identify some of the attributes that are required to implement keys and the required relationships between relations.

Data and Systems Analysis
Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements

This assignment is based on a scenario which has been constructed to provide assessment of a range of topics covered by the unit. There is therefore a degree of artificiality in the scenario, and in the way in which the information is presented. You are asked to assume that the data model has been agreed and you are given an entity relationship diagram and the names of the attributes of some of the entities. You are not, however, given a detailed data model (for example, including domains, data types and constraints) because we ask you to make decisions about these things in the assignment. In order to limit the amount of routine work involved in the assignment some attributes you might expect to see (for example the address of a person or an organization) have been omitted. We do not expect you to identify additional routine attributes of this type. We do, however ask you identify some of the attributes that are required to implement keys and the required relationships between relations. The scenario (Wallace’s Widgets) on which the assignment is based is provided in the appendix to this document.


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