An International or National Event or Incident

11 An International or National Event or Incident

Write a personal story describing how you acted, witnessed or responded to a significant national or international happening. Did you play in the Olympics, or join a protest? Did you survive a natural disaster? What was your role in this circumstance? What did you do? For example, if you were in a hurricane describe what happened, who you were with and how you survived.


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The most important factor to consider in a personal narrative is yourself. Choose an idea for a personal narrative that intrigues you. If your personal narrative bores you, it’ll bore readers. You want to write a descriptive personal story with vivid characters, action, and emotions.

Also, select a story you want to share with others. You’re revealing not just what happened to you, but also a piece of yourself. Is your personal story something you want people to know?

It’s your story. You decide what to write and who reads it. Then write it well.

Writing Challenge: Use one of these personal narrative writing prompts with your next essay. Write a personal narrative that shows your readers what you experienced.


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