Why are the important pigs in Animal Farm (such as Major and Snowball and Napoleon) boars, meaning t

Why are the important pigs in Animal Farm  (such as Major and Snowball and Napoleon) boars, meaning they are very masculine, while Squealer, who is absolutely essential to keeping the regime in place, is only a “porker,” which is a castrated pig? Even though he plays all the games of power, he lacks that power of manhood that Napoleon possesses, for example, which we see when he sires the next generation of elite pigs (the four sows all have litters “simultaneously” and everyone knows the father is the strapping Napoleon). Why is Squealer in this way such a “wimp”? Orwell feminizes him in all sorts of ways–such as how he skips around.  Any ideas on what Orwell’s sexual politics might be here?

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