Professional Presentation

Professional Presentation

1. Choose a topic from the course and define an audience (e.g., educators, administration, parents, students, legislators) for the presentation.

2. Design a professional presentation in the format of a PowerPoint, workshop, or video. Include anticipatory set (introduction that captures participation attention), objective, instructional content relating to the objective, participant activities, assessment of and by participants, and closure.

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3. Conduct the presentation with at least one member of your SPED team. Obtain feedback from participant(s) and include summary of feedback at the end of presentation. Include the strengths and areas of improvement.

4. Include specific evidence from coursework that demonstrates achievement of course objectives and personal goals in the following areas: foundations and models (EBD), assessment, causes, facets, interventions, and teaching strategies for students with EDB.

5. Provide two pieces of evidence for each category, a rationale for choosing each piece, and an evaluation of current skills in the area.


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