How does the belief in a pantheon of gods compare to the concept of a single God as expressed in the Abrahamic myths?

How does the belief in a pantheon of gods compare to the concept of a single God as expressed in the Abrahamic myths?

How does the belief in a pantheon of gods compare to the concept of a single God as expressed in the Abrahamic myths? Use examples from The Enuma
Elish, the Myth of Osiris, Isis and Horus, The Epic of Gilgamesh and the readings from the Old Testament/Islamic Hagar and her Family to support your argument.This essay must be three to five pages in length. This means it must be three full pages, part of a fourth page and no longer than five full pages. Use examples from the reading assignments to support your argument. You must include a narrative citation for each example, especially if you quote from the source.If you create a citation from a work where the author is known, for example, from the book World Mythology by Donna Rosenberg, present your citation like this:
According to World Mythology by Donna Rosenberg, Osiris was the god of fertility and ruler of the underworld.If you quote one of the myths in World Mythology, you must include the title of the ancient source.On the Internet, the website is the source. Write the website name in italics. Write the title of the article in quotation marks. If the authors name is available, include that, too.The bible is a collection of books, and each book is considered a source. Always use the King James Version when citing or quoting the bible. Do not include the bible or King James Version in your citation, because it is accepted that you are using the KJV. Write the title of the bible book out fully the first time you use it. Always include the chapter and verse numbers.When repeating a sources information word for word, you must cite the source and use quotation marks. The quote must support something of your own narrative, and cannot be from a general source like Wikipedia.


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