the paper about the topic in unfccc and international negotiations

My Topic: Forest Biodiversity, I will focus on the negotiations related to Forest Biodiversity in the past, current status.

Assignment: Complete short research paper on the current status of negotiations on that topic and what are the pressing issues for the upcoming COP.

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Deliverables: A no more than 5 page paper (1.5 spacing) on the history, the present state of negotiation, and the pressing issues on the topic of interest under the UNFCCC.

Some specifics: Your paper must have the following headings: background on the issue, history of the negotiations, present state of negotiations (including who is discussing it, important statements from leaders or groups), pressing issues going into the COP, and links (if any) to the SDGs. This paper should be informed by research. Please cite references, but you may use any format that works for you.


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