How do i implement the class smartArray, as a class templateelemtype to accept any numerical value.

How do i implement the class smartArray, as a class templateelemtype to accept any numerical value. Below is code i have issues , in being unable to make theostream and istream work for the template template

class smartArray{

friend   ostream& operator

friend istream& operator>>(istream &, elemType &);              // issues with making this work as template


elemType *elements; // dynamic array, memory is allocated inthe

// constructor. Use *this to access size member.

int length(); // returns the length of the array

smartArray(); // default constructor, sets size to 0

smartArray(int size); // constructor, allocates the memory for*elements, if size==0, then no memory allocation is done

~smartArray() ;// destructor

void resize(int newsize) ;


int size;

}; template

ostream& operator


    for (int i = 0 ; i

    return out;
} template
istream& operator>>(istream &in, elemType& b){
    for (int i = 0 ; i
{ cout << “Enter element number “<< i << “: “; in>> b.elements[i];}
    return in;
} . . .


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