HLT324 quiz 4 1. In which culture is the body not left alone from the time of death until the funeral? A. Jewish B. Mexican C. Puerto Rican 2. Which culture does not believe in rushing to bury the deceased and typically holds burial services 5-7 days after a death? A. African Americans B. Arab C. Amish


HLT324 quiz 4

1. In which culture is the body not left alone from the time of death until the funeral?

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A. Jewish

B. Mexican

C. Puerto Rican

2. Which culture does not believe in rushing to bury the deceased and typically holds burial services 5-7 days after a death?

A. African Americans

B. Arab

C. Amish

3. Which culture believes in a 3-day period of mourning activities after the death of a family member?

A. Polish

B. Cuban

C. German

4. What culture is subdivided into church districts, with 30-50 families in each district?

A. African American

B. Arab

C. Amish

5. Which culture has special prayer services on the 1st, 3rd, 7th, 13th, and 17th anniversaries of the death?

A. Hindu

B. Japanese

C. German

6. Roman Catholics represent 85% of which culture?

A. Cuban

B. African American

C. German

7. Which culture is hesitant to purchase life insurance, as they fear to do so is inviting death?

A. Chinese

B. Japanese

C. Haitian

8. What culture washes the body of the deceased three times prior to dressing and burial?

A. German

B. Arab

C. Filipino

9. In which culture may an animal sacrifice be made to honor the deceased?

A. African American

B. German

C. Hmong

10. In which culture is the deceased cremated in less than 24 hours following the death for hygienic, population, purification, and spiritual reasons?

A. Hindu

B. Polish

C. German


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