Write the summary of Dirty Little Secret

In an essay form respond to the following: At the beginning of the semester we started the discussion by elaborating on your thoughts of a Dirty Little Secret See next) BB Introduction assignment: Domestic Violence or Intimate Partner Violence(IPV as many call it, has become a “Dirty Little Secret” which is finally being unmasked. But; is it really a secret, is it really a “private family matter” which no one has the right to interfere in, or is it a social matter. What are your thoughts on the subject?) Now; that the semester has come to a close and that you have reviewed the challenges of Domestic Violence /Intimate partner Violence, reflect on the same issue and your thought then and now. Do you still view that issue the same? Why or why not? Read (1 or 2) of the attached articles) or you may choose (1) article and a chapter from your text which addresses the topic. Elaborate on your findings with supporting documentation (citations), identify the Domestic Violence framework and the theorist which best supports you point of view. Baseball Challenged by Social Media Accusations of Domestic Violence(1).pdf Most Dangerous Place for Women Is the Home, U.N. Report Finds.pdf Victims of Sexual Violence Often Stay in Touch With Their Abusers. Heres Why.(1).pdf who_is_doing_what_to_whom(1).pdf you can also check the order # for ideas or to make the paper larger ORDER 232739 ORDER 231497


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Poem Literary Analysis of Lost Sister:Discuss the portrayal of women in at least TWO authors.

Cathy Song “Lost Sister”
Writing a literary analysis involves clearly communicating to your reader what you consider to be the most interesting and important aspect of a given work a particular topic. Develop your interpretation out of details selected from the work itself to support your thesis. Each reader may notice different elements; he may focus on different incidents, characters, images or motifs. Therefore, there are many different possibilities for interesting essay, different because seen from different perspectives, but in some ways, the same because they deal with the same work. The author of a literary work, then, directs the reader to consider certain judgments about human lifesuggesting how we ought to live, defining problems relating to the human psyche, social systems or human historyor sometimes showing the consequences of human choice and behavior (some universal truths). Major literary works will inspire some consensus in terms of interpretation; therefore, a work cannot mean anything a reader wants it to mean. Nor does it always mean what the author intended it to mean. By remaining close to the text, explaining particular elements there, writers are more likely to develop an interesting, convincing essay, which makes sense to other readers of a particular time and place and which probably relates, in some degree, to similar works of a particular genre. An analysis must do more than simply retell the story. Plot summary is useful to support a point, but paragraphs starting with pot summary often confuse the reader.Each paragraph, then, should be centered on a particular point; it should develop a topic sentence at the start of the paragraph. Make the point, describe the particular textual elements that relate to the point, support the point with quotation, paraphrase the quote in your own words, summarize the point or reference it to some other important element in the text.Analyze the significance of the textual details and their interrelationships. What inferences should the reader draw in the sentence? What does this paragraph really mean? How does a chapter relate to what happens next? To the end of the story? To the beginning?In summation, Im looking for: A thoughtful analysis of particular textual details demonstrated by an
interesting and focused thesis, well-supported throughout the essay by
clear topic sentences, thesis reminders, and fully developed paragraphs. A well-organized essay that presents a logical sequence of points. A sound introduction which attracts the readers interest and end with
a thesis appropriate to the size of the essay; a sound conclusion that
rather centers on your most crucial, most interesting, last major point.
Somehow, again, refer to the thesis, but do not necessarily repeat it
mechanically following word by word your introduction. Page references cited parenthetically in the text. Full documentation of all sources on a works cited or bibliography
page.A good reference book on writing analytical papers is John Trimbles, Writing with Style. Study chapters on Openers, Closers, and Writing a Literary Analysis. Also, refer to the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers by Joseph Gilbaldi and Walter S. Achtert for quoting, citations, works cited, bibliographies, mechanics, etc. Both of these books are also recommended for this for this course. Additionally, the essays should be written in MLA format for parenthetical documentation and formatting. This means essays should be double spaced, not single-spaced paragraphs then double-spaced between them. Here are some suggested topics:1. Compare how an author or two who, in your view, shares, to some degree, a common point of view about life in America. State how far they agree or disagree and analyze the individual techniques that each uses to convey that point of view.2. Analyze a story/poem or two as a literary work. This essay can focus on style, plot and structure, characterization, development of theme, tone, setting, use or misuse of myth, identity, etc. Determine what the artistic purpose of the work is and how well the author uses the literary elements to enhance or achieve that purpose.3. Discuss the portrayal of women in at least TWO authors.4. Write an analysis of a certain theme in the work of TWO authors. Compare and contrast them to make some kind of evaluation and to come to some conclusion the author(s) argue.5. Choose one or two authors that develop the persona/personality of its narrator. In an essay, describe the persona/personality of the narrator and discuss how the author conveys that persona/personality to the reader. Support and illustrate.
6. A sense of home/place is a prominent theme in several short stories. Explore and examine how the places we grow up shape us as people. How is identity created by where we live? How does this sense of place shape a definition of home? Explore values and beliefs.7. One can argue that many authors are on a journey in search of something. Identify and describe a journey with all of its ups and downs. In the end, come to some conclusion about the journey and the search: What is gained? What is lost? Is it worth it?9. Reexamine one of the stories and write an essay indicating what actions and objects seem symbolic in their suggestions. How do these actions point toward any central theme in the story? 10. Compare and contrast various topics in two or more poems/short stories. Ascertain such topics as the American Dream, immigration, assimilation/acculturation, family, individualism, stereotypes, etc.11. Discuss the parent/child relationship or the sense/definition of family in two or more poems/short stories. Come to some conclusion the authors make about it, and show how they characterize it. Also, how do the writers depict the family? A supportive structure or an oppressive cage? Nurtures or smothers the individual? Do you agree with their views? Why or why not? Discuss how they convey their points of views.12. A topic of your own made in consultation with me. In this case, a title or brief statement of the topic should be submitted.Note: Students do not need to complete a comparison of two poems or two short stories.

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Will AI leads to mass unemployment:Explain

In this essay you will write a proposal for transforming your Toulmin argument into a Rogerian argument or other form that deals with normal, non-rational responses to evidence. Very important: This is a proposal for a Rogerian argument, not an actual Rogerian argument. Your target audience will be people who know what you know about your Toulmin argument and share the same conclusion. Think of them as a group of people who are trying to get out the same message to a wider audience. Your goal is not to support the same conclusion that you supported in that argument. Instead, your goal is to point out the things that might get in the way of that message–things we have learned in this class about why facts are often misinterpreted and usually fail to convince people to give up false beliefs. You will need to explain one or more concepts from the class (see list below) and then argue for a strategy to use the Rogerian argument when arguing for your conclusion (from the Toulmin argument). Example:Toulmin essay conclusion: The MMR vaccine does not cause autism.Proposal essay audience: People who know the MMR vaccine does not cause autism and who know that Wakefield is responsible for that misinformation.Proposal essay claim: “We should use Rogerian strategies of argumentation to help parents understand that the MMR vaccine is safe.”Proposal essay premise 1: “Parents who believe the MMR myth will react to counterevidence with the backfire effect.”Proposal essay premise 2: “Using a Rogerian argument will reduce the backfire effect and encourage parents to be open-minded about counterevidence.” Requirements for proposal essay: Identify either an alternative conclusion to the one you supported in your Toulmin essay. This could be either a counterargument (such as Jenny McCarthy’s response to Brian Deer) or a misinterpretation of facts (such as Rachel Quigley’s article about Robert Sapolsky’s stress vaccine). It could be the counterargument identified in your Toulmin argument, or it could be a new one.
Cite a specific source that misrepresents or disagrees with your position. Then fully, fairly, and sympathetically explain its argument.
Identify and discuss one concept from the class that may explain why people may misunderstand or reject your argument. The concepts we have covered include (but are not limited to) the backfire effect, the illusion of knowledge, cognitive dissonance, false-positive pattern recognition, seizing & freezing, heuristics, ideological conformity, confirmation bias, and any logical fallacy. Cite a source to help explain the concept. Use at least one of the assigned readings OR one of the peer-reviewed studies described in one of those readings to help explain this concept. Lecture slides from class will not count. Find the original publication.
Describe how your Toulmin argument could be converted into a Rogerian argument. Cite a source to help explain the potential effectiveness of such an argument. You can use Maxine Hairston’s (1976) article, Cook & Lewandowsky’s (2012) “Debunking Handbook,” or a similar source to explain how to overcome cognitive biases.
Use one of the sources from assigned class reading or a similar source to help explain at least one cognitive bias that might hinder the reception of your argument. The essay should be 4-5 pages and include an additional reference list.


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Descartes Meditations finds Descartes meditating on first philosophy, which is to say, first principles, or that, which is most fundamental:Elaborate

Q.1) Descartes Meditations finds Descartes meditating on first philosophy, which is to say, first principles, or that, which is most fundamental. And, as both the first two propositions in Meditation I and the extended title of the text indicate, these first principles are God, souls (res cogitons), and bodies (res extensa). Taking such lofty concerns into consideration, does Descartes succeed in rationally proving that the human soul is a completely distinct and separate existence from the human body? One would do well to consider the following: his inventory of the basic kinds of being; his image of the tree as indicative of the role of metaphysical investigation as foundational to grasping reality; the faculties of the mind as suggestive of the existence of material bodies.
Q.2) Perhaps the defining characteristic of Descartes Meditations is the method by which he undertakes his meditating; accordingly, it behooves one to take special note of his method. What is the method by which Descartes conducts his investigation? One would do well to consider the following: the four rules of method; clear and distinct ideas, both what they are and what they most certainly are not; the two basic procedures of intuition and deduction; the virtues of such a method, such as the way in which the method allows Descartes to avoid certain pitfallsand be sure to identify said pitfallsto which many of his predecessors had succumbed; why Descartes understood his method to be, in a sense, full-proof.
Q.3) A total of six meditations comprise Descartes Meditations, each a masterpiece in its own right; you are to select one among these six meditations and exhibit a detailed and nuanced understanding of it. One would do well to include the following: a meticulously- wrought exegesis of the particular idea(s) Descartes explores in ones selected meditation, using ones own words and original examples to clarify what Descartes reflects on; an examination of any notions that he introduces, rules outincluding his reason(s) for ruling them outand settles on, either ultimately or for the time being; appropriate consideration of the context within which ones selected meditation appears in the overall work.
Q.4) Scholars generally consider Descartess Meditations on First Philosophy in Which the Existence of God and the Distinction of the Soul from the Body Are Demonstrated to be a seminal, pivotal, and deeply influential text in the history of western philosophy; please take the work as a whole into consideration by tracing the logical trajectory of Descartess argument as it develops over the course of the work. One would do well to consider the following: any key themes that emerge repeatedly; any particularly difficult challenges that give Descartes reason to pause; anyif there are, in fact, anyinstances when Descartes appears to change his opinion on something. Ultimately, one should strive to provide a clear grasp of the narrative thread that ties together the meditations into a single, cohesive work of profound insight


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What do you make of the measured rise in global average temperatures since 1980?

Write a short essay, three pages, 1.5 spaced (points may be deducted for essays longer than three pages) that clearly states where you stand on the issue of possible human-caused global warming due to greenhouse gas emissions. Make sure you read and follow all the instructions provided on this assignment page before writing your paper. Choose one of the issues/questions listed below. Your argument should be incorporated into a concise and well-written essay, not randomly discussed. You will need to use a minimum of five reliable sources to support your argument. 1. What do you make of the measured rise in global average temperatures since 1980? Do you believe the temperature increase is a direct consequence of increased greenhouse gases or natural processes?
try to consider the recent measured rise in global average temperature with respect to longer time scale estimates of changes in global average temperature constructed from both measured and proxy records (sea-floor sediments and ice-core studies).2. How, if at all, does this uncertainty about the effects of increased greenhouse gases on climate change influence your views about global warming and what should be done?
Currently, we are unable to say for sure how much, if any, of the recent warming of global average temperature is due to increased greenhouse gases. We are also unable to predict precisely how climate will change in the future if we continue to add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. For the most part we rely on computer models, global climate models, to address these uncertainties.
While these models are good tools, the complexity of the climate system and our limited understanding of climate processes make it impossible for climate models to provide reliable answers or predictions. Of course, your opinions cannot be wrong, but you must clearly state the reasons for your position and use your references to support your argument. Your grade will be largely based on two items in the grading rubric used for your papers:
(1) Completeness & Discussion (content i.e., did you include everything covered in the instructions?) 50 marks
(2) Mechanics/Grammar & Organization (written communication, i.e., how well is your essay is written?) 50 marksYour position should be clearly stated. The arguments or reasons that you give in support of your position should be clear and concise. You should concentrate on ideas that shape your opinion. Please do not provide both sides of each issue that you discuss. Discuss what you personally believe and why you believe it, not why someone else may disagree with you.


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Very briefly explain utilitarianism. How does utilitarianism apply

Philosophy 240 EthicsThird Paper: Organ Conscription and Ethical TheoryDue on Canvas: Tuesday, Dec 11 at 12:00 p.m. (noon) IntroductionTransplantation of vital organs began very experimentally in the 1950s and 1960s, but today it is well beyond the stage of medical experiment. Today transplantation of the kidney, liver, heart, lung, pancreas, and intestine (along with some other organs) is routine. From the start the procedures raised some ethical problems, some related to the fact that the demand for vital organs outpaces the supply. The majority of transplanted organs come from deceased donors. The problems are that only about 3 in 1,000 people die in a way that allows for organ donation, and only 48 percent of adults in the U.S. are signed up to be donors. Thus many organs that could be used are either buried or burned (cremation) because the deceased wasnt a donor or the family of the deceased refused donation. The result is that 22 people a day die waiting for a transplant, which is over 8,000 people a year. Organ ConscriptionThere are a number of proposals for solving this problem and creating a bigger supply of available organs, and therefore saving many lives. One of the more controversial is called organ conscription, which would require that every person who dies under the circumstances enabling organ transplantation would have their organs removed. That is, each person would become a donor whether or not while living they consented to be a donor, and whether or not their family consents. Like a military draft, this would be a draft of organs from deceased people. Hence the name: conscription. If implemented this policy would immediately raise the number of available organs and save many lives (for the purposes of your paper, lets assume that the number of people who die waiting for an organ will be cut from 8,000 a year to zero). And under conscription there would be no need for expensive ongoing public education programs, no need to train requesters, and no need to maintain donor registries. All of these facts mean that money and resources would be freed up for use in other areas of health care. Some morally relevant factors to help get your thinking started:Common sense morality and moral tradition in most cultures holds that the living not only have strong claims over their bodies while living, but also over what happens to their bodies after they die.
Supporters of conscription claim that the dead do not have interests, do not have rights, cannot be harmed, and therefore have no valid claims over their body after they die. They add that the policy is fair, since it would apply to all and everyone would be treated in the same way.
Instructions: write a paper of 900 to 1,300 words on the ethics of organ conscription that answers the following questions: Explain your own stance regarding this policy. Do you support it and believe it is morally permissible, or are you opposed to it and believe it to be morally wrong? Briefly your reasons for your view.
Very briefly explain Kants moral theory. Then do the following three things:
Using the second formulation of the categorical imperative (and the idea of autonomy) construct the best Kantian argument in support of organ conscription
Using the second formulation of the categorical imperative (and the idea of autonomy) construct the best Kantian argument against organ conscription
Explain which of these positions is most true to Kantian moral theory and why
Very briefly explain utilitarianism. How does utilitarianism apply? What would it say about the morality of organ conscription? Since were talking about a policy issue, it will be easier to work with rule utilitarianism instead of using act utilitarianism.
Which theory best answers the question Is a policy of organ conscription morally right to enact as law? and why?


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Discuss the disadvantages of using the type of costing method (LIFO, FIFO, and weighted average) that the company has implemented.

Question #1. Use the Internet to research the annual report of at least one (1) merchandising company. For example, while you cant use this one, here is one from Walmart. Determine which costing method (Last In First Out [LIFO], First In First Out [FIFO], or weighted average cost) is used to record inventory by your selected company. Share three (3) advantages and three (3) disadvantages of using the type of costing method (LIFO, FIFO, and weighted average) that the company has implemented. #2.Imagine you are a consultant hired to convert a manual accounting system to an automated system. Suggest the key advantages and disadvantages of automating a manual accounting system. Identify the most important step in the conversion process. Provide a rationale for your response. #3.Employee theft is a major problem in the U.S. retail industry. Information obtained from SecurityInfoWatch reported that twenty-three (23) major retailers alone apprehended over 1.1 million shoplifters and dishonest employees, and recovered more than $189 million from these thieves in 2012. Watch J. Farrell’s video below titled “Prevent Employee Theft in Your Business,” and provide at least two (2) examples of internal controls that could be implemented to reduce theft in the U.S. retail industry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8OHUCMtgMM&feature=youtu.be #10.Use the Internet to research an annual report of a retail company. Then, imagine you are an investor or creditor and suggest the ratios that you believe would provide an investor or creditor with the most important information needed to make accurate predictions about the companys financial condition. When analyzing a company, is it more important to compare the ratios to competitors or to the companys previous history?


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What is your understanding of a Maths Mastery approach and what do you believe are the implications for the Primary classroom?

Assessment Brief (1500 words in total)Working with the level 6 criteria you are to respond to the two questions below. Each question has a word limit of 750 words. Imagine the target audience to be an interview panel and therefore the answers should reflect the need to be concise, informed and accessible to a mixed/professional audience.
1. What is your understanding of a Maths Mastery approach and what do you believe are the implications for the Primary classroom? (750 words)
2. How would you aim to meet the needs of all children in a maths lesson? (750 words)When answering the questions, also:
– critically discuss current issues in mathematics education and their impact on effective mathematics teaching and learning;- develop a personal philosophy that encompasses key issues that can influence childrens mathematical learning;- critically evaluate progression in the mathematics curriculum from Foundation Stage to Key Stage 1 and 2, and implications for transitional stages;- identify effective mathematics teaching strategies and critically analyse how these can be planned for and incorporated in the dedicated daily mathematics lesson.
Remember at level 6 this needs to be a critical, analytical reflection, simple description is not enough. The level 6 criteria are outlined below for you to refer to for this written element.Further guidanceReflection on personal practice means use of 1st person is expected where appropriate.
Reflect critically and analytically on views and philosophy in an articulate manner.


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What is something that is missing in this theory, that you would add to make it stronger?

answer all the questions in a female perspective https://prezi.com/nkuforvowiha/mate-selection-theories/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Cxq7ZmnFLU Part A: Think of the Theory of Mate Selection that you think best describes your approach to Mate Selection. Answer the following: 1A. Which theory did you choose? 2A. Apply the theory to your process of mate selection; how have you seen this play out in your experiences, or how do you envision it playing out, if this is a process that you have yet to undertake? Be thorough in your application; consider all components of the chosen theory and illustrate your thoughts, with concrete examples or ideas, rather than simply listing them. 3A. What is something that is missing in this theory, that you would add to make it stronger? (;Nothingt; does not count as a response.;) How, specifically, would your addition enhance the theory? 4A. If you had to incorporate another Theory of Mate Selection to make your chosen theory more complete, what would it be and why? 5A. What Theory of Mate Selection is your least favorite? 6A. What are 2 things about that theory that you think are flawed or that you dislike? 7A. What are 2 ways that you would improve this theory, to make it more appealing or accurate? Part B: Think of the Theory of Love that you think best describes love in relationships. Answer the following: 1B. Which theory did you choose? 2B. Apply the theory to a relationship with which you are familiar; how have you seen this play out in the relationship about which you are thinking? Be thorough in your application; consider all components of the chosen theory and illustrate your thoughts, with concrete examples or ideas, rather than simply listing them. 3B. What is something that is missing in this theory, that you would add to make it stronger? (“Nothing” does not count as a response.”) How, specifically, would your addition enhance the theory? 4B. If you were to incorporate another Theory of Love to make your chosen theory more complete, what would it be and why? 5B. What Theory of Love is your least favorite? 6B. What are 2 things about that theory that you think are flawed or that you dislike? 7B. What are 2 ways that you would improve this theory, to make it more appealing or accurate?


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