Implement a spelling checker by using a hash table. You will create a class cal

Implement a spelling checker by using a hash table. You will create a class called SpellChecker in the file The object will try to check for spelling errors in an input file by attempting to find each word in the file in a provided dictionary. The SpellChecker object will take one input to its constructor.The constructor of the object is tasked with parsing through the dictionary file and storing each word from the file in a Hash Set instance. The SpellChecker object will use this dictionary file as a reference when checking for spelling errors in a specified input file. You will now implement two functions to complete the functionailty of your novel SpellChecker object.When finding incorreclty spelt words, you may need to process the strings from the input file before comparing it to a word in the previously created HashSet instance. Your program should be case insensitive (so you must toLowerCase() everything). You must also strip only one leading and only one trailing punctuation. In order to ensure consistency between each student submission, the solution code and the automated grading script, we will define punctuation as anything that is not alphanumeric. Therefore, when you are stripping only one leading and one trailing punctuation, you will only check whether the first and last characters of the string are alphanumeric (number or alphabet).In order to generate a suggestion for a given word, you will try all of the following techniques:Your function should return all possible suggestions from each one of the techniques above. The order of the suggestions in the returned List object is not important.You will also write a main method in the file to test the functionality of your SpellChecker object. Your main method should create a SpellChecker object with the words.txt dictionary file and should spell check any file of your choice. You can even create your own .txt file! Print out each incorrectly spelt word in the test file and also print out each word suggestion for every incorrectly spelt word.We have provided you a sample test file to spell check. This file is called test.txt. The correct output of the file for the given test.txt file has also been provided to you; the file is called output.txt. Ensuring that your output matches the one we provided does not guarantee full credit. However, it is a does indicate that your project meets at least some of the requirements.

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