Comprehensive Project

FIT1040 Comprehensive Project (rev 12-4-18) 18% of Final Grade For your comprehensive project, you will either select an existing business or create a business of your own. Throughout the term, you will be required to develop various worksheets in one workbook related to your business. Read through the requirements below prior to making your final business selection to ensure you will be able to complete all required items. General Instructions to consider throughout the project: Be sure to use the skills learned throughout the term to make each sheet as efficient as possible. That is, be sure to use the most efficient types of cell references; use cell references rather than typing in data in formulas and functions whenever possible; link sheets to bring data from one sheet to another, etc. Be sure each sheet is formatted professionally, emphasizing the appropriate data. A consistent theme should be used throughout. Numbers must be formatted to accurately represent the data in the column, i.e., currency (use the accounting formatting style we have applied all term), percentage, quantity, etc. Each sheet should have appropriate titles, subtitles, column headings, and row headings. Your workbook and each worksheet should be named appropriately. All charts should be the correct chart type, formatted, labeled and titled appropriately. Check every worksheet for proper spelling using spell check. Every sheet in all workbooks should be set up ready to print, including the appropriate page orientation, scaling adjustments, titles (and row and column headings if appropriate) set to print on multiple pages where appropriate, and footer with your name and the file name.


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