verify the assumption that the two populations are (i) normally distributed and (ii) have equal variance display the data using a box-and-whisker plot

Data Treatment for Biologists
Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements

Please follow the instructions in mentioned in the Assignment.
explain the results of each case study in a paragraph after each one.
modules 1-4 is added to help you in knowing how to solve these case studies.

PART B: don’t forget to write about it.

do NOT EVER copy something from anywhere as there are many students are doing the same topic and TURNITIN should be zero!

Research Methods

Data Treatment for Biologists

Part A : Workshop

The aim of this workshop is to give you some experience using standard statistical treatments of data using statistical software. The package we will use for this workshop is Minitab. It is the package used as the standard statistical software by the Mathematics and Statistics courses at RMIT and Chemistry also has a site licence for it. Most of the analyses in this workshop can be done using Excel but Excel is not very user-friendly for statistical analyses. The analyses in Minitab can be done from simple pull-down menus and there is a good on-line help facility. You can copy-and-paste data from Excel into Minitab. For the assessment you should enter your results into the attached pro forma.

Before attempting this assignment you should try the examples in modules 1-4

Case Study 1

18% protein Diet 5% protein Diet
13.3 5.1
16.3 8.7
9.9 8.7
9.3 8.5
16.1 8.1
9.7 6.9
9.7 6.9
14.1 12.3

It is believed that nutritional deprivation affects various components of the immune system, such as the tuberculin skin reactivity. In this study a sample of 8 male rats were fed with a normal diet of 18% protein. Another sample of rats were fed with a diet of only 5% protein. After 4 weeks, the rats were given an interdermal injection of 25µg of purified protein derivative of tuberculin. The above table gives the skin reactivity diameter of erythema and induration (in mm) for the 2 groups

Determine the mean, variance, standard deviation and 95% confidence interval for each data set
verify the assumption that the two populations are (i) normally distributed and (ii) have equal variance
display the data using a box-and-whisker plot
use a t-test to determine if there is a significant difference between the tuberculin reactivity of normal and malnourished rats
in Excel, create a bar graph for each group to compare the means. Include ‘error bars’ showing the confidence intervals (there is a sample spreadsheet showing how to construct ‘error bars’ in Course Documents, data Treatment folder)

Case Study 2

Germinated Did not germinate Total
Old Strain 125 15 140
New Strain 152 8 160
Total 277 23 300

The above table is a comparison of the germination rate of a new plant against an old strain of the same plant

Test whether there is a significant difference between the rates of germination of the strains (at the 95% level)

Case Study 3

Fertilizer Blend
Farm U V W X Y Z
1 1130 1125 1350 1375 1225 1235
2 1115 1120 1375 1200 1250 1200
3 1145 1170 1235 1175 1225 1155
4 1200 1230 1140 1325 1275 1215

A trial of 6 different blends of fertilizers (U-Z) has been carried out on linseed crop on 4 different farms 91-4). The crop yields of linseed are given in the table. Carry out a 2-way ANOVA

(a) is there a significant difference between farms

(b) is there a significant difference between fertilizers

Case Study 4

SBP (y) DBP (x) SBP (y) DBP (x)
112 63 156 100
120 69 124 82
135 70 99 56
142 82 105 65
132 76 124 73
115 67 144 89
119 71 134 76
128 73

Systolic arterial blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic arterial blood pressure (DBP) are tabulated above for 15 men aged 40-65

carry out linear regression on this data
give the 95% confidence intervals of the slope and intercept
test whether there is a significant relationship between SBP and DBP for this group
use the regression equation to estimate the expected SBP of a man aged 40-65 whose DBP is 75
Part B You are to carry out an evaluation of your project , in terms of the data collection and treatment aspects of the project. This is to be presented as a brief summary , set out as follows.

Project Overview

Give the project title (including supervisor). State the aims of the project – what do you want to achieve? Why is the study being carried out?

Define the response(s)

What is being measured? List your types of responses. Are these responses qualitative or quantitative? If qualitative can they be turned into quantitative responses (e.g by giving a score or rating). Are they discrete or continuous?

Define the Factors

What factors (variables) affect your results (responses)?
Rank the factors – known to influence, suspect to influence, unknown effect
Divide the factors into controllable and uncontrollable
Identify sources of error

What are the sources of error in your study? How can they be minimised? You need to consider the effect of sampling – usually you cannot test the whole population so you want to take a sample of the population. How do you select the sample? How big should the sample be?

Notes for Part A:

Analysis: Basic Statistics (Question 1)

Open up Minitab (select from the Start Menu, Programs , under SAS)
When you open the program you will notice it is divided into two areas – the data area (lower screen) and the output area. Enter data from the above table in columns C1 and C2.
Warning: make sure you start entering data in row 1 NOT in the cell immediately below the column heading (C1 etc). This cell is reserved for column labels (you may put a label here like ‘18% diet’). Also make sure you don’t enter a column label in row 1. The whole column will then be formatted as text (C1-T) and cannot be used for analysis. If this happens delete the whole column and start again (clicking on ‘C1’ will highlight the whole column).

To get descriptive statistics click on Stat => Basic Statistics => Display Descriptive Statistics to get the basic statistics dialog box. Highlight C1 and C2 on the left and then click ‘Select’. Alternatively you can click in the Variable box and type C1 C2 . Click ‘Statistics’ then check ‘variance’. Then click OK and the output will appear in the output window. From the output data enter the values in the pro forma.
Confidence Intervals
The confidence intervals for the mean can be obtained as follows: Stat => Basic Statistics => 1-sample t. Select columns 1 and 2.
The confidence interval is of the form (low value, high value). To express ie interval in the form of ‘mean +/- deviation’ calculate the deviation as 0.5*(high – low)
Normally Distributed Data

A normality test can be carried out as follows:- Stat => basic Statistics => Normality test. Select the first column and accept other defaults. Repeat the test for the second column. Examine the probability plot.

Test for Equal Variance – F test

Use Stat => Basic Statistics => 2 variances. Check ‘samples in different columns’ . Select column C1 in the first and C2 in the second (note that for a F test the variable with the larger variance must be the first one selected). Use the defaults but under Graphs select boxplot (box-and-whisker plot)
Hypothesis Testing
We now want to test whether the 2 diets sample deviates significantly from each other We need to formulate the null hypothesis (Ho). In all statistical testing the probability is then calculated of the null hypothesis being true. If there is a low probability (usually < 5% or p = 0.05) of Ho being true we reject it and accept the alternative (H1). The null hypothesis generally considers any deviations as being just due to chance/ experimental error. In question (c ) we are looking a null hypothesis of the analytical result not being significantly different from the certified value i.e the mean value is actually 6.49. In question (d) our null hypothesis is that the two means are equal.

Comparison of Means

For question (d) we apply a t test, to compare two means: Stat = Basic Statistics => 2-sample t. Click on ‘Samples in different columns’ Click ‘First’ box and then double click on C1 in the variables column and similarly for C2 as ‘Second’. Check ‘assume equal variances’. The 95% confidence level given in the output is for the difference between the two means. The probability that this difference is actually zero (or not significantly different from zero) is given at the end of the output.

The Chi Squared Test (Case Study 2)

Enter the data into 2 columns in Minitab. Do not enter the totals – just the counts. You should have a 2×2 table.

Stat=> Tables => Chi squared test (Two-way variable in Worksheet)

Select the 2 columns of data, OK

How is the data analysed? The Chi2 test is calculated as :-

sum(observed cell count – expected cell count)2/expected cell count

but how do we calculate the expected cell count?

Expected cell count = (row total)*(column total)/grand total

The null hypothesis in this case is Ho: the proportions according to the row and column classifications are the same e.g if you were computing voting preferences of men and women the proportion voting liberal would be the same for each sex.

2 way Analysis of Variance (Case Study 3)

Two Way Analysis of Variance

In this study in that there are two variables or factors – farm and fertilizer blend. The data needs to be set out as follows:-

In one column enter all 24 crop yields (1130 …1215)
You also need two coding columns. Make one column the code for farm and give a code (1 – 4) for each farm.
Enter in a third column the code (1-6) for the fertilizer blend. Thus the first value (1130) will have 1130,1,1 in the three columns while the last value (1215) would have 1215,4,6 (i.e farm 4 and blend Z)
Carry out the two way ANOVA:- Stat=> ANOVA => 2-Way. In the response field enter the column for yields and enter the other two variables in the row and column boxes. Check the ‘display means’ boxes.

The output should be a typical ANOVA table (see the notes :Chemometrics Unit 1 for a full explanation of the ANOVA table). The key values are again the p values (p that Ho is true). Because there are two variables there are now null hypotheses for each variable (e.g no significant difference between farms i.e mean [yield] for farm 1 = mean [yield] for farm2 …). As with all our previous testing the p value is the probability that this is true and we reject Ho if p is low ( < 0.05) and hence conclude there is a significant difference

Minitab gives a diagram which can help in interpreting the results, showing each mean and confidence interval. Two results differ significantly if their CI’s don’t overlap. Note, however, that Minitab uses a pooled CI so they are all the same size. The diagram is thus just an indication but is still quite useful.

In 2 way ANOVA the possibility of variable interaction is also tested. An interaction means, for example, that blend differences depend on the farm. If we see blend differences with farm 1 but not farm 2 this would be an interaction effect. The diagram of means and CIs can be an indication of where differences occur.

Linear Regression (Case Study 4)

The analysis can be carried out as follows:-

Enter the data into 2 columns

Stat => Regression => Regression. Enter the Y column in the response box and the X column in the predictors box. Click on options and in the ‘prediction intervals for new responses’ enter ‘75’ (note if you have more than one X for prediction you can enter them in a new column and put the column in this box).

The output gives you the model (the regression equation), values of the intercept (constant) and gradient (predictor) with statistical information on these parameters. A full ANOVA table is also shown . For full interpretation of this output you should consult the ‘Calibration and Modelling of Data’ notes.

The t tests determine whether the gradient or the intercept are significantly non-zero.

(Again, check the p values)

The confidence intervals for the gradient and intercept can be determined as +/- sa*tn-2,.05 and similarly for sb . sa and sb are the standard deviations of gradient and intercept respectively (in Minitab, called the ‘standard error’ in the regression table). t is the critical t value for n-2 (n = number of pairs of data) degrees of freedom and 0.05 significance level. This value can be obtained from t tables.

At the end of the output is the predicted Y when X = 75, along with the confidence (CI) and prediction (PI) intervals. The full meaning of these terms is explained in the regression notes.
Name………………………… Student Number ………………………

Case Study 1

Basic Statistics 18% Diet 5% Diet

Standard Deviation


Confidence Interval (95%)

(b) Are both data sets normally distributed? ……………….. Reason?…………………..

Equal variance?……………………………….. Reason?…………………………..

(c) pastea copy of the box-and-whisker plot



Null Hypothesis p Significant?
Reactivity difference between normal and malnourished rats

(e) paste a copy of the Excel graph

Case Study 2

Null Hypothesis(Ho) ……………………………………

Alternative Hypothesis(H1) ………………………………………..

p ……………… significant? ……………………………………

Case Study 3:

F p Significant?
Fertilizer Blend


Case Study 4

Predicted equation (model)

p for hypothesis (gradient = 0)

Significant? i.e. is the gradient non-zero?

Standard deviation of slope (sb)

t (from tables)

Confidence intervals for gradient (+/- tsb)

Standard deviation of intercept (sa)

Confidence Intervals for Intercept (+/- sa)

Predicted SBP for DBP = 75


"Looking for a Similar Assignment? Get Expert Help at an Amazing Discount!"

What is the difference between the ‘caveat emptor’, ‘negligence’ and ‘strict liability approach’ to product liability? Which do you think is most appropriate?

Assignment 6 – Customers and Virtue ethics

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements

Assignment 6 – Customers and Virtue ethics


Refer to the Desjardins Ch. 2 reading to answer the following: I attached the source

  1. What are the main ideas of virtue ethics? In particular, what is eudemonia and how can it be achieved?
  2. How does virtue ethics differ from utilitarianism and Kantian ethics? What are the main criticisms of virtue ethics?
  3. Identify a time you have taken a moral stand in order to adhere to the moral code of an organisation you have belonged to (e.g. a sporting, cultural or commercial organisation).

Refer to the Desjardins Ch. 8 and 9 readings to answer the following:I attached the sources ch8+ ch9

  1. What is the difference between the ‘caveat emptor’, ‘negligence’ and ‘strict liability approach’ to product liability? Which do you think is most appropriate?
  2. Define the following pricing practices and provide an example for each: price gouging, monopolistic pricing, price fixing, and predatory pricing.
  3. What are the ethical issues concerning marketing and advertising in relation to consumer ‘autonomy’ and ‘targeting the vulnerable’? Discuss with reference to utilitarian and Kantian ethics.
  4. Find one example of an advertisement in a newspaper, magazine or online that you believe is morally questionable and explain why, drawing on the three major ethical theories in your answer. Attach a copy of the advertisement (or a link) to your assignment.


  1. Advertising of harmful products (such as tobacco, alcohol and gambling) should be banned.Use my sources or any academic source .


  1. Submit a one-page picture (either as a separate file or embedded in your word file) which encapsulates the main points you learned from the previous week. This may contain text but must contain pictures.Please note that the topic of previous week was- Is Fair Trade fair?Use the Fair Trade Association of Australia and New Zealand: +Fair Labor Association in attached.


  1. Select one of your possible research topics and discuss how it might be analysed from a virtue ethics perspective. Be sure to consider Aristotle’s list of virtues and the extent to which they are consistent with the actions of the key decision-makers. Consider also whether you believe the actions are likely to result in eudaemonia for the decision-makers,



A key component of willpower is eating well. As per the Nestle (2015) article below, while there are many fad diets, the fundamental principles of nutrition have remained the same for many years – a balanced diet consisting high in vegetables.

For this week,

  1. a) Choose one change that you can make to improve the health of your diet; and
  2. b) During the week note when you did or did not implement this change.

Reference: I attached it.

Nestle (2015) “Eating Made Simple”, Scientific American, Special Edition, 24 (2s), pp. 39-45



Advise John Jones of the tax consequences of Items 1 – 6, above. You should discuss what amounts would be included in his assessable income or, if any item is not assessable income,  why that is so. Your answer should  include a discussion of the following:


  • Whether he return on a cash or accrual basis.
  • Whether particular amounts are ordinary income or statutory income (including capital).
  • Under what sections of the Acts the particular amounts are assessable.
  • How the quiz show winnings are to be treated.
  • What are the tax consequences  of the share certificate proposal, if he was to proceed with the plan.
  • What case law is relevant to the issues raised.

"Looking for a Similar Assignment? Get Expert Help at an Amazing Discount!"

Discuss and analyze the theory you selected for your topic in Unit 7 and discuss how your data analysis supports the assumptions and theoretical framework and extends the knowledge about this topic.

Supporting Your Quantitative Analyses
Order Details/Description

Two Assignments attached. Please separate files with sending back

Assignment #1 –

Supporting Your Quantitative Analyses
Based on your analyses thus far, you should be comfortable with the data and the findings related to your dataset. Find a theory that will help explain your findings. Use at least one peer-reviewed academic article to support your theory selection and to explain the findings from your data analysis.

A good place to look for these articles is the Capella Library. Refer back to the theories and journals listed in Unit 1’s Theory Selection assignment to assist in selecting a relevant theory for your project data analysis. Your discussion post should conform to APA 6th edition guidelines.
American Behavioral Scientist.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
American Journal of Public Health.
American Journal of Sociology.
American Review of Public Administration.
Annals of Family Medicine.
Child Development.
Criminal Justice.
Criminology and Public Policy.
Decision Sciences.
Ethnicity and Health.
Information Systems Journal.
International Journal of Nursing Studies.
Journal of Advanced Nursing.
Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management.
Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Journal of Marriage and the Family.
Journal of Management.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Journal of Research on Adolescence.
Justice Quarterly.
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law.
Qualitative Health Research.
Quality of Life Research.
Social Work.
Social Work Research.
Strategic Management Journal.
Violence and Victims.
Research Philosophy, Theory, and Quantitative Analysis
Assignment # 2 Now that you have analyzed the dataset using descriptive statistics, correlation, means analysis, and regression analysis, you should be familiar with the data and what it means to the larger body of knowledge in your topic. For this discussion, complete the following:

Present your research philosophy using all four assumptions (ontological, axiological, epistemological, and methodological).
Discuss and analyze the theory you selected for your topic in Unit 7 and discuss how your data analysis supports the assumptions and theoretical framework and extends the knowledge about this topic.
Select at least one additional peer-reviewed article on the topic to support your perspective.
Your discussion should conform to APA 6th edition guidelines.


"Looking for a Similar Assignment? Get Expert Help at an Amazing Discount!"

List and explain the issues of research integrity that arise in this scenario

Writing and Reviewing Medical Papers
Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements

the assignment in file ( the assignment Writing and Reviewing Medical Papers )
and you have to read Question 2 resource file when you answering question 2
and you have to read Question 3 resource file when you answering question 3

Read the instructions, the questions, and the accompanying materials carefully.


Please start your answer to each question on a new page, and make sure you have numbered the pages.


Please use single line spacing, and use at least 11pt font.

Start each question on a new page.

For some questions, you might choose to include references in your response. Please list your references at the end of the question to which the references apply (for example, if you use references in Question 1 part a, list these references at end of your response to Question 1, parts a, b and c). References should follow the style specified by the ICMJE (

Where word limits are specified, treat this as a guide. Do not write more than the word limit, but if you don’t need to use the full word limit to answer the question that is fine.


Consider this scenario, and then answer the questions which follow

You have recently joined the Institute for Excellent Research as a Research Fellow. Your supervisor asks you to join a research project that is investigating the impact of a recent government policy change on access to health services for particular population groups. This research has been commissioned and funded by The Healthy Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation that is particularly concerned about the likely impact of this policy change.

Your team at the Institute for Excellent Research have already collected the data that you will need. Your role is to assist in the analysis of these data and to write several sections of a report that will be submitted to The Healthy Foundation. Your supervisor also wants you to write a paper for peer reviewed publication based on this research.

Because the report to The Healthy Foundation and the paper for peer reviewed publication are on the same topic, you replicate some of the text that you wrote for the report in the Introduction and Methods Sections of your paper. You include some of the tables and figures from the report in your paper, although the paper also includes additional results that do not appear in the report. The Discussion section of the paper is mostly original, and expands substantially on the conclusions given in the report to The Healthy Foundation.

After reading your completed draft of the paper, your supervisor suggests that you send a copy to Dr Smith—the Medical Director of The Healthy Foundation—for her comments. You do so, and Dr Smith recommends that you remove some of the additional results from the paper, and that you modify your conclusions in a way that makes them more critical of the government’s policy. You make these changes, and you ask Dr Smith if she would like to be listed as a co-author, but she declines the offer.

You submit your paper to your target journal with yourself listed as the first author, your supervisor as the last author, and your team at the Institute for Excellent Research as coauthors. Under “Disclosures” on the journal’s Conflict of Interest form, you state that the research was funded by The Healthy Foundation.

Please answer the following questions Marks (20)
a) List and explain the issues of research integrity that arise in this scenario (word limit: 350 words) 10
b) Discuss how you would resolve the issues of research integrity in this scenario (word limit: 350 words) 5
c) Discuss how you would avoid similar issues in the future (word limit: 350 words) 5


To answer this question, refer to the following paper:

Jindel R, Joseph J, Morries M, Santella R and Baines L. Noncompliance after kidney transplantation: A systematic review. Transplantation Proceedings, 2003; 35: 2868-2872 (IN ATTACHMENT you can find the paper in question 2 resource file )

Please answer the following question Marks (15)
Based on this paper, write a conference abstract for submission to the Transplantation Society of Australia and New Zealand Annual Society Meeting (TSANZ ASM).
The TSANZ guidelines for abstract format are as follows:

Font: Times New Roman, 10 point, single spacing.
Title: Include the title in your abstract.
Authors: do NOT include authors on your abstract. Author details are only to be entered into the appropriate section of the online submission form. Abstract: the abstract should comprise a SINGLE PARAGRAPH with the following sectional headings in bold: Aims, Methods, Results and Conclusions.
Word count: the abstract should not exceed 250 words (excludes title, table, graph or figure).
Graphs/figures: A maximum of one table, graph OR figure can be included per abstract. Ensure graphs and figures can be read and understood in black and white. They will not be printed in colour in the abstract book.

Your abstract must adhere to:

The formatting guidelines of the TSANZ ASM.
The relevant reporting guidelines for this type of study.
The principles of medical writing style


This question requires you to download and read 3 resources provided in ATTACHMENT (the paper in question 3 resource file ). These documents are (i) the original submission of a manuscript to a journal (ii) the comments of one reviewer in assessment of the manuscript, and (iii) the resubmitted manuscript, amended by the authors in response to the reviewer’s comments (and also amended in response to additional comments from a second reviewer – you have not been provided with these second reviewer’s comments).

These are real documents relating to a paper that was subsequently published. The 3 documents you have been provided with have been censored to obscure the identity of the authors. Although there is no doubt you could still, with effort, identify the final publication that the 3 documents pertain to, doing so will likely be obvious to your assessor and will not improve your grade.

Please answer the following questions Marks (25)
a) Name the appropriate reporting guideline for this study design and describe how well the amended manuscript adheres (or not) to this guideline (word limit = 500 words) 6
b) Suggest a title and 4 keywords for the manuscript 4
c) Draft a formal response letter to the journal, imagining you were responding to the reviewer’s comments and resubmitting the amended version of the manuscript.
To do this you will need to use the reviewer’s comments along with the original and amended versions of the manuscript to see the changes that were made.

Note: some of the changes that were made in the amended manuscript relate to reviewers comments which you have not seen. In your letter, respond only to the concerns of the reviewer that you have been provided with, and refer to changes that relate to those comments.



Figure 1 below is taken from a study of the association between nut consumption and risk of mortality. The original paper from which this figure was taken can be found here:

Guasch-Ferré M et al. Frequency of nut consumption and mortality risk in the PREDIMED nutrition intervention trial. BMC Medicine, 2013; 11:164

Participants in this study were randomised to one of 3 dietary interventions:

Dietary intervention A: Mediterranean diet enriched with extra-virgin olive oil
Dietary intervention B: Mediterranean diet supplemented with mixed nuts
Control diet: Advice on a low fat diet.
Participants filled out a food frequency questionnaire at baseline. On the basis of this food frequency questionnaire, participants in all arms of the trial were categorised according to their level of nut consumption. Nut consumption categories were: never/rarely, 1-3 servings per week, and >3 servings per week.

Figure 1 shows the adjusted hazard ratios for all cause mortality by frequency of self-reported nut consumption at baseline and dietary intervention group.

Please answer the following questions Marks (10)
a) Identify and explain 4 problems with this figure
[tip, think about overall design, the type of data, the validity of the data presentation, and ease of interpretation]

b) Redraw this figure, addressing the problems you identified in (a), and any other that you can see, using the data provided in the table below. 6

Figure 1: Adjusted hazard ratios for total mortality by frequency of nut consumption and intervention group

Table 1: Data to complete question 4, part (b)

Frequency of nut consumption Adjusted hazard ratios (95% confidence interval)
Control group Dietary intervention A Dietary intervention B
Rarely/never 1.0 (ref) 1.0 (ref) 1.0 (ref)
1-3 servings perweek 1.04 (95% CI 0.64 to 1.69) 0.79 (95% CI 0.50 to 1.24) 0.38 (95% CI 0.23 to 0.63)
>3 servings per week 0.84 (95% CI 0.48 to 1.44) 0.63 (95% CI 0.36 to 1.1) 0.37 (95% CI 0.22 to 0.66)


"Looking for a Similar Assignment? Get Expert Help at an Amazing Discount!"

Is Sybil making the utility maximization choice? If yes, WHY? If not, WHY not? What should she do instead? Explain why she should do what you suggest?

Writer’s choice
Assignment Requirements

the numbers from the answer key will result in partial even zero grade. Assignment will be graded

based on the degree of completion and inputs/efforts shown in your work.

Problem 1. (3×7 = 21 points)

Are the following statements about indifference curves (ICs) correct or incorrect?

If you answer is incorrect, give your suggestion(s) to correct the statement.

(a) IC shows all combinations of goods that give a consumer the same level of utility.

(b) The slope of IC shows that change in utility from an additional unit of good.

(c) Along an IC, the ratio of marginal utility is constant.

(d) The slope of IC is the rate at which the consumer is able to exchange one good in the


(e) IC shows that, as a consumer has more of a good, he/she is less willing to exchange it for

one unit of another good.

(f) IC shifts out if income increases.

(g) The slope of IC is equal to the price ratio at all points.

Problem 2. (6 points)

If marginal rate of substitution (MRS) of X for Y is 2, the price of X is $3 and the price of Y is $1, a

utility maximization consumer should (choose one or more of the following that are correct):

(a) be indifferent between one unit of X and two units of Y.

(b) prefer three units of Y to one unit of X.

(c) choose less X and more Y.

(d) choose more X and less Y.

Explain why you make your choice and show your work.

Decision-Making in Agribusiness: Quantitative Applications (AGSC5300) Lan Li

Tennessee State University


Problem 3. (2+3+3=8 points)

Sybil has a limited income and consumes only sausage and cheese. Her current consumption is 4

pounds of sausage and 10 pounds of cheese. The price of sausage is $10 per pound, and the price of

cheese is $4 per pound. The last pound of sausage added 50 units to Sybil’s utility, while the last

pound of cheese added 40 units to her utility.

Is Sybil making the utility maximization choice? If yes, WHY? If not, WHY not? What should she

do instead? Explain why she should do what you suggest?

Problem 4. (4×4 = 16 points)

In terms of optimization and the consumer theory that we have covered, EXPLAIN the meaning of

the following statements.

(a) “I think you get more for your money from Nike shoes than from Reebok shoes.”

(b) “I wanted to buy a Mercedes-Benz rather than a Toyota-Corolla, but it just wasn’t worth it.”

(c) “I’d like to go to Mexico over spring break, but I just can’t afford it,” said Edith.

Cora then asked, “Don’t you have enough money in your bank account to go?”

Edith replied, “Yeah, but I can’t afford to go.”

(d) “I will have to flip a coin to decide whether to buy chocolate or vanilla ice cream.”

Problem 5. (25 points)

Please refer to the following graph to answer the questions. Suppose the graph illustrates Mary’s

utility maximization (U-Max) problem. There are two goods, X and Y. The price of Y is $10.




0 300




U 2



20 U3


Units of good X

Units of good Y


Decision-Making in Agribusiness: Quantitative Applications (AGSC5300) Lan Li

Tennessee State University


(a) (2) What is Mary’s income/budget in $10?

(b) (1) What could have caused Mary’s budget line to rotate from left to right?

(c) (5) What are the prices of X? (X has more than one price values in this graph.)

(d) (6) What are MRSs of X for Y at points A, B, and C, respectively?

(e) (5) If the price of X is $5, what combination of X and Y will Mary choose optimally?

(f) (6) List three points on Mary’s individual demand curve for X. (Note: A point on a demand

curve is a combination of price and quantity demanded).

Problem 6. (18 points)

The following graph illustrates Isobel’s U-Max problem. Use it to answer the questions. The price

for X is $20 and the price for Y is $40.

(a) (3) To achieve the utility level at U1, what is Isobel’s budget?

(3) To achieve the utility level at U2, what is Isobel’s budget?

(b) (3) How many units of X and Y are, if A is Isobel’s U-Max optimal choice?

(3) How many units of X and Y are, if B is Isobel’s U-Max optimal choice?

(c) (3+3) What are MRSs of X for Y at points A and B, respectively?












Units of good X

Units of good Y

Decision-Making in Agribusiness: Quantitative Applications (AGSC5300) Lan Li

Tennessee State University


Problem 7. (32 points)

Assume Violet’s preference is represented by the following utility function:

U =U(X,Y ) = 20X − X2 +80Y −Y 2

The budget for Violet is M=$80. The price for X is $1, and the price of Y is $2.

(a) (2) What is Violet’s budget constraint?

(2) In addition, present the budget constraint in the format of Y as a function of X.

(2) What is the intercept and what is the slope of the budget line?

(b) (2) The First Step: State Violet’s U-Max problem in the mathematical format.

(3) What is the objective function? What is the constraint? What are the choice variables?

(2) State Violet’s U-Max problem in the Lagrangian functional form.

(c) (3) The Second Step: Derive the F.O.Cs for Violet’s U-Max problem.

(d) (3) The Third Step: Solve for the optimal consumption bundle (X*, Y*) that maximizes

Violet’s utility.

(e) (5) Derive and present marginal utility of X (MUX) and marginal utility of Y (MUY) for

Violet, respectively. Derive the marginal rate of substitution (MRS) of X for Y.

(f) (3+3) What is the Tangent condition for U-Max problem? Explain in words and in math


(2) From the Tangent condition, write Y as a function of X.

Decision-Making in Agribusiness: Quantitative Applications (AGSC5300) Lan Li

Tennessee State University


Problem 8. (14 points)

A consumer has the indifference map shown below. The market price of X is $24 and the price of Y

is $8, respectively. The consumer has $120 to spend on good X and Y.

(a) (2) Construct the consumer’s budget line and find the utility-maximizing consumption

bundle. Label this bundle “E.” Bundle E is composed of ______units of X and ______

units of Y.

(b) (3) For bundle E, the marginal rate of substitution is, in absolute value, _______ (greater

than, less than, equal to) the slope of the budget line. The ratio MU/P for good X is

_______ (greater than, less than, equal to) the ratio MU/P for good Y.

(c) (2) Bundle E _________ (is, is not) a corner solution.

Now suppose the consumer’s income and the price of Y remain the same, but the price of X

decreases to $8.

(d) (2) Construct the new budget line and find the new utility-maximizing consumption bundle.

Label this bundle “N.” Bundle N is composed of _____ units of X and _____ units of Y.

(e) (3) For bundle N, the marginal rate of substitution is _________ (greater than, less than,

equal to) the slope of the budget line (in absolute value). The ratio MU/P for good X is

________(greater than, less than, equal to) the ratio MU/P for good Y.

(f) (2) Bundle N _________ (is, is not) a corner solution.

Decision-Making in Agribusiness: Quantitative Applications (AGSC5300) Lan Li

Tennessee State University


Problem 9. (10 points)

The following figure shows a portion of Lavinia’ indifference map and budget lines. The price of

good Y is $17 and Lavinia’ budget is $7,650. Let Lavinia begin in U-Max point A on the indifferent

curve II. Next, the price of good X changes so that Lavinia moves to a new U-Max point B on

indifference curve I. Use the graph to approximate the quantities.

(a) At pint A, what are the price and consumption quantity of good X?

At point B, what are the price and consumption quantity of good X?

(b) The substitution effect of the change in the price X has caused ______(an increase or a

decrease) in consumption of X by ______ units.

The income effect of the change in the price of X has caused _______(an increase or a

decrease) in consumption of X by ______ units.

The total effect of the change in the price of X on the consumption of X is_______(an

increase or a decrease) by ______ units.

(c) Is good X a normal or an inferior good? Why?

(d) What is the Law of Demand? Explain why the Law of Demand holds in terms of income

and substitution effect of a price change on quantity demanded.



Quantity of good Y

Quantity of good X


300 400 500 600 700 800


0 100











Problem 1. (10 points)

(1) Construct a general demand function for tea or tomatoes or a bioenergy crop. Pick one, if

you have more time, do the exercise for two or all.

(2) Find a product (a good or service) that you are keen or just feel fun to estimate its demand.

Then next construct a general demand function for this product.

List a set of factors (or variables) that you consider to be important factors that affect quantity

demanded for this product. You can either use f(…) as a general functional form, or choose some

specific functional form.

Suggestions: Have a little fun with this. It is just a small exercise for the mind, not a serious project.

• I encourage you use your imagination to select the product. The set of variables in

textbook/lecture are fundamental. Variables may change depending on the product, and you

may find some interesting factors just for the product you analyse.

• A note on personal preferences: We can use personal experience/preference to think about

what factors may influence the demand for a product. At the same time, take care that you

are estimating the demand function at the aggregate or market level, and therefore do NOT

let personal or idiosyncratic preference interfere with what factors you pick. Step back,

observe the overall or the general or the average.

• You do not need to pick ALL the factors that may affect demand, focus on important

factors, although I encourage you to think as creatively, broadly, and deeply as you like. In

practice, we generally pick out important factors because we cannot model with too many

variables, infeasible to collect the data and/or statistically inefficient. This may not be a

problem if you have big data.

Problem 2. (72/2 points)

The general demand function for product A is


Qd =160 −12P + 0.01M −10PB + 8PC +12T + 2Pe + 3N



Qd =quantity demanded of product A each month in units; P =price of product A in $/unit;

M = average household income in $;


PB =price of related product B in $/unit


PC =price of related

product C in $/unit; T=a consumer taste index ranging in value from 0 to 10 (the higher the value,

Decision-Making in Agribusiness: Quantitative Applications (AGSC5300) Lan Li

Tennessee State University


the more consumers like product A);


Pe = the price that consumers expect to pay next month for

product A in $/unit; and N = the number of buyers in the market for product A.

(a) (3 points) Interpret the intercept parameter in the general demand function.

(b) (3 points) Interpret the coefficient (or called slope parameter) for P. Does it have the

correct algebraic sign? Why?

(c) (3 points) Interpret the coefficient for income. Is product A a normal or inferior good?


(d) (3 points) Are products A and B, and products A and C substitutes or complements? Why?

(e) (5 points) Are the algebraic signs on the coefficients for T,


Pe , and N correct? Follow your

answer “yes” or “no” to the sign of each coefficient, explain why?

(f) (5 points) Derive the (direct) demand function for product A, when


PB = $20,


PC = $40,


M = $40,000,


T = 8,


Pe = $2, and


N =1,000.

(g) (2+2+3 points) Interpret the intercept and slope parameters of the demand function

derived in part (f). How many units of product A are demeaned when its price is $100/unit

according to the demand function in part (f).

(h) (5 points) Derive the inverse demand function from the demand function in in part (f).

(i) (6 points)) Sketch a demand curve based on the inverse demand function derived from part

(h). Where does the demand curve intersect the price axis, and where does it intersect the

quantity-demanded axis?

(Hint: It is easier to draw the graph if you scale the axis measurements. For example, you

may let one unit on the quantity-demanded axis represent 500 units of product A.)

(j) (6 points)) The demand curve in part (i) passes through the point P=$265/unit and



=600. Give two interpretations of this point on the demand curve. (Note: One

interpretation is from the angle of quantity and the other is from the point of price.)

(k) (6 points) Using the graph in part (i), explain the difference between a movement along

demand curve and a shift in demand curve.

(l) (10 points) What happens to demand for product A when the following changes occur?

(increases or decreases?) If a shift in the demand curve for product A occurs as a result of

the change, in which direction does the demand curve shift?

i). The price of product A rises?

ii). Income increases?

iii). The price of product B increases?

iv). The number of consumers increases due to a seasonal demand peak for product A?

v). A number of retail stores advertised product A in their store flyers?

(m) (10 points) The price of product C decreases from $40/unit to $10/unit, all else constant.

Calculate the (direct) demand function when


PC = $10, while values of other variables are

the same as specified in part (f). Does the demand curve shift to the right or left, and by

how many units? Illustrate with a graph.

Decision-Making in Agribusiness: Quantitative Applications (AGSC5300) Lan Li

Tennessee State University


Problem 3. (5X5=25/2 points)

Construct a graph showing equilibrium in the market for movie tickets. Label both axes and denote

the initial equilibrium price and quantity as


P0 and


Q0 . Draw one graph for each of the following

events. In your graph, include the initial demand and supply and equilibrium, and draw an

appropriate new supply and demand curve for movies, and predict the impact of the event on the

market price of movie ticket and the number of tickets sold in the new equilibrium situation.

(a) Movie theatres double the price of soft drinks and popcorn.

(b) A national video rental chain cuts its rental rate by 25 percent.

(c) Cable television begins offering pay-per-view movies.

(d) The screenwriters end a 10-month strike.

(e) Kodak reduces the price it charges Hollywood producers for motion picture film.

Problem 4. (5X6 = 30/2 points)

Florida Citrus Mutual, an agricultural cooperative association for citrus growers in Florida, needs to

predict what will happen to the price and output of Florida oranges under the conditions below.

What are your predictions? Sketch separate graph for each question showing the appropriate

demand and supply analysis.

(a) A major freeze destroys a large number of the orange trees in Florida.

(b) Two new companies producing orange juices began to operate.

(c) The scientists in the agricultural extension service of the University of Florida discover a way

to double the number of oranges produced by each orange tree.

(d) The American Medical Association announces that drinking orange juice can reduce the risk

of heart attack.

(e) The price of Florida grapefruit falls.

(f) The price of Californian oranges increases.

Decision-Making in Agribusiness: Quantitative Applications (AGSC5300) Lan Li

Tennessee State University


Problem 5. (63/2 points)

Consider the following demand and supply functions for tomatoes:

Demand function:


Qd = 60 − 40P;

Supply function:


Qs = −10 +100P;

where P is the market price for tomatoes in $/pound; Quantity demanded and supplied are

measured in 1000 pounds per unit (e.g., one unit of


Qd or


Qs corresponds to 1000 pounds.).

(a) (8 points) Plot demand and supply functions in a demand-supply panel. Calculate the slope

coefficients for demand and supply curves, respectively.

(Note: Remember price is on the vertical axis).

(b) (8 points) The demand curve passes through the point P=$1/pound and


Qd=20 units. Give

two interpretations of this point on the demand curve.

The supply curve passes through the point P=$0.6/pound and


Qs=50 units. Give two

interpretations of this point on the supply curve.

(Note: One interpretation is from the angle of quantity and the other is from the point of


(c) (6 points) Calculate the market equilibrium (also called market clearing) price and quantity of


(d) (10 points) Calculate the producer surplus, consumer surplus, social surplus in the market

equilibrium in part (c).

(e) Suppose there is a tomato grower association in Tennessee. The association plans to begin a

regional advertising campaign in the Southeast US to promote tomatoes by informing

consumers of the nutritional benefits of tomatoes, and the benefits of eating healthy food

like fresh tomatoes and buying local.

The association expects that the advertising will make consumers want to eat more

tomatoes, and hence tomatoes growers will benefit by higher prices and more sales.

Suppose you are a consultant commissioned by the association to predict the effect of the

advertising. First, suppose you estimate that the demand will increase to



1 = 70 − 35P (We

will learn how to estimate demand later in the course). Assume that the supply is unaffected

by the advertising.

Decision-Making in Agribusiness: Quantitative Applications (AGSC5300) Lan Li

Tennessee State University


Now answer the following questions:

(5 points) First, would you agree with the association’s expectation? EXPLAIN WHY (you

may use a graph to illustrate)?

(5 points) Second, calculate the new market clearing price and quantity. Do your numbers

confirm with your answers to the first question.

(f) The advertising by the association is funded by collecting money from tomato growers. The

association demonstrates to growers the advertising will be effective and beneficial to


• First, the advertising will lead to higher price and more sales as demonstrated in part

(e). This means higher revenue (price times quantity). This does not indicate profits

(revenue minus costs).

• Second, the adverting will increase profits (or producer surplus) for tomato


(5 points) Calculate the increase in producer surplus due to the effect of the advertising.

(Hint: the difference in producer surplus between the initial and the new market


(6+4 points) Calculate the change in social surplus due to the effect of the advertising. The

association wants to make sure that the advertising is also sound to the society (consumers

and producers) as a whole. (Hint: The social surplus is the sum of consumer and producer


(g) The association reports to growers a measurement called benefit-cost ratio, which measures

the effectiveness of the advertising campaign:


Benefit – Cost Ratio =

Benefit of the advertising

Cost of the advertising .

(6 points) Calculate two benefit-cost ratios of the advertising campaign. Suppose the

advertising campaign costs $2500. One benefit-cost ratio is calculated based on the benefit

represented by changes in producer surplus due to the advertising from part (f). The other

benefit-cost ratio is calculated based on the benefit represented by changes in social surplus

due to the advertising from part (f).

You’ve just learned and practiced how to carry out program evaluation in this simple example.

This is a very representative example in agriculture industry: many commodity groups conduct

this type of evaluations. Many businesses also apply this analysis for their promotions,

investment in research and development, and various types of programs. The framework and

method are also applicable for evaluating impacts of certain programs, projects, and policies.


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Draw the pathway that converts ethanol to acetate and, then, to acetylCoA.

Skills Test Biochemical
Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements

if you refer to any of these journal articles in answering any of the Skills test questions you probably should use an appropriate referencing system.
This will include both in-text referencing and a reference section at the end of the work in question.

A common (and recommended) referencing style to use is the Harvard format – this is the format used in the examples below.

For in-text referencing include the author(s) surname followed by a comma and the year of publication in the following formats:

(Jones, 2011) – if a single author
(Little and Large, 2012) – if 2 authors
(Legion et al., 2012) – if 3 or more authors – watch the punctuation!!

For a reference section at the end of a work list the articles in alphabetical order according to first author surname. You will also need to include details of author initials, year of publication, title of paper, journal title, volume number and page numbers.

Example (again pay attention to punctuation):

Aardvark, Q. A., Echidna, B. F. and Pangolin, Z. U. (2012) The nutritional benefits to eating ants. Journal of Insectivores 333, 21-45.

Abbott, A.J., Rudd, K.M. and Gillard, J. E. (2013) The Australian political landscape: apocalypse now. Political Irrelevancies 90, 623-685.


Ethanol can be a significant source of energy for people who consume large quantities ofalcoholic beverages.

NOTE: Reference material (journal articles) on the subject of Alcohol Metabolism is provided in the Bb Learning Resources section to help you answer Question3.

Complete the table below showing the energy density of carbohydrates, ethanol, fat and proteins ina rank order of highest to lowest
Show energy density of the nutrients as kJ/g and kcal/g (caloric value ) in rankorder

Nutrient (in rankorder)

kJ/g kcal/g


The pathway of ethanol metabolism converts ethanol to acetate, which can then be used togenerate acetyl CoA and enter into the tricarboxylic acid cycle or be utilised for fatty acidsynthesis.

Draw the pathway that converts ethanol to acetate and, then, to acetylCoA.
Show each step in the pathway, include all the names of theintermediates
Include the names of the enzymes responsible for eachstep
Include details of coenzymes/cosubstrates that may be used in thesereactions.
Note the cellular localisation of the steps in thepathway.

Name two (2) additional enzymes or enzyme systems that can convert ethanol toacetaldehyde.


Ethylene glycol (EG) is a well-characterised metabolic poison that causes considerable harm to humans and animals and can lead to fatalities. EG interferes with mammalian alcoholmetabolism.

Briefly describe how alcohol dehydrogenase participates in EG toxicity, include the names of the toxic products that are formed and, generally, how the accumulation of these toxic products can lead to life-threateningsituations.
Including a diagram/figure could behelpful.

Imagine you are medical professional working in the Accident & Emergency department in a major hospital. Briefly describe the treatment options and how you would treat a patient that presents with EGpoisoning?

EG acts as an enzyme inhibitor; that is a molecule that binds to an enzyme (in this case ADH) and affects its normal mechanism of action and its normal activity. Which type of reversible enzyme inhibition is utilized in the effective treatment of EGpoisoning?


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Identify the processes and barriers to policy change

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements

Incorporating Evidence-based Practice Paper

Once a nurse decides that the evidence is strong enough to support a change in practice, there must be a process in place to disseminate this evidence throughout the institution, facilitate discussion about the evidence, and initiate a change in policy.
This assignment challenges you to assess the resources and processes already in place at your place of work, determine who would need to be involved in discussions about the evidence and subsequent policy changes, and the steps you would take to establish processes or initiate change.

Assignment Objectives

The students will
1. Identify the processes and barriers to policy change

2. Demonstrate critical thinking skills in determining the feasibility and the steps required to facilitate change in policy in nursing practice

3. Demonstrate critical thinking skills in determining a plan to establish a culture of evidence-based nursing practice

Assignment Guidelines

Write a 4 TO 5 page paper using the following outline:

1. Introduction of the policy (either the policy you investigated for the Review of Literature or another policy that you have determined needs changing)

2. Sources, resources, and processes already in place to assist in facilitating evidence-based policy changes.

3. Challenges or barriers you would find in making these changes.

4. Steps you would take to initiate a change in policy.

5. Steps you would take to establish a culture of evidence-based practice.

6. Conclusion

7. References

Guide to writing the paper
Find out where the problem is. What are you going to do about it? What are planning to change? Why? Are you going to establish new polices? Why do you want to change the current practices? This is a hypothetical change. What can you make better?
Do you have resources to do that? Do you have a special committee?
What are the barriers?
What steps are you going to initiate to make this change?
You need to establish evidence-based practice. What are the steps to change the practices? What are you going to do?
Design a protocol and plan it.
Make sure to write conclusion, summary.
5 articles
4-5 pages
The goal is to improve quality of care.
Look at systematic review on the topic. Plan implementation. What factors will make your plan successful, what factors will make it less successful. Stay away from weak evidence. Change has to be feasible and applicable to your population. What will facilitate the change? Work environment, right setting, and right mindset of the coworkers. You need to have a good plan. Involve all stake holders (PTs, nutritionists, etc.)
Do you have resources in place?


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Complete the “Health History and Screening of an Adolescent or Young Adult Client” worksheet.

Benchmark Assignment – Health Screening and History of an Adolescent or Young Adult Client

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements

In this assignment, you will be completing a comprehensive health screening and history on a young adult. To complete this assignment, do the following:


Select an adolescent or young adult client on whom to perform a health screening and history. Students who do not work in an acute setting may “practice” these skills with a patient, community member, neighbor, friend, colleague, or loved one.


Complete the “Health History and Screening of an Adolescent or Young Adult Client” worksheet.


Format the write-up in a manner that is easily read, computer-generated, neat, and without spelling errors.


Complete the assignment as outlined on the worksheet, including:

1.Biographical Data

2.Past Health History

3.Family History: Obstetrics History (if applicable) and Well Young Adult Behavioral Health History Screening

4.Review of Systems

5.Include all components of the health history

6.Use correct acronyms or abbreviations when indicated

7.Develop three Nursing Diagnoses for this client based on the health history and screening. Include: one actual nursing diagnosis, one wellness nursing diagnosis, one “Risk For” nursing diagnosis, and your rationale for the choice of each nursing diagnosis for this client.

8.Using the three nursing diagnoses you have identified, develop a wellness plan for the adolescent/young adult client


Health History and Screening of an Adolescent or Young Adult Client


Save this form on your computer as a Microsoft Word document. You can expand or shrink each area as you need to include the relevant data for your client.

Student Name: Date:
Biographical Data
Patient/Client Initials: Phone No:
Birth Date: Age: Sex:
Birthplace: Marital Status:
Race/Ethnic Origin:
Occupation: Employer:
Financial Status: (Income adequate for lifestyle and/or health concerns. Is there a source of health insurance? Employment disability?) 


Source and Reliability of Informant: 


Past Use of Health Care System and Health Seeking Behaviors: 


Present Health or History of Present Illness: 


Past Health History
General Health(Patient’s own words) 


Allergies: (include food and medication allergies) 




Current Medications: 


Last Exam Date: Immunizations: 



Childhood Illnesses: 


Serious or Chronic Illnesses: 


Past Health Screening (see “Well Young Adult Behavior Health Assessment History Screening” below)
Past Accidents or Injuries: 


Past Hospitalizations: 


Past Operations: 


Family History(Specify which family member is affected.)
Alcoholism (ETOH use/abuse):
Blood Disorders:
Breast Cancer:
Cancer (Other):
Cerebral Vascular Accident (Stroke):
Heart Disease:
High Blood Pressure:
Immunological Disorders:
Kidney Disease:
Mental Illness:
Neurological Disorder:
Seizure Disorder:
Obstetric History (if applicable)
Gravida: Term: Preterm: Miscarriage/Abortions:
Course of Pregnancy (length of pregnancy, delivery date, method of delivery, length of labor, complications, baby’s weight, baby’s condition):


Well Young Adult Behavioral Health History Screening
Socio-Demographic Content and Questions: 

What organizations or activities (community, school, church, lodge, social, professional, academic, sports) are you involved in?


How would you describe your community?


Hobbies, skills, interests, recreational activities?


Military service: Yes_______ No_______

If yes, overseas assignment? Yes________ No_________


Close friends or family members who have died within past 2 years?


Number of relatives or close friends in this area?




Marital status:  Single______ Married________Divorced_________Separated_________
In serious relationship________  Length of time_________


Environmental Content and Questions: 

Do you live alone?  Yes________ No ________


When did you last move?


Describe your living situation?


Number of years of education completed?



If employed, how long?

Are you satisfied with this work situation?

Do you consider your work dangerous or risky?

Is your work stressful?


Over the past 2 years have you felt depressed or hopeless?




Biophysical Content and Questions 

Have you smoked cigarettes? Yes_______ No________


How much?

Less than ½ pack per day_____ About 1 pack per day?______ More than 1 and ½ packs per day______


Are you smoking now? Yes_______ No________ Length of time smoking? ______________


Have you ever smoked illicit drugs? Yes__________ No_________


If yes, for how long? ___________ Do you smoke these now?  Yes__________ No __________


Do you ingest illicit drugs of any kind? Yes_________ No__________

If so, what drugs do you use and what is the route of ingestion?_________

How long have you used these drugs _________________




Review of Systems(Include both past and current health problems. Comment on all present issues.)
General Health State (present weight – gain or loss, reason for gain or loss, amount of time for gain or loss; fatigue, malaise, weakness, sweats, night sweats, chills ): 


Skin (history of skin disease, pigment or color change, change in mole, excessive dryness or moisture, pruritis, excessive bruising, rash or lesion): 


Health Promotion (Sun exposure? Skin care products?):



Hair (recent loss or change in texture): 

Health Promotion (method of self-care, products used for care):


Nails (change in color, shape, brittleness): 

Health Promotion (method of self-care, products used for care):


Head (unusual headaches, frequency of headaches, head injury, dizziness, syncope or vertigo): 


Eyes (difficulty or change in vision, decreased acuity, blurring, blind spots, eye pain, diplopia, redness or swelling, watering or discharge, glaucoma or cataracts): 

Health Promotion (wears glasses or contacts and reason, last vision check, last glaucoma check, sun protection):


Ears (earaches, infections, discharge and its characteristics, tinnitus or vertigo): 


Health Promotion (hearing loss, hearing aid use, environmental noise exposure, methods for cleaning ears):


Nose and Sinuses (discharge and its characteristics, frequent or severe colds, sinus pain, nasal obstruction, nosebleeds, seasonal allergies, change in sense of smell): 

Health Promotion (methods for cleaning nose):


Mouth and Throat (mouth pain, sore throat, bleeding gums, toothache, lesions in mouth, tongue, or throat, dysphagia, hoarseness, tonsillectomy, alteration in taste): 

Health Promotion (Daily dental care – brushing, flossing. Use of prosthetics – bridges, dentures. Last dental exam/check-up.):


Neck (pain, limitation of motion, lumps or swelling, enlarged or tender lymph nodes, goiter): 


Neurologic System (history of seizure disorder, syncopal episodes, CVA, motor function or coordination disorders/abnormalities, paresthesia, mood change, depression, memory disorder, history of mental health disorders): 

Health Promotion (activities to stimulate thinking, exam related to mood changes/depression):


Endocrine System (history of diabetes or insulin resistance, history of thyroid disease, intolerance to heat or cold): 

Health Promotion (last blood glucose test and result, diet):


Breast and Axilla (pain, lump, tenderness, swelling, rash, nipple discharge, any breast surgery): 

Health Promotion (performs breast self-exam – both male and female, last mammogram and results, use of self-care products):


Respiratory System (History of lung disease, smoking, chest pain with breathing, wheezing, shortness of breath, cough – productive or nonproductive. Sputum – color and amount. Hemoptysis, toxin or pollution exposure.): 

Health Promotion (last chest x-ray, smoking cessation):


Cardiac System (history of cardiac disease, MI, atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, chest pain, angina): 

Health Promotion (last cardiac exam):


Peripheral Vascular System (coldness, numbness, tingling, swelling of legs/ankles, discoloration of hands/feet, varicose veins, intermittent claudication, thrombophlebitis or  ulcers): 

Health Promotion (avoid crossing legs, avoid sitting/standing for long lengths of time, promote wearing of support hose):


Hematologic System (bleeding tendency of skin or mucous membranes, excessive bruising, swelling of lymph nodes, blood transfusion and any reactions, exposure to toxic agents or radiation): 

Health Promotion (use of standard precautions when exposed to blood/body fluids):


Gastrointestinal System (appetite, food intolerance, dysphagia, heartburn, indigestion, pain [with eating or other], pyrosis, nausea, vomiting, history of abdominal disease, gastric ulcers, flatulence, bowel movement frequency, change in stool [color, consistency], diarrhea, constipation, hemorrhoids, rectal bleeding): 

Health Promotion (nutrition – quality/quantity of diet; use of antacids/laxatives):


Musculoskeletal System (history of arthritis, joint pain, stiffness, swelling, deformity, limitation of motion, pain, cramps or weakness): 

Health Promotion (mobility aids used, exercises, walking, effect of limited range of motion):


Urinary System (recent change, frequency, urgency, nocturia, dysuria, polyuria, oliguria, hesitancy or straining, urine color, narrowed stream, incontinence; history of urinary disease; pain in flank, groin, suprapubic region or low back): 

Health Promotion (methods used to prevent urinary tract infections, use of feminine hygiene products, Kegel exercises):


Male Genital System (penis or testicular pain, sores or lesions, penile discharge, lumps, hernia): 

Health Promotion (performs testicular self-exam):


Female Genital System (menstrual history, age of first menses, last menstrual cycle, frequency of cycles, premenstrual pain, vaginal itching, discharge, premenopausal symptoms, age at menopause, postmenopausal bleeding): 

Health Promotion (last gynecological checkup, pap-smear and results, use of feminine hygiene products):


Sexual Health (presently involved in relationship involving intercourse or other sexual activity, aspects of sex satisfactory, use of contraceptive, is relationship monogamous, history of STD): 

Health Promotion (safe-sex practices):


Nursing Diagnoses:


Based on this health history and health screening, identify three nursing diagnoses that would be applicable for this client as well as your rationale for your selection of each nursing diagnosis. Include:




One “actual” nursing diagnosis with rationale for choice of this diagnosis.



One wellness nursing diagnosis with rationale for choice of this diagnosis.



One “risk for” nursing diagnosis based on the health screening with rationale for choice of this diagnosis.


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Summarize how a nurse would handle physical assessments, examinations, education, and communication differently with children versus adults. Consider spirituality and cultural differences in your answer.

Assignment Assessment of the Child: Functional Health Pattern Analysis Worksheet

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements

In this assignment, you will be exploring actual and potential health problems in the childhood years using a functional health assessment and Erickson’s Stages of Child Development. To complete this assignment, do the following:

1.Using the textbook, complete the “Children’s Functional Health Pattern Assessment.” Follow the instructions in the resource for completing the assignment.

2.Cite and reference any outside sources used in your answers. Include in your assessment a thorough discussion of Erickson’s Stages of Child Development as it pertains to the development age of the child.



Children’s Functional Health Pattern Assessment

Functional Health Pattern Assessment (FHP)  ToddlerErickson’s Developmental Stage:


Preschool-AgedErickson’s Developmental Stage:


School-AgedErickson’s Developmental Stage:


Pattern of Health Perception and Health Management: 

List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group.



List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group.









Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern: 

List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group.



List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group.









Pattern of Elimination: 

List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group.




List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group.









Pattern of Activity and Exercise: 

List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group.




List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group.









Cognitive/Perceptual Pattern: 

List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group.




List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group.









Pattern of Sleep and Rest: 

List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group.





List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group.









Pattern of Self-Perception and Self-Concept: 

List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group.



List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group.









Role-Relationship Pattern: 

List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group.



List 2 potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group.













Sexuality – Reproductive Pattern: 

List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group.


List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group.







Pattern of Coping and Stress Tolerance:List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group.


List wo potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group.







Pattern of Value and Beliefs: 

List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group.



List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group.










Short Answer Questions


Address the following based on the above assessment findings. Expected answers will be 1-2 paragraphs in length. Cite and reference outside sources used.


  • Compare and contrast identified similarities as well as differences in expected assessment across the childhood age groups.







  • Summarize how a nurse would handle physical assessments, examinations, education, and communication differently with children versus adults. Consider spirituality and cultural differences in your answer.

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