State the statistical assumptions of this test.

  • State the statistical assumptions of this test.
  • Select an independent variable with three or more levels and a dependent variable.
  • Develop the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis for main effects.
  • Using SPSS, calculate an ANOVA. Include a post hoc test.
  • Report on the p value and the confidence interval.
  • Interpret the confidence interval.
  • Decide whether to reject or retain the null hypothesis based on main effects and/or post-hoc statistical tests.
  • Generate syntax and output files in SPSS. You will need to copy and paste these into your Application document.
  • Based on your SPSS analysis, report the results using correct APA format. Include results for post hoc tests where appropriate. Your report should include the following:
    • SPSS syntax and output files
    • ANOVA table

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