Letter to the president in 1898 Pretend you were living in 1898. Write a note to President McKinley.

Letter to the president in 1898

Pretend you were living in 1898. Write a note to President McKinley in support or in opposition of the war with Spain. Make sure to clearly state your reasons.When writing the note imagine you are an American living in the Gilded age


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…………..Answer Preview……………

[Your Address]


The Honorable McKinley

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

Washington, D.C.


Dear President McKinley:

I am writing to inform you of how important it is to support the Spanish War, and to ask you to do everything in your power to ensure that the program receives the full funding it deserves.  Am an America citizen who has participated in the war field I understand the implications on the ground. We cannot allow the enemy to undermine our sovereignty…


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