Justice Quarterly: JQYou will not be allowed to use web pages or web groups suc

Justice Quarterly: JQYou will not be allowed to use web pages or web groups such as Wikipedia and Answers.com, as the information contained in these web pages are academically questionable. You cannot use web pages of a questionable background or academic source.Furthermore, you will not be permitted to cite encyclopedias, dictionaries, newspapers (unless otherwise permitted) and popular magazines. It is important to remember that this is an undergraduate level class and you are required to submit undergraduate level work, which is backed up by academically credible material. If you have a question about the quality of a potential resource please e-mail your professor.Most of this material that you need for your assignments can be found in the AMU library. You are encouraged to use the library to locate the needed material. Additionally, at the bottom of this syllabus is a list of acceptable organizations and groups found on the World Wide Web which you can use to find material for your assignments.

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