How does the financial planner incorporate ethical considerations

How does the financial planner incorporate ethical considerations

For Boston scientific corporation:

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The introduction is matching a lot of words on the internet, if you can rewrite again, that would be perfect.

Section 1: you haven’t tell where did you get those number from and the graphs or charts, the website that you used is not professional enough it better to use the graph and chart from,, and value line report (For the value line report, I uploaded it for you). And also you didn’t citation the graph and charts (In APA style).

Section 2: You need to be more focus on the instruction below and need to include graph or chart and company annual report as I mentioned before like how they influence the investors.

“Choose 3 of the following players or agents that have the most influence on your assigned company and discuss how they influence the creation and maintenance of the governance of the firm and how this affects the value of the firm.

Things to consider discussing in your answer:

Why did you select these three players and how do they exert their influence?

Where do they have common and conflicting issues in their governance approaches?

What ethical issues stand out the most strongly for your chosen agents?

How does “agency theory” enter the relationship?

How does the financial planner incorporate ethical considerations, relevant to your assigned firm, into developing a risk profile approach for clients with different values and objectives? “

Section 3: Could you please include the Government Quality Score, and after taking about recommendations for managers including how and why to use this information/analysis for decisions, it better to predict their company future.

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