Rebecca has 18 roses and 24 tulips. She wants to make identical bouquets with three roses in each bouquet.HYow many…

Rebecca has 18 roses and 24 tulips. She wants to make identical bouquets with three roses in each bouquet.HYow many bouquets can she make?How many tulips can she include in each bouquet?

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here’s another document for you to critique – the VCR directions / document design assignment.


In this one, pay particular attention to how this writer’s design elements affect his/her conveyance of information.


How do headers, white space, graphic(s), etc. help you, as the reader, “get” the information.


And – does this document deliver two primary tenets of Technical Writing:


1) displays that it understands its audience


2) informs the reader as to what this documents purpose is?


Have at it – reasoning through this will, in turn, strengthen your own writing.





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