk control methods, including:
• health and safety statutory requirements
• acceptability of risk
• quality management requirements for documentation
Describe how legislation, industry good practice, expectations of professional bodies including documentation and systems incorporated from quality management audits impact on your risk assessments and control measures.
(4.4) Explain the nature and role of health and safety risk control measures within the organization
Consider regulatory requirements, hierarchy of control and your own organisations priorities and culture.

(4.5) Justify health and safety risk control measures, including safe systems of work
Explain how you justify the risk control measures you’ve put in place, which in turn have created the safe system of work. How do you gain the support of the necessary personnel?
(4.7) Explain risk control hierarchies
Explain your understanding of risk control hierarchies (eliminate, substitute, reduce etc).


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Besides cultural differences, what other factors might affect human resource management with this international office?

Discussion—Global Management
Paper , Order, or Assignment Requirements

This assignment is designed to integrate the reflection of personal experience and the information covered in the textbook. Assuming you are Ludmilla responding to a recent email from Juanita, answer the following questions:
o Besides cultural differences, what other factors might affect human resource management with this international office?
o What abilities will help Juanita succeed and potentially fail in this assignment as an expatriate?
o What has been the reason for the high failure rate of expatirate managers in Uzbekistan? What can Ludmilla do to increase the success of expats?
o Since Uzbekistan has been significantly influenced by Russia for over 70 years, from Hofstede’s perspective, what impact has culture had on appraisal systems, self- managing teams, and systems for gathering suggestions from workers?


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Describe the typical perpetrator of this crime with regards to gender, race, age, and socioeconomic status

Assignment 2: RA: Criminal Behavior in Your Community
Paper , Order, or Assignment Requirements

Using the information you have gathered in Modules 1 and 2, prepare a 4 page paper responding to the following using APA style:

1. Describe the typical perpetrator of this crime with regards to gender, race, age, and socioeconomic status. Compare and contrast the criminal and civil legal systems regarding penalties, burden of persuasion, and key players.
2. Using the information noted in step 1, explain the causes of this criminal behavior. Justify your answers by integrating at least one historical and two different contemporary psychological theories with your explanation.
3. Compare and contrast criminal and civil legal systems in general regarding penalties, burden of persuasion and key players.


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Describe what tools and log files are available to managers to ensure that system patches and data backups are occurring and are being tested properly.

2-3 Pager Paper
Paper , Order, or Assignment Requirements

Information security has become a bit of a cat-and-mouse game between administrators and security managers on one side and those with an interest in exploiting and damaging the information assets under the care of administrators and security managers. Two of the activities that can best assist the “good guys” in preventing penetration or exploitation by the “bad guys” are to proactively patch systems and to back up data.
Write a 2–3 page paper that covers the following:
• Describe what tools and log files are available to managers to ensure that system patches and data backups are occurring and are being tested properly.
• Analyze the tools for backup and patch management that are available as part of the Microsoft OS.


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The Effects of Zebra and Quagga Mussels Introduced into a Freshwater Lake

The Effects of Zebra and Quagga Mussels Introduced into a Freshwater Lake
Paper , Order, or Assignment Requirements

As you have learned, population dynamics are caused by the biotic potential of the population and the effects of environmental resistance. When there is minimal environmental resistance impacting a population, it will exhibit a population explosion. One reason for minimal resistance could be factors that no longer regulate a population (e.g., predator decline or resource increases). Another reason for a population explosion is the introduction of an invasive species. Invasive species are species foreign to an ecosystem and are not immediately regulated by the environmental restraints of the particular ecosystem that they invade. This in turn allows their populations to grow seemingly uncontrolled and to displace other indigenous populations. Examples of such an invasive species into North America are dreissenid mussels, commonly known as zebra and quagga mussels. Their introduction into the Great Lakes has caused economic hardship and a reorganization of the ecosystem. This has led, in part, to pollution-causing effects that can be linked to an alga known as Cladophora.
Ecosystems are webs of intricately balanced interactions, what happens when a new species is introduced that uses a disproportionate share of the ecosystem’s resources?
Using the M.U.S.E. link, review the background information and animation to complete your report.
Use the Lab 5 worksheet for assignment instructions and data collection.
Please submit your completed assignment.
Grading Category Category Criteria Percentage and Points Possible
Purpose of Assignment and Content Development Use of appropriate, relevant, and compelling content that expresses topic, main idea, and purpose. 45% (90 of 200 points)
Organization, Grammar, and Presentation Organized and complete lab report/worksheet with all relevant information as indicated and outlined on the worksheet. Language clearly and effectively communicates ideas and content relevant to the assignment. 30% (60 of 200 points)
Critical Thinking Demonstrates ability to analyze assumptions, evaluate evidence, complexities of issues, and alternatives. 20% (40 of 200 points)
Information Literacy and Research Demonstrates good selection and use of high quality, credible, and relevant sources to develop ideas that are appropriate to the assignment. Includes correct in-text citations. 5% (10 of 200 points)

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Instructions: You will write a 1-page lab report using the scientific method to answer the following questions:

• Why do you see increases and decreases in the invasive species population?
• What are the implications associated with these alterations to the ecosystem as a whole?


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Environmental Footprint

Environmental Footprint
Paper , Order, or Assignment Requirements

The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to learn more about how connected you are to the ecosystems and biosphere that you inhabit. You will learn how your everyday choices impact our environment. Most importantly, you will learn about the benefits of joining the increasing number of people who are making choices that reduce their environmental impact.
First, calculate your ecological footprint (If you are having difficulty getting any of the proper information from the calculator, you may need to try a different web browser. For instance, if you are using Google Chrome, you may need to use Internet Explorer, Safari, Mozilla, etc. If you are using one of these and are experiencing difficulties, you may need to try Google Chrome, etc.).
• Use the Footprint Calculator (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to measure your ecological footprint and learn “how many Earths” it takes to support your lifestyle. Be sure to choose the “detailed response” option for each question.
• Answer each question in the quiz honestly and record your answers and results in the Environmental Footprint Reporting form.
Second, calculate your household carbon emissions.
• Use the Household Carbon Footprint Calculator (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to measure your carbon emissions and determine your environmental impact and the benefits of solutions.
o Section 1: Estimate your current total household emissions (from home energy use, vehicle use, waste).
o Section 2: Explore actions you can take to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions, energy use, and waste disposal costs.
o Section 3: See how much you can save (in dollars and emissions) by taking the actions you chose in Section 2.


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