How many men vs women ride in the first subway car to school on average over 3-5 days?

How many men vs women ride in the first subway car to school on average over 3-5 days?

how many men vs women ride in the first subway car to school on average over 3-5 days? Bad question: What is the ethnic makeup of the people on the subway? Good question: How many people who use the public restroom at Starbucks also buy something afterwards? Bad question: How clean are the public restrooms at Starbucks? 2. Review the evidence -this is your lit review step. You will find at least three references that you can associate with your research project and write about them in this section. You should not review the references but rather explain why you are associating them with your research. They should help you (and me the reader) contextualize your question and formulate your hypothesis. 3. Make the problem precise -this is where you will develop your hypothesis around your research question. This excerpt from your Giddens text best explains this step: Hypotheses are a refinement of the research problem posed in the first step, or educated guesses about what is going on that are based on a review of the relevant evidence. Hypotheses are also formulated in such a way that they can be evaluated using evidence. Facts and data will either support or disprove the hypotheses. 4. Work out a design This is where you will formulate and describe what type of research you will be doing. Is it field observations, surveys, interviews and/or content analysis or maybe even an experiment? The methods chosen should be the best methods to help you answer your question. For example I would not do content analysis if I am trying to understand behavior in a space and I would not do field observations if I am looking at gender bias in online news headlines. 5. Carry out the research This is exactly what it says. Carry out the research according to the methodology you designed in step 4. Make sure you take extensive and detailed notes during your research, you will need these when it comes time to interpret and write up the results. 6. Interpret results Here is where you look at your data and decide if/how it answers your question. For this project your analysis and interpretation should be simple and easily analyzed within the time frame given. 7. Report findings For this assignment your report will be the bulk of your paper. You should be able to write and describe the answer to your research question in this section. Your final paper should have 4 sections, (1)the introduction of your project that includes your literature review, (2)the detailed description of your methodology and your personal experience of doing this method, and (3)an in depth description on your results of your findings (4) a short discussion on your research.


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