what steps must you take to meet the requirements of clinical

Question Description

2. For the following scenario (In quote marks), formulate at least eight questions that will help you understand what has happened. Look at your questions and see whether you have made any assumptions.

You walk into your patient’s room and find the patient on the floor.

This scenario is incomplete, which you will find to be true for most nursing situations where you will need to make decisions. Each decision you make will require you to gather as many of the facts as you can and to gather facts, you must be able to to as questions.

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3. You wake up the morning of clinical to find that your 3 year old child has a fever of 102.3 F and is complaining of a “hurt in my throat”.

a. What is your top priority?

b. what conflicts are you facing?

c. what steps must you take to meet the requirements of clinical

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