research and write a 2 page paper which should include:  A description of what medicine and health care consisted of in the decade the constitution was written 1780’s-1790’s. An argument to include health care as a right to all citizens in these important documents; and a description of how you’d be perceived?  

The Constitution & Health Care (20 points possible). For this assignment I want you to research and write a 2 page paper which should include:  A description of what medicine and health care consisted of in the decade the constitution was written 1780’s-1790’s. An argument to include health care as a right to all citizens in these important documents; and a description of how you’d be perceived?

For this assignment I want you to conduct a little research and write a 2 page paper which should include the following:

  • A description of what medicine and health care consisted of in the decade the constitution was written 1770’s-1780’s.
  • If you were a contributor to writing the constitution during this time what would be your argument to include health care as a right to all citizens in these important documents?
  • If you were a contributor to writing the constitution during this time how do you think you’d be perceived?  More specifically, would you be considered a responsible and ethical individual or something else?

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