Industrialization and the Rise of a Regulated Economy

Industrialization and the Rise of a Regulated Economy

For History 105: Dr. Stansbury’s classes (7 pages here)

Due Week 6 and worth 120 points. The formal deadline is Monday at 9am Eastern Time, Feb. 11.

[NOTE ON ECREE: As you know from our first paper, the university is adopting a tool, called ecree for doing writing assignments in many classes. We are using the ecree program for doing our papers in this class. Instructions on this tool have been posted. You are welcome to type your paper in MS-Word as traditionally done—and then to upload that file to ecree to revise and finish it up. Or, as we suggest, you may type your paper directly into ecree. When using ecree, you should use CHROME as your browser. As posted: “Please note that ecree works best in Firefox and Chrome. Please do not use Internet Explorer or mobile devices when using ecree.”]

BACKGROUND FOR THE PAPER: The United States went through dramatic economic change during and after the Civil War, as industrialization spread rapidly and changed society. This transformation and some of the apparent abuses that developed (monopolistic practices, work conditions, low wages, arbitrary and oppressive expectations) led to an increased role of the government in regulating businesses and society. This role was heightened as government was viewed as the arbiter between business and organized labor. One can explore these developments from 1865 on through to World War II. Examine the statement below and drawing from provided sources, present a paper with specific examples and arguments to demonstrate the validity of your position.

Statement—in which you can take a pro or con position:

· From the start of Progressive era of the late 1800s through the New Deal period in the 1930s, increasing government interventions and regulations of business tended to help the overall economy and the common workers. (Or you can argue that such interventions and regulations hurt the overall economy and the common workers.) Use specific examples from different decades—and be sure one of your examples is from the 1930s.

Here below are two sample Thesis statements—feel free to use either. Make it the last sentence of your introductory paragraph:

  1. From the late 1800s to the end of the 1930s, increasing government interventions and regulations of business tended to help the overall economy and the common workers.
  2. From the late 1800s to the end of the 1930s, increasing government interventions and regulations of business tended to hurt the overall economy and the common workers.

After giving general consideration to your readings so far and any general research, select one of the positions above as your position—your thesis. (Sometimes after doing more thorough research, you might choose the reverse position. This happens with critical thinking and inquiry. Your final paper might end up taking a different position than you originally envisioned.) Organize your paper as follows, handling these issues with this FOUR-PART organization:

  1. The position you choose or something close to it—will be the thesis statement in your opening paragraph. [Usually this is a one paragraph introduction with your thesis statement being the last sentence of the paragraph.]
  2. To support your position, use four (4) specific examples from different decades between 1865 and 1940. However, one (1) of your four (4) examples must be from the 1930s. [This typically takes two paragraphs; and probably will need to have in-text citations in this part of the paper. Note—examples from different decades—including one from the 1930s. Focus on specific examples that support your thesis; you are not summarizing broad trends and periods.]
  3. Explain why the opposing view is weak in comparison to yours. [The opposing view holds to the other thesis statement—the one you did not choose. Don’t be dismissive. No new research needed; just one paragraph of critical thinking suggesting why your thesis/position is stronger than that different view.]
  4. Consider your life today: In what way does the history you have shown shape or impact issues in your workplace or desired profession? [This will work as the conclusion paragraph. Be succinct. Many of these types of government economic programs, laws, and regulations from this period became a normative part of our economic structure. Most came from “Progressive” reformers or later from “New Deal” leaders addressing problems of the Great Depression. They had diverse objectives, such as keeping a competitive environment for businesses, protecting workers and product safety, helping organized labor, shoring up financial institutions and deposits, and providing or subsidizing jobs for the unemployed.]

After the fourth part concluding the paper, be sure you have the numbered list of sources at the end.

Length: The paper should be 500-to-750 words in length. [This word-count does not include any title page or sources list.]

Research and References: You must use a MINIMUM of three sources; the Schultz textbook must be one of them. Your other two sources should be drawn from the list provided below. This is guided research, not open-ended Googling.

Source list for Assignment 2: Most primary sources [listed below] can be accessed via direct link on the list. For others on the list, they are accessible through the permalink at the end of the source entry. Those sources (listed below) have as part of the URL—this is the permalink to that source in our university’s online library. (The link takes you to the library log-in; you then log in, and then the source appears for you right away). Each source below is shown in SWS form, so if you use it, you may easily copy the entire entry onto your paper’s sources list. (On a paper, never list an item as URL only.)

SWS Form for the textbook: Kevin M. Schultz. 2018. HIST: Volume 2: U.S. History since 1865. 5th ed.

Choose sources relevant to the topic and position you are taking:

D. P. Del Mar. 1998. Region and Nation: New Studies in Western U.S. History.

S. Gompers. 1914. The American Labor Movement: Its Makeup, Achievements, and Aspirations.

S. S. Harjo. 1996. Now and Then: Native Peoples in the United States.

Helen Hunt Jackson. 1881. Helen Hunt Jackson’s Account of Sand Creek

S. M. Jacoby. Oct., 1983. Union Management Cooperation in the United States: Lessons from the 1920s.

R. La Follette. 1924. La Follette’s Progressive Platform.

T. C. Leonard. Spring, 2009. American Economic Reform in the Progressive Era: Its Foundational Beliefs and their Relation to Eugenics.

H. D. Lloyd. June, 1884. The Lords of Industry from North American Review, 331. In Modern History Sourcebook.

E. Rauchway. 2008. The Great Depression and the New Deal: A Very Short Introduction. eBook.

Kevin M. Schultz. 2018. HIST: Volume 2: U.S. History since 1865. 5th ed.

L. Steffens. 1904. The Shame of the Cities.

F. W. Taylor. 1911. The Principles of Scientific Management.

J. Whitaker. 1871. The Impact of the Factory on Worker Health. Retrieved from

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements below. However, when using the ecree tool, some of the layout issues below can be ignored—thus some words are crossed out:

· This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than some other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.

· Be typed, double spaced between lines [single-spaced for ecree], using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; [font flexibility and margin flexibility with ecree.]; citations and references must follow SWS format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

· Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and [Title page and name info not needed for ecree. You might make up a title—put it right at start of first paragraph—as part of first paragraph.] The Sources page is not included in the required assignment length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

· Specify ways that women and minorities have responded to challenges and made contributions to American culture.

· Examine how changes in social and economic conditions and technology can cause corresponding changes in the attitudes of the people and policies of the government.

· Summarize and discuss the ways that formal policies of government have influenced the direction of historical and social development in the United States.

· Recognize the major turning points in American history since the Civil War.

· Use technology and information resources to research issues in contemporary U.S. history.

· Write clearly and concisely about contemporary U.S. history using proper writing mechanics.

[Grading Rubric on Next Pages]

GRADING RUBRIC for Assignment 2: Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric. When using the ecree tool, some layout issues like double-spacing can be ignored.

Points: 120

Assignment 2: Industrialization and the Rise of the Modern State: The Creation of a Regulated Economy


Exemplary 100% A

Proficient 85% B

Fair 75% C

Meets Minimum Expectations 65% D

Unacceptable 0% F

  1. Clearly introduce your paper with your thesis. Weight: 10%

Thoroughly and clearly introduced your paper with your thesis statement chosen from the list provided.

Satisfactorily introduced your paper with your thesis statement; chosen from the list provided.

Partially introduced your paper with your thesis statement.

Insufficiently introduced your paper with your thesis statement.

Poor or no introduction. No thesis statement used from those provided.

  1. Discuss four specific examples from different decades (between 1865 and 1940) to support your thesis. One (1) example must be from the 1930s. Be persuasive and coherent with sound reasoning; have examples based on solid research. Weight: 30%

Thoroughly and coherently discussed four clear examples from the proper time frame. The discussion is persuasive and with sound reasoning and good support.

Satisfactorily discussed four clear examples from the proper time frame. Examples are based on good research and are relevant to the thesis.

Partially discussed four examples from the proper time frame. The examples might not be as relevant or as well researched as they should be.

Insufficiently discussed four examples from the right time frame. The examples might not all have clear relevance to the thesis or strong support from research and reason.

Did not submit or incompletely discussed four examples from the correct time period. The examples covered are not supported by research and reason.

  1. Explain clearly and persuasively why the opposing view to yours would be in error or would be a weaker view. Weight: 20%

Thoroughly and clearly explained why the opposing view to yours would be in error or would be the weaker view. Used persuasive reasoning or clear examples.

Satisfactorily explained why the opposing view to yours would be in error or would be the weaker view.

Partially explained why the opposing view to yours would be in error or would be the weaker view. The reasoning or examples might be flawed.

Insufficiently explained why the opposing view to yours would be in error or would be the weaker view. The reasoning or examples might be flawed.

Did not submit or incompletely explained why the opposing view to yours would be in error or would be a weaker view.

  1. Discuss effectively the ways that the history you have covered shapes or impacts issues in your workplace or desired profession. Weight: 20%

Thoroughly and effectively discussed how the history you have covered shapes or impacts issues in your workplace or desired profession.

Satisfactorily discussed how the history you have covered shapes or impacts issues in your workplace or desired profession.

Partially discussed how the history you have covered shapes or impacts issues in your workplace or desired profession

Insufficiently discussed how the history you have covered shapes or impacts issues in your workplace or desired profession.

Did not submit or incompletely discussed how the history you have covered shapes or impacts issues in your workplace or desired profession.

  1. Used the MINIMUM of three references, drawing from the list provided. The class text is one of the sources used. References are listed at the end and matching in-text citations are used. Weight: 10%

Meets at least the minimum number of required references; all references high quality choices. Sources are listed at the end and also cited in the body of the paper. Solid research is evident.

Meets minimum number of required references; most references come from the list provided.

Does not meet the required number of references; some references poor quality choices or not from the list provided.

Does not meet the required number of references; Insufficient on the reference list or in-text citations.

No references provided

  1. Writing and Presentation: Used good grammar. Presentation shows clarity, reason, and critical thinking with proper writing mechanics. SWS format is used for reference entries, in-text citations, paper layout, and organization. Instructions followed. Weight: 10%

0–2 errors.

3–4 errors.

5–6 errors.

7–8 errors.

More than 8 errors present.


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Religion Comparison

Religion Comparison

Part 1: Hinduism Overview

Write a 525- to 700-word overview of the history of Hinduism, as well as the importance and role of the sacred texts. Include an explanation of the rituals, symbols, holy days, and core beliefs of Hinduism.

Part 2: Compare and Contrast Two Religions

Select two of the following religions to compare and contrast: Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism. Identify the two religions in the table below.

Religion 1

Enter text.

Religion 2

Enter text.

Describe at least two similarities and two differences between the religions you selected in the table below. Some categories to consider include rituals, symbols, holy days, and core beliefs.

Note: Write a minimum of 175 words for each section of the table (similarities and differences).



Enter text.

Enter text.

Include references formatted according to APA guidelines. You may find helpful resources for completing your assignment in the Center for Writing Excellence in the University Library.


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Information Systems homework task-Excel Project 2

Information Systems homework task-Excel Project 2

Year Quarter Location CarClass Revenue NumCars 2017 Q1 Downtown Economy 964990 6114 2017 Q1 Airport Economy 1034210 5796 2015 Q3 Downtown Economy 794856 5421 2016 Q4 Airport Economy 947474 5261 2016 Q1 Downtown Economy 741697 4938 2015 Q3 Airport Economy 724486 4784 2016 Q4 Downtown Economy 727150 4662 2016 Q3 Downtown Economy 703000 4583 2016 Q2 Downtown Economy 661733 4347 2015 Q4 Airport Economy 632148 4158 2017 Q2 Downtown Economy 593441 3653 2016 Q3 Airport Economy 613034 3606 2015 Q4 Downtown Economy 525148 3509 2015 Q2 Airport Economy 496013 3391 2016 Q1 Airport Economy 515134 3349 2015 Q1 Airport Economy 464013 3313 2017 Q2 Airport Economy 614472 3231 2015 Q2 Downtown Economy 391689 2800 2015 Q1 Downtown Economy 370241 2769 2016 Q2 Airport Economy 380115 2216 2015 Q4 Airport Premium 655270 3941 2016 Q3 Airport Premium 679490 3932 2015 Q4 Downtown Premium 615940 3904 2017 Q1 Airport Premium 701141 3846 2017 Q2 Airport Premium 713386 3850 2016 Q2 Airport Premium 618926 3607 2016 Q1 Airport Premium 584122 3470 2015 Q3 Downtown Premium 533194 3434 2016 Q2 Downtown Premium 516403 3156 2015 Q2 Downtown Premium 481290 3150 2016 Q4 Airport Premium 557750 3138 2015 Q3 Airport Premium 498833 3060 2016 Q3 Downtown Premium 510460 3062 2016 Q1 Downtown Premium 438472 2720 2016 Q4 Downtown Premium 445621 2622 2017 Q1 Downtown Premium 446682 2610 2015 Q1 Downtown Premium 365860 2444 2015 Q1 Airport Premium 370925 2397 2015 Q2 Airport Premium 312988 1998 2017 Q2 Downtown Premium 340535 1940 2015 Q4 Airport SUV 637670 4161 2016 Q3 Airport SUV 679353 4144 2015 Q4 Downtown SUV 615225 4145 2017 Q1 Airport SUV 701350 4049 2017 Q2 Airport SUV 713212 4044 2016 Q2 Airport SUV 618609 3833 2016 Q1 Airport SUV 583899 3673 2015 Q3 Downtown SUV 533595 3653 2016 Q2 Downtown SUV 516555 3305 2015 Q2 Downtown SUV 481501 3331 2016 Q4 Airport SUV 557944 3286 2015 Q3 Airport SUV 498324 3255 2016 Q3 Downtown SUV 511270 3251 2016 Q1 Downtown SUV 438353 2857 2016 Q4 Downtown SUV 444866 2766 2017 Q1 Downtown SUV 446069 2754 2015 Q1 Downtown SUV 366237 2572 2015 Q1 Airport SUV 371603 2548 2015 Q2 Airport SUV 312944 2091 2017 Q2 Downtown SUV 340454 2020 2015 Q4 Airport Hybrid 654842 4023 2016 Q3 Airport Hybrid 679828 3975 2015 Q4 Downtown Hybrid 615611 3994 2017 Q1 Airport Hybrid 700619 3937 2017 Q2 Airport Hybrid 713089 3905 2016 Q2 Airport Hybrid 618220 3700 2016 Q1 Airport Hybrid 583871 3566 2015 Q3 Downtown Hybrid 533362 3496 2016 Q2 Downtown Hybrid 516666 3227 2015 Q2 Downtown Hybrid 481692 3189 2016 Q4 Airport Hybrid 558473 3170 2015 Q3 Airport Hybrid 499207 3145 2016 Q3 Downtown Hybrid 510543 3120 2016 Q1 Downtown Hybrid 438775 2787 2016 Q4 Downtown Hybrid 444981 2680 2017 Q1 Downtown Hybrid 446611 2626 2015 Q1 Downtown Hybrid 366140 2482 2015 Q1 Airport Hybrid 371350 2462 2015 Q2 Airport Hybrid 313365 2047 2017 Q2 Downtown Hybrid 339897 1976

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A1M5 Submission Cognitive Psychology

A1M5 Submission Cognitive Psychology

Assignment 1: LASA 2: Generating a Policy Proposal

Although some states and cities have passed laws to ban texting and using handheld phones while driving, there is no current law to ban all cell phone use while driving. However, according to the National Safety Council (2009), 28 percent of all crashes—1.6 million per year—are caused by cell phone use and texting by drivers. The mission of a new national nonprofit organization called FocusDriven, patterned after Mothers Against Drunk Driving, is to make phone use while driving as illegal and socially unacceptable as drunk driving. US Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood supports FocusDriven and its efforts: According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, LaHood said this movement will become “an army of people traveling the countryside” to push for bans on cell phone use and tough enforcement (Schmit, 2010).

As a political advocate interested in this issue, you will be writing a policy proposal that utilizes the current research to propose a solution to the issue and submit it in this assignment.

Please note that your proposal is not an opinion/position paper, and your conclusions need to be based on the scientific research you reviewed earlier. Please follow the typical steps in proper academic writing (planning, outlining, drafting, revising, proofing, and editing) to generate the following proposal structure:


In the introduction, you should set up the purpose for the proposal, provide a bit of background on the topic, and present your thesis.


Select at least three research reports from peer-reviewed journals relevant to the cell phone use while driving, making sure they address one or more of the following issues:

How do texting, handheld phones, and hands-free phones compare with each other in their effects on driving?

How do other, traditional distractions compare to cell phone use in their effects on driving (such as eating, attending to children, talking to passengers, listening to music/news, etc.)?

Can cell phone use while driving be compared with drunk driving? Why or why not?

What other variables (such as age) can affect driving while using a cell phone?

With the insights gained from these articles cover the following in the Policy portion of your proposal:

1: In a one-page summary, compare and contrast the results of the various studies regarding the cognitive abilities that are affected during cell phone use while driving.

2: Using that research, develop and explain particular recommendations for policy makers. For instance, restrict texting, or regulate the use of hand-held phones. All your recommendations must be supported by your research findings.

3: Based on the gaps in current research, describe the variables, populations, and situations which you would like to see future research address.


Review the important current research, your conclusions from that research, and how the future could look in both policy and research. Keep your goal in mind: To convince the reader to support your current policy proposal and future research to examine this issue more closely.

Your proposal should be written in APA style (which includes a title page with running header and a reference page), and free of typographical and grammatical errors. The body of your proposal should be 4–5 pages long.

Schmitz, J. (2010, January 13). Cell phone ban for drivers is focus of new group.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Retrieved from

National Research Council. (2010). National Safety Council Estimates that At Least 1.6 Million Crashes Each Year Involve Drivers Using Cell Phones and Texting. Available at


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Generating a Policy Proposal

Generating a Policy Proposal

paper 1: LASA 2: Generating a Policy Proposal

Although some states and cities have passed laws to ban texting and using handheld phones while driving, there is no current law to ban all cell phone use while driving. However, according to the National Safety Council (2009), 28 percent of all crashes—1.6 million per year—are caused by cell phone use and texting by drivers. The mission of a new national nonprofit organization called FocusDriven, patterned after Mothers Against Drunk Driving, is to make phone use while driving as illegal and socially unacceptable as drunk driving. US Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood supports FocusDriven and its efforts: According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, LaHood said this movement will become “an army of people traveling the countryside” to push for bans on cell phone use and tough enforcement (Schmit, 2010).

As a political advocate interested in this issue, you will be writing a policy proposal that utilizes the current research to propose a solution to the issue and submit it in this assignment.

Please note that your proposal is not an opinion/position paper, and your conclusions need to be based on the scientific research you reviewed earlier. Please follow the typical steps in proper academic writing (planning, outlining, drafting, revising, proofing, and editing) to generate the following proposal structure:


In the introduction, you should set up the purpose for the proposal, provide a bit of background on the topic, and present your thesis.


Select at least three research reports from peer-reviewed journals relevant to the cell phone use while driving, making sure they address one or more of the following issues:

How do texting, handheld phones, and hands-free phones compare with each other in their effects on driving?

How do other, traditional distractions compare to cell phone use in their effects on driving (such as eating, attending to children, talking to passengers, listening to music/news, etc.)?

Can cell phone use while driving be compared with drunk driving? Why or why not?

What other variables (such as age) can affect driving while using a cell phone?

With the insights gained from these articles cover the following in the Policy portion of your proposal:

1: In a one-page summary, compare and contrast the results of the various studies regarding the cognitive abilities that are affected during cell phone use while driving.

2: Using that research, develop and explain particular recommendations for policy makers. For instance, restrict texting, or regulate the use of hand-held phones. All your recommendations must be supported by your research findings.

3: Based on the gaps in current research, describe the variables, populations, and situations which you would like to see future research address.


Review the important current research, your conclusions from that research, and how the future could look in both policy and research. Keep your goal in mind: To convince the reader to support your current policy proposal and future research to examine this issue more closely.

Your proposal should be written in APA style (which includes a title page with running header and a reference page), and free of typographical and grammatical errors. The body of your proposal should be 4–5 pages long.

Schmitz, J. (2010, January 13). Cell phone ban for drivers is focus of new group.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Retrieved from

National Research Council. (2010). National Safety Council Estimates that At Least 1.6 Million Crashes Each Year Involve Drivers Using Cell Phones and Texting. Available at


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Growing the Business with Search …..

Growing the Business with Search ….. Description Leveraging Search Technologies (100 points) Identify an organization that is using at least one online search technology. Briefly describe the organization, and then answer these questions: -Of the various types of search technologies, which ones are they utilizing? -Why is the organization using […]


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Compare and Contrast Two Religions

Compare and Contrast Two Religions

Part 1: Hinduism Overview

Write a 525- to 700-word overview of the history of Hinduism, as well as the importance and role of the sacred texts. Include an explanation of the rituals, symbols, holy days, and core beliefs of Hinduism.

Part 2: Compare and Contrast Two Religions

Select two of the following religions to compare and contrast: Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism. Identify the two religions in the table below.

Religion 1

Enter text.

Religion 2

Enter text.

Describe at least two similarities and two differences between the religions you selected in the table below. Some categories to consider include rituals, symbols, holy days, and core beliefs.

Note: Write a minimum of 175 words for each section of the table (similarities and differences).



Enter text.

Enter text.

Include references formatted according to APA guidelines. You may find helpful resources for completing your assignment in the Center for Writing Excellence in the University Library.


Enter text.

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American Economic Reform in the Progressive Era:

American Economic Reform in the Progressive Era:

[THIS IS A FORMAT SAMPLE for doing Assignment 2 using our ecree platform. The usual SWS form calls for double spacing and a title page (so did APA)—but when we use ecree (as in this HIS105 class), we won’t use double-spacing or a title page. It will be important to write good quality, distinct paragraphs and to organize the paper in the four-part structure called for by the instructions. So, this “format sample” of Assignment 2 has no title page and is single-spaced—except between paragraphs and between source entries at the end. It still has in-text citations (see third paragraph below) and it still has the sources list at the end—you do need those. As required by the instructions, the sources used in this sample are from the REQUIRED list on the instructions sheet. This sample does not really help you on content, but this gives you guidance on each part of the paper—and illustrates the four-part set-up of the paper and the sourcing. Regulations Helping our Economy is the sample title here—and I put it with the first paragraph. (with another thesis, you might choose Regulations Hurting our Economy). Feel free to word your title to fit your thesis. ]

Regulations Helping our Economy– PART ONE: INTRODUCTION WITH THESIS Notice how this first line of the paragraph and the heading can go together in this ecree approach to the paper. The PART ONE heading is optional, but probably useful for your own clarity while writing and my clarity when I grade it. You have no worry here about indenting or double-spacing; not needed or wanted for ecree. In terms of content, a format sample like this does not provide that—this sheet just shows the form and organization—and samples of citing. And I provide a few tips here. Keep in mind the paper mostly focuses on a long period—from 1865 to the 1930s; and you will eventually need specific examples from four different decades in that period (and one example MUST be from the 1930s). But, in this first paragraph, you will have an introduction to your paper and you will also include your thesis statement as the last sentence of the paragraph. Perhaps you feel that overall the government interventions and regulations of the era did prove beneficial to the overall economy and to common workers. Or, perhaps you feel the government interventions of the era, whatever their intent, usually hurt the overall economy and the common workers. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, most government economic regulations were supported by the “Progressive” reform movements of the day—a term you see much in chapter 19. But, by the 1930s (chapter 22), government economic interventions are associated with a new label—Roosevelt’s New Deal, a wide-ranging program attempting to address the problems of the Great Depression. As you explore the class text for examples, chapters 16 through 22 may be reviewed. Keep in mind, you want FOUR EXAMPLES from different decades—and one of them from the 1930s. How do you view these things? Will your thesis statement be something like this?: From the late 1800s to the end of the 1930s, increasing government interventions and regulations of business tended to help the overall economy and the common workers. Or, perhaps you will you take this position: From the late 1800s to the end of the 1930s, increasing government interventions and regulations of business tended to hurt the overall economy and the common workers.

PART TWO—FOUR EXAMPLES: The second and third paragraphs will cover your four SPECIFIC examples supporting your thesis. Caution—don’t get bogged down in describing long trends here, or events that don’t support your thesis. At times the government got involved in stopping labor strikes (Schultz, 1, p. 324). At other times it guaranteed the right to form labor unions (Schultz, 1, p. 425). Leonard (2) describes a progressive commission’s work in 1913-1916 that led many states to adopt legislation on “minimum-wage, maximum-hour, and working conditions” (p. 128), and many debate the benefits of such mandates. Even as early as 1871, a report like that by Whitaker (3) on unhealthy factory conditions might be used as a reason for regulating the workplace. Government intervention with the 18th Amendment made illegal the “manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors” (Schultz, 1, p. 402); we know thisby the term “Prohibition”. Besides choosing an example, you also must determine whether or not you feel such regulation was beneficial. Notice that in the lines above you have illustrations of what SWS style in-text citations look like. In each case, you see the number matches the number on the list at the end. For a book like Schultz, you should always include a page number as well.

EXAMPLES CONTINUED–In this part of the paper you really start developing the topic and your position and evidence. It normally takes two paragraphs to cover your four examples, but stay focused on the examples and don’t get sidetracked from supporting your thesis. Be concise. By the way, you can make valid arguments for either thesis, and present an “A” paper in doing so. The assignment requires you to use the Schultz textbook and at least two other sources from the list on the instruction sheet (don’t use other sources not listed). Since those sources are listed in SWS form and also have a convenient link with them, one can easily copy/paste the ones you use for your sources list at the end. And, with the link, each source is very easy to access.

PART THREE: OPPOSING VIEW This third section of the paper involves some critical thinking on your part. How might a reasonable person disagree with you and give a different position or counter-argument? Keep this in mind—they are opposing the THESIS you chose to argue for in your paper. So, in effect, think of them as adopting the other thesis—the one you did not choose. For example, perhaps you argued that government interventions and regulations of business tended to be beneficial in this period. The opposing view would be that that government interventions of that period tended to have negative effects. In this paragraph, then, you would need to make the reasoned argument that they did have benefits (pointing to evidence you gave) and to provide a very short critique of the opposing view. Debate—but don’t be dismissive. Normally, this part is not so much doing more research or providing more examples. Instead it is about suggesting what that different position might be, and then your own logical rationale for favoring your own position instead. It is just critical thinking on your part.


This fourth and concluding paragraph of the paper does not normally involve researching information. It does involve some reflection about the issues covered in your paper and ways those issues perhaps are still around (maybe in a different form). In any profession that you are currently in or to which you aspire, there are numerous government regulations. Are they good? Are they burdensome paperwork for new businesses? Safety rules, tax and pay records, hiring regulations and records, standards on hours and wages, etc. Social security withholding. As the seeds of such things were born in the era studied in this paper, you should think of ways to connect the modern situation to the history you have written about. Again, this fourth part is normally a paragraph or so—lengthy treatment not needed here. This fourth part should normally serve as the conclusion of the paper. Be sure your paper ends in some way that wraps up succinctly. FOR SOURCES–Then, in ecree, click on the word “Conclusion” to add new paragraph boxes below it that you can use for source entries—it works best if you can get each source into its own paragraph box. As below, each source must be numbered and should be in SWS style (as can be copied from the instruction sheet). Just do your best with ecree.


  1. Kevin M. Schultz. 2018. HIST: Volume 2: U.S. History since 1865. 5th ed.
  2. T. C. Leonard. Spring, 2009. American Economic Reform in the Progressive Era: Its Foundational Beliefs and their Relation to Eugenics.
  3. J. Whitaker. 1871. The Impact of the Factory on Worker Health. Retrieved from

[It is best if you can get each source into its own paragraph box. As below, each source must be numbered and should be in SWS style (as can be copied from the instruction sheet). ]

[Tip, if you upload a Word file of your paper to ecree, have the Sources list very close to the end of your last paragraph—like an inch or so below it. If you have a lot of space between the last paragraph and the list, the upload not include the Sources list.]

[LAST PART—try this on last part, but don’t worry if you can’t get it just right. Your final essay paragraph will ideally be in the box “Conclusion”. Once typed, then click on that word “Conclusion and it will create a new box below with three dots. Keep clicking “Conclusion” until you have 4 or more “three-dot” boxes—one for the heading Sources and one for each source entry on your list of sources. If you cannot quite get this to work, don’t worry about it—just be sure you have a final paragraph (Part 4—Conclusion—Legacy) followed by the list of sources. Even if those boxes seem mislabeled, I will figure it out ok in the grading. Don’t get worried about that.]


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History task

History task

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This assignment again uses the ecree platform for doing and submitting the paper. Plus, all learned from the first assignment the value of having the assignment INSTRUCTIONS sheet and the assignment’s FORMAT SAMPLE paper. So, please get those items below.

BEFORE SUBMISSION—AND BEFORE REALLY BEFORE STARTING ON THE DOING OF THIS PAPER, please make use of the following links (if needed, right click the link and Open in new window. Sometimes a document will flash to the top or bottom of your screen to a downloads folder):

INSTRUCTION SHEET for Assignment 2—topic, outline, sources, instructions with key details: Assignment 2_HIS105_Stansbury_Instructions.docx

FORMAT SAMPLE for Assignment 2—This shows the parts of the paper and what to do in each; it shows what the in-text citations and the sources list at the end look like; it shows the special ecree-type draft that is single spaced: Format_Sample_ Assignment 2_Stansbury_HIS105_ecree_version.docx

Help Sheet for Using eCree: Ecree_Help_Doing and Practicing_HIS105_assmt2.docx

VIDEO HELP on doing and submitting Assignment 2:

VIDEO HELP—ecree walk-through for Assignment 2:

Assignment 2: Industrialization and the Rise of a Regulated Economy

Due Week 6 and worth 120 points

The United States went through dramatic economic change during and after the Civil War, as industrialization spread rapidly and changed society. This transformation and some of the apparent abuses that developed (monopolistic practices, work conditions, low wages, arbitrary and oppressive expectations) led to an increased role of the government in regulating businesses and society. This role was heightened as government was viewed as the arbiter between business and organized labor. One can explore these developments from 1865 on through to World War II. Examine the statement below and drawing from provided sources, present a paper with specific examples and arguments to demonstrate the validity of your position.

Statement—in which you can take a pro or con position:

From the start of Progressive era of the late 1800s through the New Deal period in the 1930s, increasing government interventions and regulations of business tended to help the overall economy and the common workers. (Or you can argue that such interventions and regulations hurt the overall economy and the common workers.) Use specific examples from different decades—and be sure one of your examples is from the 1930s.

After giving general consideration to your readings so far and any general research, select one of the positions above as your position—your thesis. (Sometimes after doing more thorough research, you might choose the reverse position. This happens with critical thinking and inquiry. Your final paper might end up taking a different position than you originally envisioned.) Organize your paper as follows, handling these issues:

The position you choose or something close to it—will be the thesis statement in your opening paragraph.

To support your position, use four (4) specific examples from different decades between 1865 and 1940. However, one (1) of your four (4) examples must be from the 1930s.

Explain why the opposing view is weak in comparison to yours.

Consider your life today: In what way does the history you have shown shape or impact issues in your workplace or desired profession?

Length: The paper should be 500-to-750 words in length.

Research and References: You must use a MINIMUM of three sources; the Schultz textbook must be one of them. Your other two sources should be drawn from the list provided below. This is guided research, not open-ended Googling.

Source list for Assignment 2: Some sources are “primary” sources from the time period being studied. Some sources below can be accessed via direct link or through the primary sources links on Blackboard. Each week has a different list of primary sources. For others, they are accessible through the permalink to the source in our online library: Sources below having as part of the URL have a permalink to that source in our university’s online library. Each source below is shown in SWS form.

SWS Form for the textbook: Kevin M. Schultz. 2018. HIST: Volume 2: U.S. History since 1865. 5th ed.

D. P. Del Mar. 1998. Region and Nation: New Studies in Western U.S. History.

S. Gompers. 1914. The American Labor Movement: Its Makeup, Achievements, and Aspirations.

S. S. Harjo. 1996. Now and Then: Native Peoples in the United States.

Helen Hunt Jackson. 1881. Helen Hunt Jackson’s Account of Sand Creek

S. M. Jacoby. Oct., 1983. Union Management Cooperation in the United States: Lessons from the 1920s.

R. La Follette. 1924. La Follette’s Progressive Platform.

T. C. Leonard. Spring, 2009. American Economic Reform in the Progressive Era: Its Foundational Beliefs and their Relation to Eugenics.

H. D. Lloyd. June, 1884. The Lords of Industry from North American Review, 331. In Modern History Sourcebook.

E. Rauchway. 2008. The Great Depression and the New Deal: A Very Short Introduction. eBook.

Kevin M. Schultz. 2018. HIST: Volume 2: U.S. History since 1865. 5th ed.

L. Steffens. 1904. The Shame of the Cities.

Taylor, F. W. 1911. The Principles of Scientific Management.

J. Whitaker. 1871. The Impact of the Factory on Worker Health. Retrieved from

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.

Be typed, double spaced between lines, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the Sources page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Specify ways that women and minorities have responded to challenges and made contributions to American culture.

Examine how changes in social and economic conditions and technology can cause corresponding changes in the attitudes of the people and policies of the government.

Summarize and discuss the ways that formal policies of government have influenced the direction of historical and social development in the United States.

Recognize the major turning points in American history since the Civil War.

Use technology and information resources to research issues in contemporary U.S. history.

Write clearly and concisely about contemporary U.S. history using proper writing mechanics.

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