scholarly to popular translation and a reflective paper 1

  1. Locate and identify a scholarly article that is related to your field. The article must be a peer-reviewed scholarly source.
  2. Translate the scholarly source for a public audience. I recommend selecting a model such as “The New York Times” or “TIME” magazine or “The Washington Post” but there are many others you could use as your model.
  3. Your translation will be approximately the same length as the model (so if your scholarly source is 30 pages, your popular source model may only be 2-3 pages). You will write for a popular audience (i.e. if your scholarly source is filled with technical scientific data, you will need to “translate” this for an average reader…one who is outside of your field) and write with the purpose to educate AND entertain (in most cases, though this may vary).
  4. Cite your work, but format your translation per your model.
  5. Be prepared to share your reflection on what changes you made, and why, in a brief writing assignment. No need to share your explanation for the changes you made in the Scholarly to Popular Translation essay. This will be a separate writing assignment.
  6. Your finished product will look like an article in a magazine or newspaper that you’ve selected as your model. Have fun with this and focus on your audience, your use of rhetoric and the intended purpose.

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