Business Math, Ch. 13 Is my money insured? Two types of questions that I always ask when considering

Business Math, Ch. 13

Is my money insured?


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Two types of questions that I always ask when considering investments are:

1.  Is this investment insured in some way?  If so, how does that work?

2.  Is it possible to lose ALL of my money?


Believe it or not, the reason I mention this is that back a few years ago when the economy crashed, I saw a couple on TV who said that they had NO IDEA they could lose everything in their retirement accounts.  They thought the amount they had invested was safe (just like a savings account) – or so they said.


It is important to familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations surrounding an investment!  Be sure to ask a lot of questions! If the person to whom you are talking cannot explain the answers to the two questions above in plain, simple English to you, you should probably do more research on it for yourself before investing.  


Class, what other good questions would you ask of someone where you were thinking of investing your money?


    • Posted: 4 years ago
    • Due: 06/02/2016
    • Budget: $3

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