Computer Discussion 3

“Relational Database Model”  Please respond to the following:

  • In the Week 1 discussion, you identified one (1) example of a business function or operation and the business rules associated with that business function / operation. You will build upon that discussion as you describe the main entities or objects of that business function / operation in question, as well as the manner in which they relate to one another.


    • Describe the main entities or objects of the business function / operation. Specify the attribute that would be the primary key for each entity, and provide a rationale for why you selected such an attribute.
    • Determine whether the relationships between each of the chosen entities are one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many relationships. Justify your response.
    • Explain the key manner in which the business function / operation and the business rules associated with that business function / operation support the relationships mentioned above. Also, explain the fundamental ways in which the relationships could change, based on the interpretation of the given business rules.

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