What is the percentage of veterans who retire or separate from the service who attend a Department of Labor Employment workshop with less than 90 days remaining on their service contract (excluding use-or-lose/terminal leave and house/job hunting time-off)?

Research Methods in Education

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Each Assignment must include 4 in-text references. Do not use same references for each assignment.

Assignment #1

Personal Background:
I am a retired veteran of the USAF (served 23 years). I currently work as a Federal Contractor overseeing Transition Assistance Operations for the state of California. I?m passionate about supporting transitioning veterans who are separating and retiring from the military and I?m privileged to serve them as the Director of Operations for the world?s largest regional transition assistance program. My company is The AFX Group LLC. I take great pride in knowing that every month we provide veterans over 70 Department of Labor Employment Workshops across the state of California on behalf of our Federal Partners, the Department of Labor, the Department of Defense, and the Department of Veterans Affairs.


Module 2 Case Paper 4 Pages (Requesting 4 to meet Times New Roman Font Requirement)

Discuss the following items:

1. Develop four (4) research questions that reflect education and/or training topics of interest to you. Three (3) of these questions must be quantitative research questions, and one (1) qualitative research question.

Your quantitative research questions must each represent one of the following: descriptive research question, relational research question, and causal research


The following questions are provided for development:

Quantitative Questions
Type: Causal

What is the effect on promotion success for enlisted members of the armed forces in regard to the following considerations:
– The socio-economic status of the service member upon entry into the armed forces
– The parental support provided to the service member while at living at home
– The type of school system attended prior to entry into the armed forces, i.e. private, public, advanced placement etc.


What is the percentage of veterans who retire or separate from the service who attend a Department of Labor Employment workshop with less than 90 days remaining on their service contract (excluding use-or-lose/terminal leave and house/job hunting time-off)?


What is the effect on ?resume-to-interview? timelines of veterans who?
– Write their own resume
– Let a local transition assistance program counselor write it for them
– Pay for a Certified Professional Resume Writer?s services

Qualitative Question

What do post 9/11 separating or retiring service members consider to be their greatest employment challenge as they transition into civilian life?

2. Identify attributes or variables included in each research question. Be sure to designate the type of variable identified, for example: independent variable (IV), dependent variable (DV), and/or covariate (CoV).

3. Describe the type of data that will be measured for each variable. Please designate whether the data is categorical (I.e., nominal or ordinal data) or continuous (I.e., interval or ratio data).

4. Please provide justification for your conclusions. For example, if you identify an attribute as an IV, explain how you determined this to be so.

NOTE. Remember, quantitative data is represented by numbers, and qualitative data is represented by text or image.

To receive maximum credit, you must demonstrate understanding of context and purpose of the assignment by bringing all required elements (described above) to the discussion, and meeting additional expectations (described below).

Include at least four in-text references. Feel free to do additional research as necessary.

As Master’s level students, it is expected that you develop strong skills for reviewing literature.

The Bibliography and overall paper must be formatted properly in APA format and style.

HINT: To ensure a well-organized paper, begin your discussion with an introduction (including purpose statement), and then include a section for each assignment task. Be sure to include appropriate headings for each section. Also, include a conclusion.

Assignment 2

Session Long Project (SLP)

Write a 4-page narrative essay in which you discuss strengths and weaknesses of various types of research questions. Please include discussion of the following items:

? Compare and contrast the three primary types of research questions most often used in quantitative research (I.e., descriptive, relational, and causal)

? Describe best practices or tips for composing strong qualitative research questions


Be sure to include an introductory paragraph within your essay that states the purpose of the Module 2 SLP assignment and inform the reader of the ideas to be discussed.

Follow the APA format and style requirements, and include an APA formatted reference list.

Assignment 3

Case Assignment

Read assigned readings, then complete a 4 page Literature Review (not including the cover sheet and bibliography) related to your selected research question.

Please include the following items:

1. Select one of your quantitative research questions developed in Module 2 and use it here in Module 3 to guide your Literature Review.
Quantitative question from Module 2 selected for the Literature Review.


What is the percentage of veterans who retire or separate from the service who attend a Department of Labor Employment workshop with less than 90 days remaining on their service contract (excluding use-or-lose/terminal leave and house/job hunting time-off)?

Note: The study would present that adequate preparation for this major transition is needed and less than 90 days is not adequate and could be a contributing factor to a higher unemployment rate of veterans.

2. Peruse the literature; select 4 or 5 articles that relate to your research question; and read with a purpose to identify gaps in information or ambiguities that help to clarify and justify your research question.

3. Based on your review of the literature, discuss the following items in your Case assignment paper:

? Show why your research question (in original format or revised) needs to be answered (for example, does it address controversies or debates, or fill a gap, found in the literature?)

? Describe the theories that support your research question (for example, are there any theoretical models that need to be tested empirically as suggested by your research question?)

? Identify the best methodology to conduct a study to answer your research question (please explain your response).

? Describe how answering your research question (with completion of prospective study) would add to the research already completed.

To receive maximum credit, you must demonstrate understanding of context and purpose of the assignment by bringing all required elements (described above) to the discussion, and meeting additional expectations (described below).
Include at least three in-text references, preferably including one which is other than those provided in the assigned readings. Feel free to do additional research as necessary.

As Master’s level students, it is expected that you develop strong skills for reviewing literature.
The Bibliography and overall paper must be formatted properly in APA format and style.

HINT: To ensure a well-organized paper, begin your discussion with an introduction (including purpose statement), and then include a section for each assignment task. Be sure to include appropriate headings for each section. Also, include a conclusion.

Assigned Readings for Background

? Funk, T. (2009). Identification of academic and social expectation anxieties and self-efficacy issues experienced by non-traditional students and examination of their effects on academic success. Ph.D. dissertation. TUI University, CA. August 22, 2013 Retrieved from ProQuest

? Hill, J. (2005, March).* Introduction to descriptive statistics. Retrieved August 22, 2013from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign website: http://www.mste.uiuc.edu/hill/dstat/dstat.html

? Johnson, R. B., & Christensen, L. (n/s). Problem Identification and Hypothesis Formation. University of South Alabama. Retrieved August 22, 2013 from http://www.southalabama.edu/coe/bset/johnson/lectures/lec3.htm

? Stockburger, D. W. (2006). Statistics. Retrieved August 22, 2013 from Missouri State University website: http://www.psychstat.missouristate.edu/introbook/sbk13.htm

? Wallin, A. M. (2006). Cross-cultural interview studies using interpreters: systematic literature review. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 55(6), pp723-735. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2006.03963.x. Retrieved July 2012 from EBSCO.

Assignment 4

Session Long Project (SLP)

Write a 4-page narrative essay in which you address the following items:

? Compare and contrast the role of literature review in quantitative studies vs qualitative studies; identify the type of research in which literature review plays a bigger role and describe why this is so.


Be sure to include an introductory paragraph within your essay that states the purpose of the Module 3 SLP assignment and inform the reader of the ideas to be discussed.

Follow the APA format and style requirements, and include an APA formatted reference list.


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