Briefly compare and discuss Louis Sullivan’s architectural principle that “form follows function”

Briefly compare and discuss Louis Sullivan’s architectural principle that “form follows function”

With Frank Lloyd Wright’s principle as follows: 

“Form follows function—that has been misunderstood. Form and function should be one, joined in a spiritual union.”  – Frank Lloyd Wright

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To examine this principle, observe some common objects. A pencil, comb, scissors, fork, or some similar object would be good choices for demonstration. Select an object to redesign or repurpose.  Be creative – many innovative and useful designs arise from simple improvements.

Name of Object: _____________________________________________________________

1. Describe the purpose of this object (its function).

2. Write directions for how the object should be used.

3. Describe its design (or form) as completely as possible. Include a description of its shape, material(s), color, texture, weight, and any other details you can observe.

4. Describe how the design of the object is connected to its use.

5. Name one thing you could change in the design of the object that would make it less functional.

6. Can you think of an improvement to make the object more functional?


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