critical thinking sociology essay on sociological perspective imagination and globalization

Answer the two critical thinking questions from below. Each response should be two pages, so four pages total. If it is a little longer, that is fine. Be sure to apply terms/concept(s) from the readings, and/or the slide presentations. Use at least two direct quotes with citations (ASA style) per response to support your points. You may also relate the topics to your personal lives, current events, and/or slide presentations. Write one response, then the next, then include your reference page. It is all one paper, but the discussions are separate.

Put your heading (name and such) in the header of the paper – you do not need a cover page. Put page numbers at the footer of the paper. Before each response, write the Module section and number of the prompt you are answering.

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Be sure to reference the author you directly quoted, even if it is from the textbook or slides. You should have a page at the very end called “References”. You only need one reference page. Wikipedia and are not academic sources – you do not need to use them. The only sources you need for this assignment are your class notes, slides, and/or textbook. Follow the American Sociological Association format for in-text citations and the reference page. You can do an Internet search for “ASA style guide”. You only need to use ASA style for quotes, citations, and the reference page.

*** PROMPTS ***

Module 1 Question 1

Briefly describe your favorite character from literature, television, or film. Using your sociological imagination, explain some of the problems that character had/has from a sociological perspective. Be sure that you clearly define and identify “the sociological perspective” and “the sociological imagination.” Be careful not to give a detailed summary of the character – stick to the sociology!

Module 3 Question 2

Globalization is a widespread cultural phenomenon in many nations. Describe globalization, paying specific attention to how it emerged. You should also illustrate how globalization is contributing to the creation of a global culture. Finally, you should offer one argument in favor of globalization and one argument against globalization that relate specifically to how globalization affects national cultures.


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