You have recently been appointed as database designer forHoneyBee in Stafford. HoneyBee Stafford…

You have recently been appointed as database designer forHoneyBee in Stafford. HoneyBee Stafford is a sole trader, which has setup and is selling honey to customers in the local area. The business has been doing really well and until now it has recorded sales and customer information by hand. However the sales are increasing and the owner now needs to start tracking customer details, sales, bees, hives and batches of honey.The owner ofHoneyBee has asked you to design a relational database that will store and record the business information.

Activity 1

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The owner ofHoneyBee Stafford has no experience of database management systems and you need to explain to him the different database management systems that are available and the benefits to him of using this type of system to store his data.You have agreed a date for a meeting and you wish to leave him with a guide to database management systems which includes:

an explanation of database management systems

an explanation of the different levels of database architecture

a description of big data and how it can apply to the database management system

an explanation of transaction processing within a database management system

an evaluation of the importance of data integrity and quality control within a management system


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