**USE ATTACHMENTS AS GUIDE** One week away from the final project, and now you calculate your first.


One week away from the final project, and now you calculate your first correlational stats on your data set. You will calculate the Pearson product-moment correlations between at least two sets of variables in your data set.

Do one correlation between two independent variables such as age and education. Do the second correlation on an independent variable (such as age) and the dependent variable (such as score). Remember that most people never see the actual output or data; they read the results statements by the researcher, so your summary must be accurate.

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Calculate the Pearson product-moment correlations between at least 2 sets of variables in your data set. Do one correlation between two independent variables such as age and education.  Do the second correlation on an independent variable (such as age) and the dependent variable (such as score).

Summarize the results of the calculation in 45 to 90 words.


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