

Online ENVS 100 Service-­‐‑Learning Project 1. PROJECT PROPOSAL – Pick a project – Deadline:

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Not sure where to start? Opportunities abound! I have posted dozens of ideas at: http://scidiv.bellevuecollege.edu/gj/ENVS100-­‐‑links.docx

Select one of the opportunities listed there, or find one on your own. Feel free to run your ideas past me – If it’s at all relevant to the broad subject of environmental science, I’ll probably say yes!

YES, you may “serve” by trying to change a workplace policy or procedure (e.g., paper waste). YES, you may create an educational unit for teachers, or educational experience for children or adults. YES, you may attend a workshop or training (e.g., be a salmon watcher). YES, you are welcome to volunteer for an organization you’ve worked with before. YES, you may work with a classmate or two, with my approval, on a larger project – You will each have to demonstrate that you are pulling your own weight, or risk being “bumped” off the team (you’ll each do your own write-­‐‑up).

YES, you may connect with Bellevue College programs and resources, e.g., Science & Math Institute (SAMI), Campus Sustainability Office, a relevant Club, etc.

o Want funding for a campus project? http://www.bellevuecollege.edu/sustainability/you/fund/ Yes (grudgingly), you may watch a “Hollywood movie” rather than an “educational film”, though it will take more research to do a good job of the scientific analysis and educational service aspects.

Alas, you may not select a book you’ve read or film you’ve already watched … Unless your project is to “do something” with it (e.g., show Food, Inc to a youth group and lead a discussion about it).

What if none of those ideas appeals to you, but you don’t know what to do instead? Not a problem. Consider whether you’d like to spend time outside or inside, and think about what topics are of greatest interest to you. Then talk with me – I can probably help you brainstorm or point you to someone who would have some ideas.

Post your proposal to the specified submission area in Canvas:

1-­‐‑2 pages single-­‐‑spaced What you are doing for your project (title and description) How it is related to environmental science How it serves others (not counting yourself and classmates) The progress you have made on it so far (references list, websites, contact names, etc) A schedule of tasks (with dates!) If there’s anything that I might be able to help with First line in your proposal file: [brief title for your project] – SLP Proposal – [your name] Filename of attachment: [LastName]-­‐‑SLP Proposal-­‐‑[brief project title]

Then get started! J

  1. PROJECT UPDATE – Report your progress – Deadline:

Post your update to the specified submission area in Canvas: 1-­‐‑2 pages single-­‐‑spaced Title and description The progress you have made on it so far (in detail) An updated references list An updated schedule of tasks (with dates!) If there’s anything that I might be able to help with – But don’t wait until the update is due if you encounter any difficulties! First line in your project update file: [brief title for your project] – SLP Update – [your name] Filename of attachment: [LastName]-­‐‑SLP Update-­‐‑[brief project title]

  1. PROJECT COMPLETION – Write up your experience – Deadline:

Post your completed project to the specified submission area in Canvas: Tell me:

What you learned How it ties in with what we have been learning in class Your reflections on its relevance to you, the environment, the wider community

Format: 2+ pages of text, typed, single-­‐‑spaced, narrow margins, your name on each page Plus references list & images, as appropriate First line in your project update file: [brief title for your project] – Completed Project – [your name] Filename of attachment: [LastName]-­‐‑Completed Project-­‐‑[brief project title]

Alternative formats I will consider – Please get my permission first: Educational YouTube video PowerPoint with lecturer’s commentary/notes ???

Questions? gwjones@bellevuecollege.edu J

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