Analyzing Speech Introductions and Conclusions

Analyzing Speech Introductions and Conclusions

The purpose of this lab is to understand the important role of introductions and conclusions in public speaking. First, watch one of the following speeches listed below:

Barack Obama: Presidential Inaugural Address

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Delivered 20 January 2009


Transcript: s.htm

Hillary Clinton: Democratic National Convention Keynote Address

Delivered 26 August 2008



Steve Jobs: Stanford Commencement Address

Delivered 12 June 2005

Video & Transcript:

JK Rowling: Harvard Commencement Address



Sam Berns: TEDTalk, My philosophy for a happy life

Video & Subtitles:

Cameron Russell: TEDTalk, Looks Aren’t Everything. Believe Me, I’m A Model.



Analyzing Speech Introductions and Conclusions

After watching the speech, write a 1-2 page paper explaining how the speaker effectively used the introduction and the conclusion. Your paper should answer the following questions:

1. What was the speech topic and who was the speaker?

2. What was the objective of the speech? (For example, informative, persuasive, special occasion, etc.)

3. Did the speaker use the introduction to tie the entire theme of the speech together? If so, how? If not, what suggestions do you have to accomplish this?

4. Did the speaker use the introduction to get people’s attention in some way? If so, how? If not, what are some ideas for getting the audience’s attention in this speech?

5. Did the speaker use the conclusion to educate the audience on the significance of her/his topic? If so, how? If not, what suggestions do you have for accomplishing this?

6. Was the speaker effective in using her/his introduction and conclusion? If so, why? If not, why and how could she/he improve her/his speech in terms of the introduction and the conclusion?

NOTE: In order to effectively answer these questions, you should be connecting them back to course concepts and the textbook (Ch. 8).

Times New Roman, 12pt. font, 1 in. margins, double spaced

‘Turn in on Turnitin and bring in a hardcopy to class on due date.

go to this link to read chapter 8:

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