Multi-country Tourism Organizations

Assignment 3 requests that you choose two Multi-country Tourism Organizations (MTOs) and compare their value proposition, programs, business model and governance. You should also identify good practices and areas that need improvement related to their value proposition, programs, business model and governance.

I have reviewed your paper. It appears that you are comparing Chimu Adventures and Monograms. Chimu and Monograms are not MTOs. They are travel companies, i.e. tour operators. None of the content seems to make sense. You need to start over and focus on two organizations only.

Please refer to Blackboard and red through Lecture Notes from March 27. I have attached to this email for ease of review. I recommended in class that you choose two MTOs from slide 7 or two MTOs from Slide #9. I have included the list of organizations below.

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List of MTOs that have a scope that is broader than tourism. Choose 2 organizations for either this list or the list that follows.

*Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, Paris)

*Organization of American States (OAS, Washington, D.C.)

*Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC, Singapore)

*Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN, Jakarta)

*Association of Caribbean States (ACS, Trinidad & Tobago)

*Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS, St. Lucia)

*Central American System for Integration (SICA, El Salvador)

List of MTOs that focus exclusively ontourism.

*Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO), Barbados

*Federation of Tourism Organizations of Latin America/Confederación de Organizaciones Turísticas de la América Latina (COTAL), Buenos Aires

*European Travel Commission (ETC), Brussels

*Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA), Bangkok

*South Pacific Tourism Organization (SPTO), Suva

*Regional Tourism Organization of South Africa (RETOSA), South Africa

Your paper should be 4-7 pages. Please use 1.5 spacing with concise headers. Appropriate business style, format and language are expected.


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