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Part II

Administer the 10 question survey you developed in Week 2 to at least one to three people outside of class. Remember, the more people surveyed the better the results.

  • What difficulties did you face when administering this questionnaire? Did you receive responses consistent with how the questions were designed?
  • If you were administering this questionnaire to others, who would be your population of interest?
  • What sampling method would you use to address this population?
  • What key concepts need to be considered if this questionnaire were conducted as a research project?

Submit a 700- to 1,050-word paper on the previous information along with a summary of the results you obtained from your questionnaire to the assignment tab. Submit your individual paper to the assignment tab.

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here are the 10 question On a scale 1-10 on a day to day basic how are you feeling with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest?

 How often do you feel depressed?

A.     Daily


B.     Sometimes


C.     Never

1.      How often do you exercise?

A. Daily

B.2-3 times per week

C. None

2.      Do you take anti-depressants?

    A. Yes

                   B. No

5.         How would you describe your daily mood?

a.       Cheerful

b.      Content

c.       Angry

d.      Melancholy

6.      Do you feel better when you exercise?

a.       Yes

b.      .No

7.         Have you spoken with your family doctor about your depression?

               A. yes

               B. no

8.         When do you notice your depression the most?

 9        What medication are using to treat this illness?

10.        Does the medication helps your depression? A. yes  B. no


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