Why is the research question important or relevant (to economics or policy making)?…

(10 marks) The research question and goals of the paper. • Why is the research question important or relevant (to economics or policy making)? • What were the main views about this question in the literature before this study? • How is the selected paper different from the previously existing literature? (5 marks) The data being used. • Where did the authors source the data? • Why are these data appropriate for answering the research question? • Has any data cleaning been applied? • Provide some relevant summary statistics. (20 marks) The empirical model and methodology. • Which theoretical models (if any) related to the research question are being used? • State the empirical models used in the paper. • Which estimation methods are being used? • Do you think the econometric assumptions are reasonable or realistic? (15 marks) The main results. • Provide tables of the most important estimation results. • How are these estimates interpreted? • How do these results answer the research question? • Have any robustness checks of the model specification been undertaken?


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