Commercials are HERE

NOTE – This is a very different assignment. The due date is now until the end of class. Nothing is late, but DO NOT wait until the last days of class. So read and then reread the directions. ENJOY!! Look at these commercials and then comment on them, in terms of why they are effective in the discussion part of MOD 5. The FIAT BYCYCLE COMMERCIAL is all about ego and pride. The IKEA COMMERCIAL is subliminal advertising based on SEX. The FART LADY commercial is all about what everyone does everyday and blames on the dog. The assignment here is to find another great commercial from U-TUBE and post it or list the web site to see the commercial, telling why you selected it. If it’s good enough we’ll add it to this list of other very interesting commercials below. (watch this ad last, it is an amazing 2 min. commercial)

Watch the three commercials and then add your comments ON THE DISCUSSION PAGE,  not on this assignment.  Your assignment is to find another TV commercial and download it to this page or list the web site to view the commercial.  Tell in a paragraph or two, why it works for you.


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