How do you think you can apply speculative design to your own projects?Dunne & Raby. (2013). Beyond radical design? In Speculative everything (pp. 1-10). 

Speculative Design is the practice of theorizing about all possible futures, with special focus on those that are most likely, and trying to create designs and that might best benefit us in the future. This means creating products, services, scenarios, etc., that might be useful for possible futures.

Answer following questions:

1. Speculative design is an important aspect to business and planning. Think of groups that would greatly benefit from such a practice, and theorize what they may start planning and designing for.

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2. How do you think you can apply speculative design to your own projects?Dunne & Raby. (2013). Beyond radical design? In Speculative everything (pp. 1-10).

And please read this article and cite in your answers:

Dunne & Raby. (2013). Beyond radical design? In Speculative everything (pp. 1-10).


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