Biological Evolution Spring

Biological Evolution Spring 2018 WRITING ASSIGNMENT (200 POINTS) DUE DATE FOR WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT: APRIL 29TH 2018 CASE STUDY IN EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY–For this writing assignment you will pick a peer-reviewed scientific study in the field of evolutionary biology and analyze it in depth. In this assignment, you will write a concise abstract of the chosen work, an introduction on the overall topic within evolutionary biology the study is focused on, and a discussion on how the presented methodology and results of the research advanced (or not) our knowledge within the area of evolutionary biology the study is focused on. Writing this assignment will help you learn to read primary scientific literature and to combine the results from the literature and your ideas into a thoughtful analysis of research in evolutionary biology. Your written analysis should follow the guidelines and formatting below. AVOIDING PLAGIARISM: The assignment must be your own and in your words. There are numerous ways to communicate similar thoughts. So, you should take from various authors, process the information, produce something that is clearly your own product, and use citations to give credit to the original source for BOTH conceptual ideas AND any data that you present. Lack of proper attribution and/or plagiarized text/figures will result in severe grade penalties. TOPIC IDEAS: For topic ideas try key word searches in a database search engine (e.g., Web of Science, Google Scholar, or PubMed, see below). Some journals that you may want to scan for topic ideas are more generalized journals with many broad papers including “BMC Evolutionary Biology”, “PLOS ONE”, and “Nature: Scientific Reports.” This is by no means an exhaustive list, and because interesting evolutionary biology research is found in nonevolution specific journals, I encourage you to use Web of Science or Google Scholar as well. I am happy to talk to you in or out of class or by email about topics that you are interested in. It is highly recommended that you talk to me about your ideas if you are unsure whether your chosen topic fits the assignment. Page 1 of 5 Biological Evolution Spring 2018 RESOURCES: Library and Research Resources: General library research resources are available at: Searching for Scientific Literature: The search engines most useful to you will most likely be Google Scholar, PubMed, and SCSU Library Databases. To access SCSU Library Databases go to guide.phpsubject=databases&_ga=2.72959635.1427582946.1509550654-1742056851.1 496248952 To access Google Scholar go to and enter search terms. To access PubMed go to, choose “search PubMed” and enter search terms. All search engines use boolean criteria [and, or, not etc…] to combine search terms. NOTE: in Web of Science and Google Scholar you can look at the papers that were cited in a given paper, as well as all the papers that have cited that paper since its publication. Retrieving Scientific Papers: In SCSU Databases you can use the “Download PDF” button to go directly to PDFs of journal articles that interest you if SCSU has access. 1) Determine if SCSU has access to the journal of interest for the publication year. Link to E-journals from the library home page, and search for the title (e.g., “Evolution and Development”). 2) If SCSU does not have e-access, the hard copy may be in the stacks. Link to Catalog: Books & more from the library home page and search for the journal title. Check that the volume and issue numbers match the article you need. 3) A great service of the SCSU library is electronic document retrieval. If the library has the article you need in the stacks, you can have it scanned and retrieve it as a PDF. If the library does not have the article you need, you can request an electronic copy. The library will find another library with the article, have it scanned, and you will be able to retrieve it as a PDF. These services usually just take a couple of days and can be found under the “Request Materials” link from the SCSU library home page. Page 2 of 5 Biological Evolution Spring 2018 The SCSU Writing Center: The SCSU writing center (The Write Place) is another great resource at the university. They are there to help you not only with your grammatical problems but also with the logical structure of your term paper and presentation. Please don’t hesitate to take advantage of this resource. To learn more about this click here:


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Please read the complete assignment description for the Final Applied Lab




Please read the complete assignment description for the Final Applied Lab Project in the syllabus under Project Description.
Include the following in your outline:
• Name of enzyme you will use
• Name of organism (if applicable)
• The substrate and products in the chemical reaction
• Method for measuring enzyme activity
• Treatment: acidic fluid(s), pH, length of exposure, how you will treat your samples
• The control(s) in the experiment
• Hypothesis
• How you will present your data (table and/or type of graph)
• Anything else you would like to get feedback on before you start your experiment
• Make sure not to do the one with the balloons.

Syllabus Project description

Final Applied Lab Project (1 credit Lab Component)
Addresses course outcomes 1-4:
• recognize and explain how the scientific method is used to solve problems
• make observations and discriminate between scientific and pseudoscientific explanations
• weigh evidence and make decisions based on strengths and limitations of scientific knowledge and the scientific method
• use knowledge of biological principles, the scientific method, and appropriate technologies to ask relevant questions, develop hypotheses, design and conduct experiments, interpret results, and draw conclusions
This is the culminating lab assessment in BIOL 103. It is designed to assess your ability to apply the principles of the scientific method.
The Effect of low pH on Enzyme Activity
Design an experiment in which you will test the effect of an acidic fluid on enzymatic activity. Recall: enzymes are proteins! To complete this project, it may be useful for you to first review the Scientific Method Tutorial, information about pH and enzymes in the text book and course modules, Lab 1 (Introduction to Science) and Lab 4 (Enzymes). As you review Lab 4, you will be reminded that there are several factors that impact enzymatic activity: pH, temperature, and amount of reagent. It is OK to use the same enzyme/substrate/method as you did in lab 4 (but modify the treatment), or you can search on-line to find a different enzyme/substrate/method for measuring enzyme activity for your project (include all references).
As you design your experiment for this project, please remember that you are trying to examine how an acidic fluid will modify the outcome of an enzymatic reaction. To successfully complete this project, you will need to identify the question(s) being asked in your experiment and the hypothesis that you are testing. In your experimental design, you must clearly explain what you are doing. That means that you will need to identify the enzyme, the substrate, the acidic fluid used as treatment, the control treatment and the method of measuring enzyme activity, as well as explain your experimental protocol. You must also thoroughly explain how the acidic fluid impacted enzyme activity based on the results from your own experiment as well as knowledge of enzymes and pH from the text book, modules, lab manual and potentially additional information sources.
Hint: Keep in mind that the acid will change the environmental conditions of the experiment (for example, a low pH value could change the shape of the active site on the enzyme protein), without directly participating in the reaction.
Lab Materials
You may need all or some of the following, depending on your experimental design:
Materials from your lab kit:
• pH paper
• hydrogen peroxide solution (you can purchase this at a pharmacy if you have used up the bottle that came with the lab kit)
• plastic beakers or cups
• vinegar
• yeast (can be purchased at grocery store if more is needed)
• balloons
• plastic bottle
• marker for labeling of beakers
• Cell phone/digital camera – pictures required
You may choose to use additional materials (different acidic fluids and/or different organisms and/or different substrate if you chose an enzyme other than catalase).
Include the following in your outline:
• Name of enzyme you will use
• Name of organism (if applicable)
• The substrate and products in the chemical reaction
• Method for measuring enzyme activity
• Treatment: acidic fluid(s), pH, length of exposure, how you will treat your samples
• The control(s) in the experiment
• Hypothesis
• How you will present your data (table and/or type of graph)
• Anything else you would like to get feedback on before you start your experiment


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Health Issue

Population: In this section of your report, you will summarize key elements of the research study and analyze the population impacted by the health issue. A. Summarize the people, places, and times represented in the research study to provide context for your report. [IHP-330-02] B. Describe three social and behavioral determinants strongly associated with the public health issue in the research study. Be sure to cite specific examples from the research study to support your description. [IHP-330-01] C. Describe three known disparities associated with the health of the specific population. Be sure to cite specific examples from the research study to support your description. [IHP-330-01] D. Explain how the identified social and behavioral determinants relate to the disparities you identified, and explain your reasoning. [IHP-33001]

II. Health Issue: In this section of your final project, you will analyze the health issue in focus in the research study. You will draw conclusions about the health issue through your review of the research study and by conducting outside research on the topic. A. Describe the risk factors associated with the public health issue. Support your description with evidence from the research study and your independent research. [IHP-330-02] B. Describe the mode of transmission of the public health issue. Support your description with evidence from the research study and your independent research. [IHP-330-02] C. Determine the incidence and prevalence of the health issue using the data from the research study to perform the appropriate calculations. [IHP-330-03] D. Determine the mortality rate of the health issue using the data from the research study to perform the appropriate calculations. [IHP-33003] E. Interpret the odds ratio to determine the strength of association between the potential sources of exposure and the disease. [IHP-330-03] F. Using your research and analysis, draw connections between the population and public health issue. Consider where you identified common elements, what you learned about the public health issue by studying the population, and what you learned about the population by studying the public health issue. [IHP-330-03]

III. Levels of Prevention: In this section, you will describe the prevention strategies used by the epidemiologists in the research study. You will identify a strategy for each level of prevention and differentiate between the strategies. A. Describe a primary prevention strategy represented in the research study, and explain how it addresses key factors impacting the health issue of the specific population. [IHP-330-04] B. Describe a secondary prevention strategy represented in the research study, and explain how it addresses key factors impacting the health issue of the specific population. [IHP-330-04]

C. Describe a tertiary prevention strategy represented in the research study, and explain how it addresses key factors impacting the health issue of the specific population. [IHP-330-04] D. Explain how the primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention strategies differ in how they address the key factors impacting the health issue in the research study. [IHP-330-04]

IV. Conclusion: Now that you have analyzed the research study, you will develop a research question to further investigate the specific health issue and population, select an appropriate research design, and explain the importance of the research to the field of public health. A. Using your analysis of the research study, develop a research question to further investigate the specific public health issue and impacted population. [IHP-330-05] B. Determine whether an observational or experimental research design would be more appropriate to investigate your research question. Be sure to justify your determination. [IHP-330-05] C. Explain the importance of further research for improving the quality of health in the specific population. What is the potential benefit? [IHP330-05]


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Explain to your classmates why you are struggling with this particular topic.

Your Discussion Post

What concept was the hardest for you to wrap your head around so far? Explain to your classmates why you are struggling with this particular topic. The intent of this forum is to generate discussion on a variety of topics covered so far in the course, so the more descriptive you are in your troubles, the better your classmates can help you fill the holes in your understanding. You need not pick a topic that is unique to previous posts, but be sure to title your post in a way that your classmates can easily identify your chosen topic.

Your Replies to Other Discussions

Look through your classmates discussions. Is there a topic you can help your fellow students with? Perhaps you found a great resource on the web that enhanced your understanding that you can share, or came up with a good study tool to develop your own understanding, or maybe it is a topic that you came into the class with an strong understanding. Share what you know and help your fellow classmates be successful on the exam!

DO NOT just reply by saying you struggled with the same thing. Your reply must be something that is constructive and helpful to the student that created the post.

To receive full credit, you must:

Write in complete sentences that are thoughtful, well written, and free of typos.

Address all parts of the forum topic.

Use vocabulary presented in the learning materials appropriately.

Create a discussion and reply to another discussion by 8:00 pm on Saturday of week 4 (7 days after week 4 module becomes available).

topic for the forum:

reply to student 1:

Something that I found confusing was during lab two, there was a section where we had to calculate index of dispersion (Id). It was part 3, question 3. In the report procedure it said calculations may not be exact, but if Id = 1, then distribution pattern is random. If Id = n, then distribution pattern is clumped. If Id = 0, then distribution pattern is uniform. My excel calculation came out to be 1.21. Maybe I am used to working down to the exact decimal but at what point would Id not be able to identify with a distribution pattern?

reply to student 2:

I think the hardest concept that we have learned so far for me had to be Lab 3 Paradox of Enrichment. I didn’t think at first this lab would be that difficult so I just went with the flow and started the lab. I should of took more time to read everything before I let the simulation go. After reading my feedback from the teacher I realized I should of took more time and fully explained everything instead of just a couple sentences in each question. I went back to simulation and did it all oven again and took my time and everything made much more sense.


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If you have two glasses, one full of water and one half full of water, and you add the same amount of salt to each of them, which will be saltier?

1. If you have two glasses, one full of water and one half full of water, and you add the same amount of salt to each of them, which will be saltier? Why? Which will be denser? Why?

2. If you have two glasses, one full of red hot water and one full of blue cold water, which one is denser? What would happen if you combined them? Why?

3. Which has a higher heat capacity, a kilogram of water or a kilogram of sand? If you heated both of them at the same temperature for the same amount of time, which would be warmer? If you take the heat source away, which will cool more quickly? Why?


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antibiotics resistance to human health

Assignment criteria

Topic is antibiotics resistance to human health

Find articles related to the topic.

Write a paper of 1800-2000 words (double-spaced), excluding references. You may include pictures, tables and other material but please include all references. You should cite information in the text from at least five sources (including books, journals, and the Internet). You may not use online encyclopedias. Use APA style for citing references . All source material should be paraphrased or summarized in your own words. You should have no more than one direct short quote (less than 40 words) and no long quotes (more than 40 words) in your paper.

The sections of your Term Paper should include a title; an introduction that defines/describes your topic and what current/ongoing research has discovered about this topic; background information on what healthy organ system(s) is/are affected by the topic; the mechanism of action (e.g., how does the topic disrupt homeostasis? how does a disease spread and infect a person?); its symptoms and how it is diagnosed; current treatment options; prevalence/any other relevant statistics and your references. You may include additional sections as necessary to cover your particular topic.

Your explanations and uses of evidence, illustrations, or other definitive details should be appropriate for a science class: explanatory and well supported by reasearch; your language should aid the reader’s understanding of the subject (including definitions where appropriate); you should use information logically, and provide conflicting evidence and research where appropriate.


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Which questions were addressed by the authors for this particular paper?

Questions for summary (discussed in class):

 1.Which questions were addressed by the authors for this particular paper?

 2.What does “empirically derived” mean?

3.How do the authors justify the questions asked?

4.What is considered to be “modern extinction”?

5.What are the five vertebrate taxa considered in this study?

6.The authors focused on using conservative rates of modern extinction in
 order to avoid skepticism and to see if the use of the term “6th mass
 extinction” is still justified. They used two different categories: “highly
 conservative rates” and “conservative rates”. What were the criteria used
 for each category (see Table 1)?

7.Why is 1900 considered separately from 1500 as the time for modern
 extinction rates?

8.What was the range found for modern extinction rate in relation to
 background extinction rates?

9.How many years would it have taken for the vertebrates that went
 extinct in the last century to go extinct if the background extinction rate
 had prevailed?

10.According to the authors, how does the loss of biodiversity affect
 human well-being?

11.Outside of human well-being, why do you think we should care about the
 loss of biodiversity?

12.What do the authors conclude from this analysis?

13.On a human time scale, do the authors consider the loss of biodiversity
 (and biodiversity benefits) permanent? Why or why not?

14.What suggestions do the authors make to avoid such loss (specifically,
 what are three notably important issues that must be urgently dealt with)?


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Explain why this is the organization for you


When you believe strongly in an idea, viewpoint, or policy, you might think about joining an organized group to help further your interest, your knowledge, or your ability to influence policy. In this discussion, you and your classmates are going to explore environmental organizations (local, national, or international) and consider why you might join a particular organization.

You should spend approximately 2 hours on this assignment.


Choose an environmental organization, and prepare a short PowerPoint (3–4 slides) about that organization to share with your classmates. Explain why this is the organization for you. Be sure to present the mission of the organization, the reach of the organization (national or local), your cost to participate, why the mission of the organization is important to you, and whether you feel prompted to join this group.

Please, no repeats in organizations. You may reserve your organization by putting the name of the organization in the title of a post. Post an initial post claiming your chosen organization. Then, follow that up with your PowerPoint. Your PowerPoint should be posted by 04/29 to allow time for interaction.

Reply to at least two of your classmates. Ask questions, agree or disagree on the mission and goals of the organization, and explain why you do or do not agree with your classmate’s choice. Remember to respect everyone’s viewpoint.

Response posts need to be at least 50 words and provided on at least two separate days. Remember, this is a conversation, and it is up to you to keep the conversation going.


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What are the components of the Biosphere?

Question 1

What are the components of the Biosphere?

Question 2 5 pts

What is the difference between an organism’s habitat and its niche?

Question 3 5 pts

Ecologists often say that one individual living in a developed country cannot be counted as ecologically equal to one individual from a developing country. Why?

Question 4 5 pts

What are the three shapes of survivorship curves, and what does each one tell us about the population? Give an example of a species for each survivorship curve.

Question 5 5 pts

List at least three differences between an r-selected species and a K-selected species.

Question 6 5 pts

Species that are introduced to new habitats, such as islands, often exhibit very high growth rates, but then growth rates level off. Explain this phenomenon, and describe the different patterns of growth.

Question 7 5 pts

Many animal rights activists have claimed that if beef cows were eliminated, more people could be fed. What is the ecological theory behind the argument in support of this position, and what is an argument against this position?

Question 8 5 pts

What is the relationship between a species diversity and geographic diversity?

Question 9 10 pts

Explain the four primary types of interaction among community members.

Question 10 10 pts

What is ecology?

Question 11 10 pts

Describe the three types of biodiversity. Why are each important to maintain?

Question 12 10 pts

Discuss the problem of Global Warming. What is some of the evidence that this is happening and what is causing it?

Question 13 10 pts

Discuss some pros and cons about Genetic Engineering.

Question 14 10 pts

What is the nature vs. nurture problem? How can we test our ideas about this?


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