Write and submit a summary of the contents of the paper you have selected in the first part of this project.

Write and submit a summary of the contents of the paper you have selected in the first part of this project.The submission should be written in IEEE Proceedings Manuscripts style: two columns, single-spaced. You may find a template file at URL: http://www.ieee.org/web/publications/authors/transjnl/index.htm1. It should not be more than 3 pages long (including references and figures) and should follow Term Research Project Report Guidelines organization laid out in the course outline 3) In your report pay special attention to the “Conclusion” and/or “Recommendation” sections of your paper, as your ability to independently analyze and critique the paper will form a major part of the evaluation. Ensure that you have at least one or two paragraphs that gives your independent opinion on the contents of the paper. 4) Copying the sentences in your chosen paper verbatim into your summary is plagiarism. Ensure that you write your summary using your own words. 5) Your submission will be judged based on the following criteria: Format/Organization Content Clarity Technical Depth Originality 6) Prepare a one slide brochure, summarizing the main points of the paper, what it does, the applications, importance. 7) Your final submission should include your summary report, the slide brochure and the original paper that you summarized.

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