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Critical Thinking: The Art of Argument

Critical Thinking: The Art of Argument

Power Point Presentation by Chapter

Chapter One

Critical Thinking

and Arguments


Lecture Six

Putting Arguments into Standard Form


Standard Form

To better understand arguments, it is useful to put them into standard form.

It makes them clearer.

It makes them easier to read.

It makes the relations between the parts easier to see and talk about.

This process is called “standardizing” an argument.



Standard Form

(1) This is the first premise.

(2) This is the second premise.

[3] This is the third premise.


(4) This is the conclusion.


Standard Form

(1) This is the first premise.

(2) This is the second premise.

[3] This is the third premise.


(4) This is the conclusion.

We put brackets [ ] around the numbers of unstated premises or conclusions.


How to Standardize

Put all the statements in declarative sentences and replace all pronouns with nouns.

Insert any unstated premises and any unstated conclusions.

Place the premises before the conclusion.

Number each statement with ( ) or [ ].

Indicate the conclusion with the word “Therefore.”


What Standardizing Isn’t

Standardizing isn’t just rearranging the phrases you find in a text.

When you standardize, you should edit the phrases you find to make the argument clearer.

It isn’t just writing down the premises in any order.

You have to carefully note the relationships between the various sentences in the passage and find the logical order.

An Example

Don’t cry. Your toy dinosaur’s around here somewhere. You were playing with it in the kitchen less than an hour ago, and you haven’t been out of the house since then. We’ll find it.

Step 1: Look for an attempt to convince.

This person is trying to convince a young child. There’s an argument.


An Example

Don’t cry. Your toy dinosaur’s around here somewhere. You were playing with it in the kitchen less than an hour ago, and you haven’t been out of the house since then. We’ll find it.

Step 2: Find the conclusion.

(C) The toy dinosaur is in the house.

We write “(C)” temporarily.


An Example

Don’t cry. Your toy dinosaur’s around here somewhere. You were playing with it in the kitchen less than an hour ago, and you haven’t been out of the house since then. We’ll find it.

Step 3: Find the premises.

(P) The child was playing with the toy dinosaur in the kitchen less than an hour ago.

We removed the pronoun “you.”


An Example

Don’t cry. Your toy dinosaur’s around here somewhere. You were playing with it in the kitchen less than an hour ago, and you haven’t been out of the house since then. We’ll find it.

Step 3: Find the premises.

(P) The child hasn’t left the house in the last hour.


An Example

(P) The child was playing with the toy dinosaur in the kitchen less than an hour ago.

(P) The child hasn’t left the house in the last hour.


(C) The toy dinosaur is in the house.


An Example

(1) The child was playing with the toy dinosaur in the kitchen less than an hour ago.

(2) The child hasn’t left the house in the last hour.


(3) The toy dinosaur is in the house.



Next Lecture

Main Arguments & Subarguments

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Formal Rhetorical Analysis task 1 Rhetorical Analysis – Speeches In History

Formal Rhetorical Analysis task 1 Rhetorical Analysis – Speeches In History

Persuasively Speaking: Analyzing Persuasive Writing through Great American – English Speeches

Purpose: To explore techniques and strategies used in written as well as delivered speeches or other types of persuasive writing and analyze the rhetoric and its effectiveness.

Process: Rhetoric and Persuasion

We have learned about Ethos, Pathos and Logos as these classic roots of persuasion utilized in early discussions, writings and advertisements to help us to break down the process of effective speech. This in turn helps writers of persuasion to analyze the deliberate act of choosing the right words and the appropriate support for their arguments and writing moving it to a more personal level. As we move forward in this course, you first analyze and then become writers of persuasion, even in this assignment.

Analysis of fallacies and illogical thinking seems to be necessary in evaluation of persuasive writing and effective speaking as it then can be recognized in your own writing. Therefore, the application of research or support to your own arguments is essential in your writing of this paper and others. Moreover, you may address if a speech or an argument is based on faulty thinking can be labeled effective or innovative.

Identifying the rhetoric in a speech and specific points of rhetoric that create calls to action also need to be noted or the lack of. The effectiveness of this rhetoric and specific examples are to be used to support your claims and will be required together with other researched supporting documents and expert opinions.

The overall message from such selected speeches is also part of your research and analysis.

Your assignment: A list of speeches will be given to you in which to select for analysis…

Select a speech to analyze

If available watch video of that speech

Rhetorical Analysis of the speech -Identify Elements of Rhetoric

Define and narrow your focus of which rhetorical elements you will be addressing in your analysis

Watch out for fallacies and if appropriate to your thesis – maker mention and add support to your main body paragraphs

Do a close reading of your speech and write several drafts as you move from brainstorming to final draft.

Paper length 4-6 pages

Include transcript of speech with final draft

Rough drafts and outlines will be required and for class peer reviews

Writing Center Revision – optional +10 with SLC proof

MLA style and at least 4 sources and citations in text and a work cited page, to include the speech you are referencing.

Possible speeches:

Martin Luther King – I Have a Dream


John F. Kennedy – Inauguration Speech


Ronald Reagan Challenger Address to Nation


Speech on the Challenger Disaster

Malala or President Obama – Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance and Lecture

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOqIotJrFVM?feature=oembed&w=1200&h=675]

Declaration of Independence


Winston Churchill -We shall Fight them on the Beaches


R.K. Rowling: Harvard Commencement speech

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHGqp8lz36c?feature=oembed&w=1200&h=900]

Oprah Winfrey –Golden Globe Awards Speech

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fN5HV79_8B8?feature=oembed&w=1200&h=675]

Commencement Speeches –

Ronald Reagan Berlin Wall


George Bush – After 9/11

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0VQH8hODlo?feature=oembed&w=1200&h=675]

Barack Obama – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nv9NwKAjmt

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWynt87PaJ0?feature=oembed&w=1200&h=900]

https://www.c-span.org/video/?282164-2/barack- obama-victory-speech


John McCain – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aS8K90zFgUE

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ahjLKag4kc?feature=oembed&w=1200&h=675]

Hilary Clinton -Women’s Rights- 4. Hillary Clinton, ‘Women’s Rights Are Human Rights’ (1995)

President Clinton – https://www.clintonlibrary.gov

Megan McCain – Eulogy – https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2018/09/01/meghan-mccain-john-mccain-funeral-speech-full-vpx.cnn

King George VI Sept 1939 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opkMyKGx7TQ

Michelle Obama – Selected Speeches

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZqpXj0PMoE?feature=oembed&w=1200&h=675]

George HW Bush – https://www.bushcenter.org/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-L2Tw4uo4AIVBFcNCh0h4w_1EAAYAiAAEgJqLfD_BwE

Maya Angelou – http://www.cnn.com/2014/05/28/showbiz/celebrity-news-gossip/maya-angelou-speeches/index.html

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