outcome 4 communication plan week 10 status report

Students will submit the Week 10 project status report to communicate progress in the course at the end of the quarter. This report will be graded.

Status reports for weeks 3, 6, and 8 are submitted to the discussion board for review by the mentor. They will not be graded.

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Outcome 4 – Full description of tasks

For the purpose of these reports, the project is this course with its deliverables. Students will submit four project status reports to communicate progress through the course at the completion of modules 3, 6, 8, and 10. Each status report is formally written. All status reports have common elements such as the status on deliverable(s), discussion of current status, any issues, conflicts, concerns, or risks that project might have.

The first step is to create a schedule for submitting the assignments and a brief risk analysis of possible things that may delay the schedule. The risk analysis should list the risks, the probability they will occur (low, medium, high, unknown), the potential impact, (low, medium, high) and possible ways to mitigate each risk. Be sure to allow for time periods when you know you have other commitments so that your schedule is realistic. The schedule and risk analysis should be posted to the discussion forum by the end of week 1.

Status reports for weeks 3, 6 and 8 will also be posted to the discussion board where the mentor will respond to them. These three reports will not be graded. For weeks 2, 5, 7 and 9 be sure to connect with your mentor so you can keep on track.

The status report for week 10 will be submitted via the Assignments tab and will be graded. It will also be viewed by the mentor since it will indicate if you have completed the course and a final grade can be reported once all assignments have been graded, or if the work will extend into a second quarter. At the start of that second quarter a new schedule must be submitted and status reports must be submitted to the discussion board in weeks 3, 6, and 8. In the second quarter no status report will be submitted for grading.


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