media about trump

This week I would like you to discuss what you know about Donald Trump solely from information your have heard/watched/read in the media. I am giving points for well thought out answers not bullet points. Put a lot of thought and effort into this.

2. Tell me what you have learned (or already know) about him solely from what you have heard/watched/read from the media. Social media counts as well.

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3. Share where you got your information from. If it was from several sources, please list them all.

4. Discuss opposing views on President Trump from various media sources. Some media outlets will like a certain candidate and dislike another. Their bias will show.

5. What do you think about media sources endorsing one candidate or another? Can you trust a media source to be unbiased in their reporting if they have come out to endorse a specific candidate? (For example, a major newspaper’s endorsement of a candidate)

6. How do you know what information is accurate? How do you know who you can trust?


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