Database Management System (DBMS) Project:

Database Management System (DBMS) Project:

Educational Expenses Tracking Database

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Database Management System (DBMS) Project:

Educational Expenses Tracking Database

Wilmington University

Educational Expenses Tracking Database

IST 7000

Database Management System (DBMS) Project:

Educational Expenses Tracking Database

Database Problem

To create a DBMS that manages and categorizes my educational expenses towards completing my MS degree in IST into tax deductable and non-deductable expenses. The database should be able to discriminate between educational expenses that are into tax deductable and non-deductable according to Internal Revenue Services ( IRS) of the Unites States.

Database Constraints

  1. Detailed information on into tax deductable educational expenses should be collected from external sources.
  2. There could be items that are primarily non-deductable and with the help of a tax professional, it can become tax-deductible
  3. As the people connected to the design and creation of the system is non-resident aliens, the system may not be effective for resident students or United States citizens.

Database Objectives

  1. Record all expenses related to the course with available receipts or invoices.
  2. Categorize expenses into tax deductable and non-deductable expenses.
  3. Make these records and related documents retrievable in any instances they are in demand.
  4. Record and retrieve records with details in relation with the tax-year.
  5. Keep a consistent and dependable record of all invoices and records directly connected to any expenses towards the course.
  6. Make the database available on-line and ever-retrievable also is another objective.


The DBMS can record and retrieve all expenses in two broad categories of tax deductable and non-deductable expenses as per the IRS (USA) rules. If needed, multiple people under the same circumstances should be able to use the DBMS for the same purpose.

  1. The system is limited to the rules IRS (USA ) in taxable matters.
  2. The system can handle only educational expenses undergraduate or graduate studies
  3. The system may be a standalone system and may not be able to connect with other systems created with other purposes. (E.g.: individual income and expenses). However, reports from the system can be utilized separately

Out of scope.

Expenses like Traveling expenses related to Optional Training Practices, Income from the same, travel outside the United States during the course completion and training will be out of scope for this system. Expenses connected to visa processes, change of status and other related attorney or process also will be out of scope for the system. Tracking tax-deductible and non-deductible expenses of permanent residents and United States citizens are another out of scope item for this database project. Tax calculators and estimation also is out of scope of this project. The reports generated will not be in any legal formats or may not be an IRS submission ready format as the system is intended to keep records of the expenses and to help a non-resident student to work on individual tax filing for every year.


  1. C. J. Date, A. Kannan and S. Swamynathan, An Introduction to Database Systems, Pearson Education, Eighth Edition, 2009.
  2. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth and S. Sudarshan, Database System Concepts, McGraw-Hill Education (Asia), Fifth Edition, 2006.
  3. Shio Kumar Singh, Database Systems Concepts, Designs and Application, Pearson Education, Second Edition, 2011

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