Procreation is the process in which two individuals conceive an offspring through sexual activity. It points to a collaboration of parents with God as the ultimate source of this new life. Reproduction is the process which living things replicate, to assure an offspring. Example of this could be assisted reproduction, surrogacy and fertility drugs.

As we all know Jesus is begotten and not made from the famous saying “for God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son.” (John 3:16 KJV) The word begotten has “only” (mono) prefixed to it. This means that Jesus has a unique relationship with the Father, Jesus is God’s unique, one of kind son. In Meilander’s readings, he compares this by how us human conceive our babies. We often see many families switching from procreation to reproduction due to the high advancements in technology. An issue that was discussed was assisted reproduction, where artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization uses sperm and ova of husband and wife. This however takes away from God’s plan, of creating a human through procreation. Additionally, marriage and the family are the basic social units designed by God, we must recognize that each individual, beginning at fertilization is a unique creation with a special worth to God. As technology permits further divergence from normal physiologic reproduction, it can lead to moral dilemmas (CMDA, n.d).

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I understand the views of this topic and agree that life is a gift from God, with the intention of man and woman, of marriage, and the mystery of two becoming one flesh. Within this mystery, procreation is a love act through which we receive children. However, assistive reproduction may be an expression of mankind’s God-given creativity. If a husband or wife is suffering from infertility they should pray together for God’s wisdom and be encouraged to seek godly counsel.


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